When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!
When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!
Cant u read?
People on here have said they dont believe in GOD cause they havent seen him........yet the same people have said they believe Aliens exist.......have they seen Aliens........?
Sounds hypocrtical doesnt it?
Cant u read?
People on here have said they dont believe in GOD cause they havent seen him........yet the same people have said they believe Aliens exist.......have they seen Aliens........?
Sounds hypocrtical doesnt it?
Alot of people here it sounds like do not believe in GOD as it is convinient for them and justification for there sinful life so they do not hope to face judgement one day.........
Why should we believe in something that was created by man?
Everyone is a sinner,everyone will be judged......
Judged by which god of which religion?
So let me get this straight, everyone comes on this earth, just enjoys there life, once its over, goes into a dark place for eternity?
We die and our body decays and then that's it. Sorry, if that is hard for you to except. That's why this life is so precious. What do you think happens? You go to heaven and sit around with everyone whose died and is lucky enough to have found the correct religion for eternity Double WOW!
Alot of people here it sounds like do not believe in GOD as it is convinient for them and justification for there sinful life so they do not hope to face judgement one day.........
Why should we believe in something that was created by man?
Everyone is a sinner,everyone will be judged......
Judged by which god of which religion?
So let me get this straight, everyone comes on this earth, just enjoys there life, once its over, goes into a dark place for eternity?
We die and our body decays and then that's it. Sorry, if that is hard for you to except. That's why this life is so precious. What do you think happens? You go to heaven and sit around with everyone whose died and is lucky enough to have found the correct religion for eternity Double WOW!
So let me get this straight, everyone comes on this earth, just enjoys there life, once its over, goes into a dark place for eternity?
I would say rots, but whatever makes you comfortable-
So let me get this straight, everyone comes on this earth, just enjoys there life, once its over, goes into a dark place for eternity?
I would say rots, but whatever makes you comfortable-
Any reasonable person who reads the bible will recognize it as fiction. I am amazed how that people can believe what the bible says is true and will accept bronze age myths as facts. The bible was written by people who thought the Earth was flat. Why would any rational person believe in a talking snake, a 600 year old man that built a boat that housed at least two of every animal in the world. This would include 10 million species. That seems like a difficult task for a man of that age. These myths are corrosive to rational thought and science. There are people that believe that the dinosaurs existed with humans. These people watch the flinstons as if it was a documentary. Most Christians have not even read the entire bible. I have read the bible and I gets much worse than just these fairy tale stories. The bible promotes genocide, slavery, and rape. Many are quick to cherry pick the topics that they like but discard the ones that they do not... The bible says anyone collecting sticks on the sabbath shoud be stoned to death.
The worst is these ignorant and delusional people believe they can force their irrational views on others. I can't even buy beer on Sundays where I live because these people have contaminated the laws in my state with their nonsence.
Any reasonable person who reads the bible will recognize it as fiction. I am amazed how that people can believe what the bible says is true and will accept bronze age myths as facts. The bible was written by people who thought the Earth was flat. Why would any rational person believe in a talking snake, a 600 year old man that built a boat that housed at least two of every animal in the world. This would include 10 million species. That seems like a difficult task for a man of that age. These myths are corrosive to rational thought and science. There are people that believe that the dinosaurs existed with humans. These people watch the flinstons as if it was a documentary. Most Christians have not even read the entire bible. I have read the bible and I gets much worse than just these fairy tale stories. The bible promotes genocide, slavery, and rape. Many are quick to cherry pick the topics that they like but discard the ones that they do not... The bible says anyone collecting sticks on the sabbath shoud be stoned to death.
The worst is these ignorant and delusional people believe they can force their irrational views on others. I can't even buy beer on Sundays where I live because these people have contaminated the laws in my state with their nonsence.
You couldn't have just posted this?......
You couldn't have just posted this?......
Rapist......raped 89 people. Finds God the last day before he dies. He goes to heaven.
Girl has been sexually abused for 15 years. Doesn't believe in God but finds her life calling and cures cancer.
Rapist goes to heaven. Girl goes to hell.
That makes sense.
You say God makes the choice, but you also say you know on what parameters God makes the choice (or you wouldn't live your live a certain way).
There are two options: 1. You don't have any idea on what parameters God makes His choice but you think you do. Or 2. God decides no matter what we think.
