Here is an example.
Suppose, right now, there is no technology, no TV, phones, email, Cameras, newspapers etc etc, these NEVER existed, and for the next 100 years , their will be no technology....
Lets say in 40 years time, i walk into NYC and i see some writings that some planes flew into the world trade centre and destroyed these buildings and 5 thousand people died. Names of the people that died from this story were mentioned, their relatives etc etc..
Thats a pretty big thing right? Lets also say that this event transformed the city of NYC and people changed from this event which this document that i read alleges.....
Lets say, that i am skeptical that this event even happened (remember, i never heard of it because there was no technology).....i read this document, wouldnt it be LOGICAL for me as a skeptic to investigate this claim? Wouldnt i walk upto people and ask, "did this really happen"....I would expect to recieve an overwhelming yes, it did happen as many of the people saw it, affected by it and lives changed from it......
Now, lets say, it actually never happened, no buildings were destroyed, lets say these buildings we speak of were taken down by other means and no one was killed, everything that was written was a lie.....BUT, even though it is a lie, people still changed there lives based on this story, memorials were built etc etc, but it was all a lie.....
WOuldnt skeptics at the time investigate the claim and if it never happened, document this , show the crowd that hey, it is a delusion and put it to bed?
Their will be no writings claiming that sept 11 never happened, because it did......just like i dont expect to see writings and we dont (at the time) that what happened in the bible never actually happened, because it must have, otherwise, skeptics at the time, will be all over it like a rash.....