Are there really in here that think 9/11 was a conspiracy? If so please make you way off the 30 ft cliff . . .Thanks
Are there really in here that think 9/11 was a conspiracy? If so please make you way off the 30 ft cliff . . .Thanks
What questions? I would love to see this check list of nonsense you came up with.
Feel free to jump in any time.....or did you realize how stupid you made yourself look?
What questions? I would love to see this check list of nonsense you came up with.
Feel free to jump in any time.....or did you realize how stupid you made yourself look?
What questions? Two (2) planes crashed into the towers! Why would anyone sacrifice that many American lives, cripple the U. S Economy and put fear in the
Come on!
I love when these Liberals come out and try to undermine this great country!
Let me guess, your voting for your savior? Obama?
it wasnt just done for oil. It was done for alot of reasons, mostly to get total control over people by taking away lot of freedoms, like with the patriot act. No better way to control people then by making them afraid. If you think the people behind the scenes running the world wouldnt sacrfice a few thousand people to get what they want, you dont much about power obsessesd people. Read your history book about power obsessed people and what crimes they have done, in order to keep their power and control over people. Everybody thinks because we live in America, something like this could never take place. Like i said, when the govt releases a clear video of a plane hitting the pentagon, then i will say i was wrong.
What questions? Two (2) planes crashed into the towers! Why would anyone sacrifice that many American lives, cripple the U. S Economy and put fear in the
Come on!
I love when these Liberals come out and try to undermine this great country!
Let me guess, your voting for your savior? Obama?
it wasnt just done for oil. It was done for alot of reasons, mostly to get total control over people by taking away lot of freedoms, like with the patriot act. No better way to control people then by making them afraid. If you think the people behind the scenes running the world wouldnt sacrfice a few thousand people to get what they want, you dont much about power obsessesd people. Read your history book about power obsessed people and what crimes they have done, in order to keep their power and control over people. Everybody thinks because we live in America, something like this could never take place. Like i said, when the govt releases a clear video of a plane hitting the pentagon, then i will say i was wrong.
I agree....However...If NO plane hit the pentagon and no real signs of a plane crashed in PA....What do you think happened to those planes,crew and passangers ?
I agree....However...If NO plane hit the pentagon and no real signs of a plane crashed in PA....What do you think happened to those planes,crew and passangers ?
Feel free to jump in any time.....or did you realize how stupid you made yourself look?
Wow, how long were you waiting for me to respond? Sitting by your comp all weekend?
Unlike you some people have lives.
Your questions are foolish! How could the pieces of shit fly a plane into the building? You guys make me sick. LoL.
Please post more about your theories of 9/11 . . . We need some laughs LoL . . .
FYI . .
There is no Tooth Fairy . . . sorry to break the bad news.
Also, I am not trying to change your opinions. You can believe what you want. There is always some morons out there in the world, I am not going to try to change your view points.
Feel free to jump in any time.....or did you realize how stupid you made yourself look?
Wow, how long were you waiting for me to respond? Sitting by your comp all weekend?
Unlike you some people have lives.
Your questions are foolish! How could the pieces of shit fly a plane into the building? You guys make me sick. LoL.
Please post more about your theories of 9/11 . . . We need some laughs LoL . . .
FYI . .
There is no Tooth Fairy . . . sorry to break the bad news.
Also, I am not trying to change your opinions. You can believe what you want. There is always some morons out there in the world, I am not going to try to change your view points.
"in plan sight" is a hell of alot more credible as well as the 2nd part of the the zeitgeist, the part of loose change were they slow it down and say that bombs ignight when the plans hit, idk, seems kinda shady to me, but theres so much other stuff i try to pick and choose, when bringing up topics, i try to bring up the most undisputedable facts and evidance. i dont want to convence others that 9/11 was a governemt opp, but i want to hear others views, opinions, but first they need to atleast try to open there mind, i want to find someone that can throw conspiracy therorys out the window that have seen"in plan sight" and others. i want to find someone that tells me why the laws of gravity changed for one day in one city. the people that say the gov. had nothing to do with it havent looked into it. tower7 fell at free fall speeds, wasnt hit with a plan, thats all i need to know theres something we dont know, i have no proff that the US goverment did it, i do have proff that what the US government told us about 9/11 was in fact bull shit, i love this country, i risk my life when i go to work, i have friends over seas and i had one of my best friends die in this war, it's my love for this country, that makes me seek the answers to the biggest attck on american soil.
