Yeah, because they are not a personal genie of course there is no benefit in this life.
You have got it all wrong. We are not Gods pets.
We are eventually going to die and everyone will eveentually see.
Yeah, because they are not a personal genie of course there is no benefit in this life.
You have got it all wrong. We are not Gods pets.
We are eventually going to die and everyone will eveentually see.
KittyKatz, before leaving, to address your what if for those who have never heard of JC and further evolution banter. The former first. Those who have never heard of Jesus, first, note that God will judge all people righteously. It seems there will be a stricter judgment for those who have rejected the gospel of JC than those who have never heard. Those who have never heard of the law are not imputed sin under the law. Those who follow the law (e.g. practicing person) will be judged by the law. The people who have never heard of the law are judged by the law of God which He has placed into hearts. There is one particular class of individuals that certainly go to heaven. The Bible makes it clear that infants and children who die go to heaven on the basis of their inability to fully understand the difference between good and evil and make a rational choice. It is likely that older individuals who are, likewise, unable to choose because of a mental disability, go to heaven without the requirement of having to directly choose Jesus as Savior. Jesus is not the real name of the Savior anyway. His real (Hebrew) name is "Yeshua," which is usually translated into the English as "Joshua." The Greek transliteration is "iaysous." The word "Christ" is not Jesus' last name, but His title. The Greek word "christos" (translated "Christ" in the English) means "Messiah," the "anointed one." I can't judge a sharp line, though its seems those who perpetrate evil, even without the knowledge of the gospel, will likewise be condemned, since they have violated their God-given conscience. In the same way, those who play the "religion game" of going to church, but living apart from a relationship with God, will be condemned. After 1628 post behind this very post, there are still questions being filtered through God not grading on a curve based on good works. If you break the law, you can not pay the penalty by promising to obey the law in the future. Try doing so with a speeding ticket. We must front God and the wages of sin are to high for us to pay. Though, God wanting you to escape punishment and still running an honest courtroom, payed the price for you. He just asked that you hold on to the receipt. You didn't address my evolution questions, so I will conclude that when you use the term "100% fact" towards evolution, it translates that you believe its probability to be extremely high, that you are not bothered by the scientific doubt about it, and consider it to be the correct explanation of life. Facts are data, theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. And if you declare evolution a fact and modern humans evolved from ape like ancestors. Well, then it will not matter if humans didn't do so by Darwin's proposed mechanism, bc you believe it will be done so by some other mechanism yet to be discovered. Evidence is something that adds weight to an argument or theory, proof is undeniable. There seems to be some confusion about what exactly evolution is within the thread. When most people say evolution, they are referring to Macro-evolution (or speciation), which is the process of one animal slowly changing into another animal. People also tend to refer to Micro-evolution (or adaptation) when trying to prove Macro-evolution but they are two separate processes. The latter is a theory based on speculation that there is no intelligent designer that created the universe and life, therefore it must have arisen by natural causes, but no proof to honour it. In my observation of the raw evidence, what you believe in that man evolved from ape like ancestors is; a pure science-fiction, fantasy island, dreamland, imagination cocktail. Have you ever stop to notice that in the creation versus evolution argument in the mainstream today, the majority are polarized groups. Whenever evidence comes along which disproves a theory, it is simply adapted to fit the evidence. Now, they may say that this follows a scientific method: modifying your theory to fit your results; but in many cases another sub-theory is quickly invented to brush evidence under the rug. Just as there are cults within Christianity and vultures who turn the faith into a business. There are extreme doctrines of atheism and those that turn it into a religion of science. The "Discovery channel" has a duty of entertainment, long before a duty to provide you with an education. It is reality entertainment based on science that sells, not science based on fact. Enjoy the clay court finals, KK.
