This is a truly awful story and Im not in support or against the TSA but unfortunately this is where were at in society and the world nowadays.
The body scanners or whatever they are seem like a great idea but people are already complaining about "privacy" issues because you'll basically be able to see them naked. So people will be in an uproar about that. When granny gets searched too hard people are in an uproar about that. If people arent searched enough and something terrible happens people are in an uproar over that as well.
The biggest problem with the TSA people imo is the employees are all basically mcdonalds workers, people who are, as bad as it sounds, in the lower percentile of intelligence in this country so common sense is just lacking. But people will complain like hell if we have to spend the money to upgrade this problem as well. The terrorists have unfortunately changed our lives and the way we travel forever and human life, even if it saves one life, is worth putting anyone thru any kind of "inconvenience" to ensure safety. This was obv way more than an "inconvenience" dont get me wrong, I think its terrible, but I dont really know what a proper solution is other than the full body scanners.
The "no profiling" thing is completely ridiculous. People are so uptight and race issues are so dramatically overblown (enter scalabrine here) that I cant believe we are really worried about offending muslims by treating them differently, its such bullshit. Yes no 90 yr old white woman has ever blown up a plane but theres a first for everything and that doesnt mean it COULD happen. Now is making her take her diaper off necessary, no probably not, but its not all whats wrong with the world either. If she had a bomb and blew up your wife and kids you'd raise hell forever about it and condemn the TSA agent for not doing their jobs because they were worrying about "offending someone." Thats sounds like defending what they did but it isnt, its more just condemning the world we live in now and how these terrorist have changed everything.
Also, flying isnt a "right." Its not something youre born to be able to do like breathing so unfortunatelty were kind of at their mercy.
Another thing is Im sure hundreds of thousands of people a day get searched and 99.9% of them are done fine and without worry or complaint. The thing is with that much "volume" of searches going on theres always gonna a few cases here and there about awful happenings and thats unavoidable, theres just too many people involved and when theres people involved theres gonna be mistakes and issues happen.
Basically theres no solution thats gonna make everyone happy. No matter what the process is theres gonna be ahuge group of people complaining.
I watched some "TSA screening gone wrong" videos on youtube and some people go out of their way to make it seem a lot more awful than it really is (not referring to the granny underwear case). One woman had a female tsa agent touch her breast and the woman was crying and screaming "you molested me!!!!." Its like gimme a fukn break lady. So then they had to cause a huge fucking scene and then just planting in the minds of all the morons behind her thinking theyre gonna get molested and hey maybe they'll be in youtube now too!!!!
Its just a completely fucked situation and the terrorists have caused it. The traveling world will never be the same after 9/11 and Im not sure we'll ever have a "likeable" process in which to fly. But as long as no more planes go down Im not gonna totally condemn everything theyre doing. The goal is safety and for the most part it seems to be being accomplished, regardless of the 1 in 1,000,000 stories like this we hear.
I also can completely understand straightshooters outrage as well as this was a terrible experience for this elderly woman. But her "dying" really has zero impact on the story, thats only put in there to make the story juicier and in fact imo she's a MORE likely suspect to be holding a bomb BECAUSE shes dying than not. Dont get me wrong I dont think she's a suspect at all but if we wanna be real then lets be, a dying person has more incentive to bomb a plane than a person in good health but also yeah right like some 95 yr old woman has a bomb n her I hear that too.
The Ben Franklin quote just doesnt even apply in the year 2011. Back in those days people thought whiskey was good for you and that Jesus Christ is real so to use quotes from 1700 or whatever just doesnt apply, its apples and oranges. I totally respect your opinion straightshooter and Im not talking shit like some of the other guys at all, it was just SUCH a different world back then it doesnt apply
The thing that bugs me the most is how racial profiling is somehow offensive but then again most racial issues get under my skin because I feel 99% of them are just garbage ecxuses but thats a whole other topic lol
Its just a fucked up world we live in and I dont see how its gonna get anything but worse, regardless of how outraged we are. People can and will never be able to agree on something together to fight it, everyone has their own agends and beliefs and theres just too much bullshit in the way of EVERYTHING to get much accomplished about matters like this, it just fucking sucks