Why Were You BORN?
Is there PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real meaning? Here is the awesome truth!
Part 10 of 23. The CAUSE of Peace and Happiness
It is a law as real, as inflexibly relentless as gravity! It governs and regulated all human relationships!
Why should it seem incongruous that man's Maker---the Creator of all matter, force, and energy---the Creator of the laws of physics and chemistry, gravity and inertia---should also have created and set in motion this spiritual law to cause every good result for man?
If the Creator is a God of love---if our Maker is a God of all power---could he possibly have done otherwise? Coud he have neglected to provide a way---a cause---to produce peace, happiness, prosperity, successful lives? There has to be a cause for every effect.
If there is to be peace, happiness, abundant well-being, something must cause it! God could not be God without providing a cause for every desired good.
Isn't it about time we realized that in love for the mankind he created, God also created and set inexorably in motion this spiritual law to provide the cause of every good result?
Let's recapitulate: death is the penalty of sin. Sin is the transgression of God's law! To transgress this law is to reject the way that would cause the good all humans want---to turn to the way that causes every evil result. God forbade Adam and Eve to take the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, under penalty of death.
Why? Because he wanted them to choose the way of every desired good---because he wanted them to avoid causing evils, sorrows, pains, suffering, unhappiness. Therefore, taking this fruit was symbolic of transgressing God's spiritual law!
To have taken of the tree of life would have been merely symbolic of receiving the gift of God's Holy Spirit, the very love of God (Rom. 5:5) which fulfills this spiritual law (Rom. 13:10) and which God gives only to those who strive to obey his law (Acts 5:32).
Consider further: A just God could not have warned the first humans of the death penalty without having fully revealed to them the spiritual law---the law later codified as the Ten Commandments---the transgression of which carried that penalty. Bear in mind that the details are not written here---only the highly condensed overall summary of what God taught them.
So God had explained fully to Adam and Eve his way of life---the "give way"---his inexorable spiritual law. God had already set in motion the law that causes all good. He had explained also the way that causes evils---the transgression of that law---else he could not have told them that for transgression they would surely pay the penalty---death.
More clearly stated, God gave man his own choice. He could choose to cause every good and to receive eternal life in happiness. Or, he could choose to cause evils. It is humanity---not God---that causes all the evils that befall man. The choice is man's. What man sows, that does he reap.
Yet here's the crucial point: It was necessary for them to take his word for it---the spiritual law is as invisible as gravity and inertia! they could not see this law. But God had told them the way of good, and the way of evil.
Now come to chapter 3 in Genesis.
"Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made..." (verse 1).
Much of the Bible is in symbols---but the Bible explains its own symbols. It is, of course, very out-of-date to believe in a devil today, but the Bible plainly speaks of a devil, named Satan. In Revelation 12:9 and 20:2, the symbol of a serpent is plainly explained to represent the devil.