Eventually they'll run into the wrong guy like my buddy's friends did 15 yrs ago in Rome NY. Some old bastard left his hose running into the street all day long so one night they walked on his property and cut it. The old Veteran came out with a shotgun and blew them all away then shot the neighbor across the street.
Hooray! Serves 'em right.

Reminds me of that time when Michael Peter Fay, then an 18-yr old American in Singapore with too much time on his hands, spray painted several cars in a parking lot and got caught. Sonofabitch was fined about $2,300 and had his bare bottom whupped with 6 strokes of the cane. The pain healed, Fay later said, but the embarrassment of being "spanked" this way made him grow up pretty quickly. Ah, the sweet days of corporal punishment.... American kids are too spoiled nowadays.