KittyKatz, before leaving, to address your what if for those who have never heard of JC and further evolution banter. The former first. Those who have never heard of Jesus, first, note that God will judge all people righteously. It seems there will be a stricter judgment for those who have rejected the gospel of JC than those who have never heard. Those who have never heard of the law are not imputed sin under the law. Those who follow the law (e.g. practicing person) will be judged by the law. The people who have never heard of the law are judged by the law of God which He has placed into hearts. There is one particular class of individuals that certainly go to heaven. The Bible makes it clear that infants and children who die go to heaven on the basis of their inability to fully understand the difference between good and evil and make a rational choice. It is likely that older individuals who are, likewise, unable to choose because of a mental disability, go to heaven without the requirement of having to directly choose Jesus as Savior. Jesus is not the real name of the Savior anyway. His real (Hebrew) name is "Yeshua," which is usually translated into the English as "Joshua." The Greek transliteration is "iaysous." The word "Christ" is not Jesus' last name, but His title. The Greek word "christos" (translated "Christ" in the English) means "Messiah," the "anointed one." I can't judge a sharp line, though its seems those who perpetrate evil, even without the knowledge of the gospel, will likewise be condemned, since they have violated their God-given conscience. In the same way, those who play the "religion game" of going to church, but living apart from a relationship with God, will be condemned. After 1628 post behind this very post, there are still questions being filtered through God not grading on a curve based on good works. If you break the law, you can not pay the penalty by promising to obey the law in the future. Try doing so with a speeding ticket. We must front God and the wages of sin are to high for us to pay. Though, God wanting you to escape punishment and still running an honest courtroom, payed the price for you. He just asked that you hold on to the receipt. You didn't address my evolution questions, so I will conclude that when you use the term "100% fact" towards evolution, it translates that you believe its probability to be extremely high, that you are not bothered by the scientific doubt about it, and consider it to be the correct explanation of life. Facts are data, theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. And if you declare evolution a fact and modern humans evolved from ape like ancestors. Well, then it will not matter if humans didn't do so by Darwin's proposed mechanism, bc you believe it will be done so by some other mechanism yet to be discovered. Evidence is something that adds weight to an argument or theory, proof is undeniable. There seems to be some confusion about what exactly evolution is within the thread. When most people say evolution, they are referring to Macro-evolution (or speciation), which is the process of one animal slowly changing into another animal. People also tend to refer to Micro-evolution (or adaptation) when trying to prove Macro-evolution but they are two separate processes. The latter is a theory based on speculation that there is no intelligent designer that created the universe and life, therefore it must have arisen by natural causes, but no proof to honour it. In my observation of the raw evidence, what you believe in that man evolved from ape like ancestors is; a pure science-fiction, fantasy island, dreamland, imagination cocktail. Have you ever stop to notice that in the creation versus evolution argument in the mainstream today, the majority are polarized groups. Whenever evidence comes along which disproves a theory, it is simply adapted to fit the evidence. Now, they may say that this follows a scientific method: modifying your theory to fit your results; but in many cases another sub-theory is quickly invented to brush evidence under the rug. Just as there are cults within Christianity and vultures who turn the faith into a business. There are extreme doctrines of atheism and those that turn it into a religion of science. The "Discovery channel" has a duty of entertainment, long before a duty to provide you with an education. It is reality entertainment based on science that sells, not science based on fact. Enjoy the clay court finals, KK.
As i said, AT the end of the day
If you want to believe the universe popped into existence out of NOTHING, by NOTHING, for NOTHING then that is your belief.
If you want to believe, as a result of that explosion that came from nothing, caused by pure random flukey chance what we see today, then that is your belief.
From that, as the earth was formed by pure flukey chance, the earth and anything formed from it has NO PURPOSE. As there was no creator and everything happened by a fluke, there is no purpose.
If i created a chair, the purpose is for someone to sit on it. If the earth and humanity was formed by no creator and just pure fluke, well then there is no purpose. Much like a tornado ripping through a town. The debri has the same purpose as earth - NOTHING.
That said, where did God come from?
As i said, AT the end of the day
If you want to believe the universe popped into existence out of NOTHING, by NOTHING, for NOTHING then that is your belief.
If you want to believe, as a result of that explosion that came from nothing, caused by pure random flukey chance what we see today, then that is your belief.
From that, as the earth was formed by pure flukey chance, the earth and anything formed from it has NO PURPOSE. As there was no creator and everything happened by a fluke, there is no purpose.