"in plan sight" is a hell of alot more credible as well as the 2nd part of the the zeitgeist, the part of loose change were they slow it down and say that bombs ignight when the plans hit, idk, seems kinda shady to me, but theres so much other stuff i try to pick and choose, when bringing up topics, i try to bring up the most undisputedable facts and evidance. i dont want to convence others that 9/11 was a governemt opp, but i want to hear others views, opinions, but first they need to atleast try to open there mind, i want to find someone that can throw conspiracy therorys out the window that have seen"in plan sight" and others. i want to find someone that tells me why the laws of gravity changed for one day in one city. the people that say the gov. had nothing to do with it havent looked into it. tower7 fell at free fall speeds, wasnt hit with a plan, thats all i need to know theres something we dont know, i have no proff that the US goverment did it, i do have proff that what the US government told us about 9/11 was in fact bull shit, i love this country, i risk my life when i go to work, i have friends over seas and i had one of my best friends die in this war, it's my love for this country, that makes me seek the answers to the biggest attck on american soil.
i brought that up as well that there were crap like that in vidoes that i called "shady" as in made up shit to prove a point. i belive in the 9/11 conspiracys, thats not a secret but i think that in videos such as loose change some, of the stuff isnt all facts because the film makers have ther own agenda, its sad but true. "in plan site" slows everything down, with the pentagon attack. i was previously bringing up the video loose change and i never should have, because theres more credible videos hell theres even award winning documentrys out there. there's about 70 reasons why what you think happend on 9/11 was bull shit, some off them might have been made up or stretched, this is one reason that people see this shit as wacky, i guess but. the pentagon stuff, disprove it, try it, a plane would have blown the cars off the road and had to skeed into it pluss there was a 12 foot hole before the hole thing collapesed. cnn said it didnt look like a plan hit it, so did the fire fighters, how the hell did a 737 fit into a 12ft hole, that and the fact that bulidings dont fall at free fall speeds due to fires, thats ALL I NEED, disprove all the other bs, and i wouldnt care tell me how a 737 fit into a 12ft hole as well, keep in mind that tower7 fell at free fall speeds and it wasnt hit by a plane, some of the ideas out there are bs but as long as some of them are true, then the governemt is hidding something
i brought that up as well that there were crap like that in vidoes that i called "shady" as in made up shit to prove a point. i belive in the 9/11 conspiracys, thats not a secret but i think that in videos such as loose change some, of the stuff isnt all facts because the film makers have ther own agenda, its sad but true. "in plan site" slows everything down, with the pentagon attack. i was previously bringing up the video loose change and i never should have, because theres more credible videos hell theres even award winning documentrys out there. there's about 70 reasons why what you think happend on 9/11 was bull shit, some off them might have been made up or stretched, this is one reason that people see this shit as wacky, i guess but. the pentagon stuff, disprove it, try it, a plane would have blown the cars off the road and had to skeed into it pluss there was a 12 foot hole before the hole thing collapesed. cnn said it didnt look like a plan hit it, so did the fire fighters, how the hell did a 737 fit into a 12ft hole, that and the fact that bulidings dont fall at free fall speeds due to fires, thats ALL I NEED, disprove all the other bs, and i wouldnt care tell me how a 737 fit into a 12ft hole as well, keep in mind that tower7 fell at free fall speeds and it wasnt hit by a plane, some of the ideas out there are bs but as long as some of them are true, then the governemt is hidding something
Claim: Two holes were visible in the Pentagon immediately after the attack: a 75-ft.-wide entry hole in the building's exterior wall, and a 16-ft.-wide hole in Ring C, the Pentagon's middle ring. Conspiracy theorists claim both holes are far too small to have been made by a Boeing 757. "How does a plane 125 ft. wide and 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is only 16 ft. across?" asks reopen911.org, a Web site "dedicated to discovering the bottom line truth to what really occurred on September 11, 2001."