If i created a chair, the purpose is for someone to sit on it. If the earth and humanity was formed by no creator and just pure fluke, well then there is no purpose. Much like a tornado ripping through a town. The debri has the same purpose as earth - NOTHING.
That said, where did God come from?
As i said, AT the end of the day
If you want to believe the universe popped into existence out of NOTHING, by NOTHING, for NOTHING then that is your belief.
If you want to believe, as a result of that explosion that came from nothing, caused by pure random flukey chance what we see today, then that is your belief.
From that, as the earth was formed by pure flukey chance, the earth and anything formed from it has NO PURPOSE. As there was no creator and everything happened by a fluke, there is no purpose.
If i created a chair, the purpose is for someone to sit on it. If the earth and humanity was formed by no creator and just pure fluke, well then there is no purpose. Much like a tornado ripping through a town. The debri has the same purpose as earth - NOTHING.
That said, where did God come from?
As i said, AT the end of the day
If you want to believe the universe popped into existence out of NOTHING, by NOTHING, for NOTHING then that is your belief.
If you want to believe, as a result of that explosion that came from nothing, caused by pure random flukey chance what we see today, then that is your belief.
From that, as the earth was formed by pure flukey chance, the earth and anything formed from it has NO PURPOSE. As there was no creator and everything happened by a fluke, there is no purpose.
If i created a chair, the purpose is for someone to sit on it. If the earth and humanity was formed by no creator and just pure fluke, well then there is no purpose. Much like a tornado ripping through a town. The debri has the same purpose as earth - NOTHING.
That said, where did God come from?
Thanks for the quick synopsis....I have been following this thread, but only off and on. Like the 9/11 thread, it has eventually given me a headache. I do, however, appreciate some of the logic that folks have brought forth.
Thanks for the quick synopsis....I have been following this thread, but only off and on. Like the 9/11 thread, it has eventually given me a headache. I do, however, appreciate some of the logic that folks have brought forth.
Good mornin' everybody!...My Christian brothers & sisters, the irresolutors & the heathens!, how is everyone today on this fine, beautiful 3rd day of June?...I'm fine myself thankyou!
Let me start today with the Lord's prayer. For you irresolutors & heathens, feel free to join in. Ok let's bow our heads and pray.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen.----Matthew 6:9:13
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Good mornin' everybody!...My Christian brothers & sisters, the irresolutors & the heathens!, how is everyone today on this fine, beautiful 3rd day of June?...I'm fine myself thankyou!
Let me start today with the Lord's prayer. For you irresolutors & heathens, feel free to join in. Ok let's bow our heads and pray.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen.----Matthew 6:9:13
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
The Book of Jeremiah
The author was Jeremiah or his followers, written during Jeremiah's ministry, between 627 and 586 B.C.
By any human measure of success, the prophet Jeremiah was a colossal failulre. For most of his life he was poor, unpopular, isolated, and persecuted. Jeremiah lived for 40 years in Judah just before the people were exiled to Babylon, and his prophecies were collected into the book that now bears his name. The main message of his prophecies is simple: It is too late to avoid God's discipline, so accept it and turn from your sins. After a time of punishment, however, God will restore Judah. Jeremiah often used figurative actions to communicate this message, such as shattering a clay jar to show how God will shatter Jerusalem. Sadly to say, Jeremiah's messages were not well received. His audience discounted his warnings, locked him up in stocks, and even threatened his life. As a result, Jeremiah lived to see the invasions by the Babylonian armies, the deportations of his people, the slaughter of Jerusalem's inhabitants, and the destruction of the Temple. Because of his troubles, Jeremiah has often been called "the weeping prophet."
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
The Book of Jeremiah
The author was Jeremiah or his followers, written during Jeremiah's ministry, between 627 and 586 B.C.
By any human measure of success, the prophet Jeremiah was a colossal failulre. For most of his life he was poor, unpopular, isolated, and persecuted. Jeremiah lived for 40 years in Judah just before the people were exiled to Babylon, and his prophecies were collected into the book that now bears his name. The main message of his prophecies is simple: It is too late to avoid God's discipline, so accept it and turn from your sins. After a time of punishment, however, God will restore Judah. Jeremiah often used figurative actions to communicate this message, such as shattering a clay jar to show how God will shatter Jerusalem. Sadly to say, Jeremiah's messages were not well received. His audience discounted his warnings, locked him up in stocks, and even threatened his life. As a result, Jeremiah lived to see the invasions by the Babylonian armies, the deportations of his people, the slaughter of Jerusalem's inhabitants, and the destruction of the Temple. Because of his troubles, Jeremiah has often been called "the weeping prophet."
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
really rostos?
im hopin youre not that big of a fuckin douche
really rostos?
im hopin youre not that big of a fuckin douche
The Book of Jeremiah
The author was Jeremiah or his followers, written during Jeremiah's ministry, between 627 and 586 B.C.
By any human measure of success, the prophet Jeremiah was a colossal failulre. For most of his life he was poor, unpopular, isolated, and persecuted. Jeremiah lived for 40 years in Judah just before the people were exiled to Babylon, and his prophecies were collected into the book that now bears his name. The main message of his prophecies is simple: It is too late to avoid God's discipline, so accept it and turn from your sins. After a time of punishment, however, God will restore Judah. Jeremiah often used figurative actions to communicate this message, such as shattering a clay jar to show how God will shatter Jerusalem. Sadly to say, Jeremiah's messages were not well received. His audience discounted his warnings, locked him up in stocks, and even threatened his life. As a result, Jeremiah lived to see the invasions by the Babylonian armies, the deportations of his people, the slaughter of Jerusalem's inhabitants, and the destruction of the Temple. Because of his troubles, Jeremiah has often been called "the weeping prophet."
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
The Book of Jeremiah
The author was Jeremiah or his followers, written during Jeremiah's ministry, between 627 and 586 B.C.
By any human measure of success, the prophet Jeremiah was a colossal failulre. For most of his life he was poor, unpopular, isolated, and persecuted. Jeremiah lived for 40 years in Judah just before the people were exiled to Babylon, and his prophecies were collected into the book that now bears his name. The main message of his prophecies is simple: It is too late to avoid God's discipline, so accept it and turn from your sins. After a time of punishment, however, God will restore Judah. Jeremiah often used figurative actions to communicate this message, such as shattering a clay jar to show how God will shatter Jerusalem. Sadly to say, Jeremiah's messages were not well received. His audience discounted his warnings, locked him up in stocks, and even threatened his life. As a result, Jeremiah lived to see the invasions by the Babylonian armies, the deportations of his people, the slaughter of Jerusalem's inhabitants, and the destruction of the Temple. Because of his troubles, Jeremiah has often been called "the weeping prophet."
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
really rostos?
im hopin youre not that big of a fuckin douche
really rostos?
im hopin youre not that big of a fuckin douche
Thanks for sharing about your answered prayer. A while back my company tried to fire me unjustly and through my prayers to the Lord asking him for justice, it was answered.
My lawyer got the company to reinstate me after being out for 9 months and I got 9 months of back pay including all over-time that I would have had, had I been working during those 9 months.
Yeah the Bible has some very interesting reading, no doubt.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. ---Proverbs 3:5-6
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Thanks for sharing about your answered prayer. A while back my company tried to fire me unjustly and through my prayers to the Lord asking him for justice, it was answered.
My lawyer got the company to reinstate me after being out for 9 months and I got 9 months of back pay including all over-time that I would have had, had I been working during those 9 months.
Yeah the Bible has some very interesting reading, no doubt.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. ---Proverbs 3:5-6
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
God talked to the 1st human beings on the planet - Adam and Eve and set the standard via prohets - Joseph.
When God saw humanity was rebelling by sinning, he loved the world so much he sent his begotten son as a ransom to pay for OUR SINS.
God talked to the 1st human beings on the planet - Adam and Eve and set the standard via prohets - Joseph.
When God saw humanity was rebelling by sinning, he loved the world so much he sent his begotten son as a ransom to pay for OUR SINS.
Why Were You BORN?
Is there PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real meaning? Here is the awesome truth!