The truth is of even less importance to French author Thierry Meyssan, whose baseless assertions are fodder for even mainstream European and Middle Eastern media. In his book The Big Lie, Meyssan concludes that the Pentagon was struck by a satellite-guided missile part of an elaborate
FACT: When American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon's exterior wall, Ring E, it created a hole approximately 75 ft. wide, according to the ASCE Pentagon Building Performance Report. The exterior facade collapsed about 20 minutes after impact, but ASCE based its measurements of the original hole on the number of first-floor support columns that were destroyed or damaged. Computer simulations confirmed the findings.
Why wasn't the hole as wide as a 757's 124-ft.-10-in. wingspan? A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building, says ASCE team member Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering at
The tidy hole in Ring C was 12 ft. wide not 16 ft. ASCE concludes it was made by the jet's landing gear, not by the fuselage.
Claim: Two holes were visible in the Pentagon immediately after the attack: a 75-ft.-wide entry hole in the building's exterior wall, and a 16-ft.-wide hole in Ring C, the Pentagon's middle ring. Conspiracy theorists claim both holes are far too small to have been made by a Boeing 757. "How does a plane 125 ft. wide and 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is only 16 ft. across?" asks reopen911.org, a Web site "dedicated to discovering the bottom line truth to what really occurred on September 11, 2001."
The truth is of even less importance to French author Thierry Meyssan, whose baseless assertions are fodder for even mainstream European and Middle Eastern media. In his book The Big Lie, Meyssan concludes that the Pentagon was struck by a satellite-guided missile part of an elaborate
FACT: When American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon's exterior wall, Ring E, it created a hole approximately 75 ft. wide, according to the ASCE Pentagon Building Performance Report. The exterior facade collapsed about 20 minutes after impact, but ASCE based its measurements of the original hole on the number of first-floor support columns that were destroyed or damaged. Computer simulations confirmed the findings.
Why wasn't the hole as wide as a 757's 124-ft.-10-in. wingspan? A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building, says ASCE team member Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering at
The tidy hole in Ring C was 12 ft. wide not 16 ft. ASCE concludes it was made by the jet's landing gear, not by the fuselage.
It's really easy to get on the internet and cut and paste shit.
I am still waiting for someone to explain to me how several buildings have a "chain reaction collapse" and fall at free fall speed. How can that happen?
Let me save you the trouble of looking it up....it can't.
Do you not find it odd that the President and Vice President would be allowed to tesitfy to the 9/11 Commission under the following guide lines.... 1) Not under oath 2) No media or family present 3) They would tesity at the same time 4) No recording devices of any kind and the list goes on....
So I ask you another question...who in the world would REFUSE to testify under oath....
Simple answer....that would be a liar. I have a problem with the President and Vice President being able to "testify" without having to tell the truth. You should too. Stop being a sheep, turn off your tv, and pull your head out of your ass.
Government only goes to war when it wants to.
It's really easy to get on the internet and cut and paste shit.
I am still waiting for someone to explain to me how several buildings have a "chain reaction collapse" and fall at free fall speed. How can that happen?
Let me save you the trouble of looking it up....it can't.
Do you not find it odd that the President and Vice President would be allowed to tesitfy to the 9/11 Commission under the following guide lines.... 1) Not under oath 2) No media or family present 3) They would tesity at the same time 4) No recording devices of any kind and the list goes on....
So I ask you another question...who in the world would REFUSE to testify under oath....
Simple answer....that would be a liar. I have a problem with the President and Vice President being able to "testify" without having to tell the truth. You should too. Stop being a sheep, turn off your tv, and pull your head out of your ass.
Government only goes to war when it wants to.
Let me know what else you need. . . .
that didnt answer anything "a chain collapse? wtf, im a fire fire fighter, theres others on here what the hell is that, anyone" buldings dont fall at free fall speeds, look into it, i cant belive thats the best our government came come up with, "a chain collapse" why didnt the whole city fall then from your magic then omg read before you post
Let me know what else you need. . . .
that didnt answer anything "a chain collapse? wtf, im a fire fire fighter, theres others on here what the hell is that, anyone" buldings dont fall at free fall speeds, look into it, i cant belive thats the best our government came come up with, "a chain collapse" why didnt the whole city fall then from your magic then omg read before you post
No matter what explanation I came back with, you would have considered it wrong. Facts are facts. Every single building in downtown
No matter what explanation I came back with, you would have considered it wrong. Facts are facts. Every single building in downtown
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