Part 17 of 23. Born Again...HOW?
(Note: If you want the entire 23 parts to this series go to website:
In this new creation God works in man, the man must be "born again." God made Adam out of mater. Jesus said to Nicodemus, "That which is born of flesh is flesh"! Then he explained we must be born again to enter into the kingdom of God. Not again of the flesh---not entering our mother's womb, as Nicodemus thought meant---but born of the Spirit---born of God. As we were born of the flesh from a fleshy human father, so now we must be born of the Spirit by God, the heavenly spiritual Father.
And this process is brought about, in God's great purpose, by a person first coming to see how wrong are the ways of mortal humans, thinking and living contrary to the revealed laws of God. The first stage is repentance. Surrender to Almighty God!
But we now are the "clay models," in the hands of the Master Potter.
If in this life our thinking, our ways, are changed until we really do become---in spiritual character---new creatures in Christ Jesus, conformed to his will, then that clay model, worked over, fashioned and shaped as God would have it, is finally turned into the finished spiritual creation.
This entire creation, therefore, begins in Christ and is finished by him.
God created all things by Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:9). Jesus was the workman, then, who created the original Adam. But our spiritual creation begins in him, too. He it is who became our living Example---who came into the world to lead the way---and became the firstborn from among the dead (Rom. 8:29)---the first completed, perfected spiritual man.
Now come to the ultimate purpose of human life on the earth.
It is stupendous beyong the capacity, perhaps, for many to grasp. But see it, with your own eyes, in your own Bible!
Each year, on the Sunday called "Easter," millions celebrate the resurrection of Christ. But do they really believe that he was asleep in death and therefore rose from the dead? The Bible says he rose from the dead!
But how many believe he has been alive ever since? How many believe the very Christ who died is alive today? How many know what he has been doing these past 2,000 years?
The entire book of Hebrews is devoted to telling us what he has been doing, what he is doing now, and what he will do in the future. Read it in your Bible. Expect shocking surprises---happy surprises!
Begin at the beginning---chapter 1, verse1: "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds..."
The "all things" refers to the entire universe! It is so translated in the Moffatt translation.
Continuing the same sentence, "...who being the brightess of his glory, and the express image of his person;;;" Moffatt translates that "express image" as "stamped with God's own character." Continue: "...and upholding all things by the word of his power..." (verses 2-3).
Moffatt translated that as sustaining the whole universe by the word of his power.
In other words, God Almighty, the Father of the kingdom of God---which is the divine family of God---has appointed the resurrected, living Christ, his Son, as Chief Executive in the administration of God over the entire vast universe!
Several times, in the Bible, converted Christians, in whom is God's Holy Spirit, are called heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:17; Gal. 3:29, 4:7; Titus 3:7, etc.). Now could that mean we are appointed to share that rulership of the entire vast universe with Christ? Begin now with Hebrews 2:6, quoting from Psalms 8:4-6: the question is asked: "What is man, that thou art mindful of him?"
Yes, what is there about sinning, mortal man that God should be concerned about him? What are you---that God should be concerned about you? Note well the incredible answer.
Why Were You BORN?
Is there PURPOSE for human life? Does life, after all, have real meaning? Here is the awesome truth!
Part 17 of 23. Born Again...HOW?
(Note: If you want the entire 23 parts to this series go to website:
In this new creation God works in man, the man must be "born again." God made Adam out of mater. Jesus said to Nicodemus, "That which is born of flesh is flesh"! Then he explained we must be born again to enter into the kingdom of God. Not again of the flesh---not entering our mother's womb, as Nicodemus thought meant---but born of the Spirit---born of God. As we were born of the flesh from a fleshy human father, so now we must be born of the Spirit by God, the heavenly spiritual Father.
And this process is brought about, in God's great purpose, by a person first coming to see how wrong are the ways of mortal humans, thinking and living contrary to the revealed laws of God. The first stage is repentance. Surrender to Almighty God!
But we now are the "clay models," in the hands of the Master Potter.
If in this life our thinking, our ways, are changed until we really do become---in spiritual character---new creatures in Christ Jesus, conformed to his will, then that clay model, worked over, fashioned and shaped as God would have it, is finally turned into the finished spiritual creation.
This entire creation, therefore, begins in Christ and is finished by him.
God created all things by Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:9). Jesus was the workman, then, who created the original Adam. But our spiritual creation begins in him, too. He it is who became our living Example---who came into the world to lead the way---and became the firstborn from among the dead (Rom. 8:29)---the first completed, perfected spiritual man.
Now come to the ultimate purpose of human life on the earth.
It is stupendous beyong the capacity, perhaps, for many to grasp. But see it, with your own eyes, in your own Bible!
Each year, on the Sunday called "Easter," millions celebrate the resurrection of Christ. But do they really believe that he was asleep in death and therefore rose from the dead? The Bible says he rose from the dead!
But how many believe he has been alive ever since? How many believe the very Christ who died is alive today? How many know what he has been doing these past 2,000 years?
The entire book of Hebrews is devoted to telling us what he has been doing, what he is doing now, and what he will do in the future. Read it in your Bible. Expect shocking surprises---happy surprises!
Begin at the beginning---chapter 1, verse1: "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds..."
The "all things" refers to the entire universe! It is so translated in the Moffatt translation.
Continuing the same sentence, "...who being the brightess of his glory, and the express image of his person;;;" Moffatt translates that "express image" as "stamped with God's own character." Continue: "...and upholding all things by the word of his power..." (verses 2-3).
Moffatt translated that as sustaining the whole universe by the word of his power.
In other words, God Almighty, the Father of the kingdom of God---which is the divine family of God---has appointed the resurrected, living Christ, his Son, as Chief Executive in the administration of God over the entire vast universe!
Several times, in the Bible, converted Christians, in whom is God's Holy Spirit, are called heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:17; Gal. 3:29, 4:7; Titus 3:7, etc.). Now could that mean we are appointed to share that rulership of the entire vast universe with Christ? Begin now with Hebrews 2:6, quoting from Psalms 8:4-6: the question is asked: "What is man, that thou art mindful of him?"
Yes, what is there about sinning, mortal man that God should be concerned about him? What are you---that God should be concerned about you? Note well the incredible answer.
Thanks for sharing about your answered prayer. A while back my company tried to fire me unjustly and through my prayers to the Lord asking him for justice, it was answered.
My lawyer got the company to reinstate me after being out for 9 months and I got 9 months of back pay including all over-time that I would have had, had I been working during those 9 months.
Yeah the Bible has some very interesting reading, no doubt.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. ---Proverbs 3:5-6
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Thanks for sharing about your answered prayer. A while back my company tried to fire me unjustly and through my prayers to the Lord asking him for justice, it was answered.
My lawyer got the company to reinstate me after being out for 9 months and I got 9 months of back pay including all over-time that I would have had, had I been working during those 9 months.
Yeah the Bible has some very interesting reading, no doubt.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. ---Proverbs 3:5-6
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Thanks for sharing about your answered prayer. A while back my company tried to fire me unjustly and through my prayers to the Lord asking him for justice, it was answered.
My lawyer got the company to reinstate me after being out for 9 months and I got 9 months of back pay including all over-time that I would have had, had I been working during those 9 months.
Yeah the Bible has some very interesting reading, no doubt.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. ---Proverbs 3:5-6
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Thanks for sharing about your answered prayer. A while back my company tried to fire me unjustly and through my prayers to the Lord asking him for justice, it was answered.
My lawyer got the company to reinstate me after being out for 9 months and I got 9 months of back pay including all over-time that I would have had, had I been working during those 9 months.
Yeah the Bible has some very interesting reading, no doubt.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. ---Proverbs 3:5-6
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Let me just tell you that it was something so minor and so it wasn't justified that they fire me and let's just leave it at that...ok?
False weights and unequal measures, the Lord detests double standards of every kind. ---Proverbs 20:10
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
Let me just tell you that it was something so minor and so it wasn't justified that they fire me and let's just leave it at that...ok?
False weights and unequal measures, the Lord detests double standards of every kind. ---Proverbs 20:10
Praise the Lord Almighty!!
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