Name me another option.
to be honest i think god makes the choice no matter what i dont see good people going to hell, only God can see what is in the heart, Hutch i honestly hope the chick that gets raped and cures cancer goes to heaven, i want everyone there, i dont see heaven as a gated community of people that got lucky and choice the right path person to call god
Rapist......raped 89 people. Finds God the last day before he dies. He goes to heaven.
Girl has been sexually abused for 15 years. Doesn't believe in God but finds her life calling and cures cancer.
Rapist goes to heaven. Girl goes to hell.
That makes sense.
You say God makes the choice, but you also say you know on what parameters God makes the choice (or you wouldn't live your live a certain way).
There are two options: 1. You don't have any idea on what parameters God makes His choice but you think you do. Or 2. God decides no matter what we think.
Name me another option.
to be honest i think god makes the choice no matter what i dont see good people going to hell, only God can see what is in the heart, Hutch i honestly hope the chick that gets raped and cures cancer goes to heaven, i want everyone there, i dont see heaven as a gated community of people that got lucky and choice the right path person to call god
to be honest i think god makes the choice no matter what i dont see good people going to hell, only God can see what is in the heart, Hutch i honestly hope the chick that gets raped and cures cancer goes to heaven, i want everyone there, i dont see heaven as a gated community of people that got lucky and choice the right path person to call god
to be honest i think god makes the choice no matter what i dont see good people going to hell, only God can see what is in the heart, Hutch i honestly hope the chick that gets raped and cures cancer goes to heaven, i want everyone there, i dont see heaven as a gated community of people that got lucky and choice the right path person to call god
Each to there own, but when i walk outside, see the sun, sky, trees, mountains, oceans.............to me, i see GOD's creation.Only God can create that IMO.........
When i feel the love for my family, friends and neighbours, that echoes the love between GOD and myself.....
I believe, people who dont believe in GOd are lacking in love and are in a deep hole, it is easy in that case not to believe in him....
I pray that one day they do find him.......
Each to there own, but when i walk outside, see the sun, sky, trees, mountains, oceans.............to me, i see GOD's creation.Only God can create that IMO.........
When i feel the love for my family, friends and neighbours, that echoes the love between GOD and myself.....
I believe, people who dont believe in GOd are lacking in love and are in a deep hole, it is easy in that case not to believe in him....
I pray that one day they do find him.......
Any reasonable person who reads the bible will recognize it as fiction. I am amazed how that people can believe what the bible says is true and will accept bronze age myths as facts. The bible was written by people who thought the Earth was flat. Why would any rational person believe in a talking snake, a 600 year old man that built a boat that housed at least two of every animal in the world. This would include 10 million species. That seems like a difficult task for a man of that age. These myths are corrosive to rational thought and science. There are people that believe that the dinosaurs existed with humans. These people watch the flinstons as if it was a documentary. Most Christians have not even read the entire bible. I have read the bible and I gets much worse than just these fairy tale stories. The bible promotes genocide, slavery, and rape. Many are quick to cherry pick the topics that they like but discard the ones that they do not... The bible says anyone collecting sticks on the sabbath shoud be stoned to death.
The worst is these ignorant and delusional people believe they can force their irrational views on others. I can't even buy beer on Sundays where I live because these people have contaminated the laws in my state with their nonsence.
Any reasonable person who reads the bible will recognize it as fiction. I am amazed how that people can believe what the bible says is true and will accept bronze age myths as facts. The bible was written by people who thought the Earth was flat. Why would any rational person believe in a talking snake, a 600 year old man that built a boat that housed at least two of every animal in the world. This would include 10 million species. That seems like a difficult task for a man of that age. These myths are corrosive to rational thought and science. There are people that believe that the dinosaurs existed with humans. These people watch the flinstons as if it was a documentary. Most Christians have not even read the entire bible. I have read the bible and I gets much worse than just these fairy tale stories. The bible promotes genocide, slavery, and rape. Many are quick to cherry pick the topics that they like but discard the ones that they do not... The bible says anyone collecting sticks on the sabbath shoud be stoned to death.
The worst is these ignorant and delusional people believe they can force their irrational views on others. I can't even buy beer on Sundays where I live because these people have contaminated the laws in my state with their nonsence.
Descartes examined himself further, and he found that he had in his mind the notion of a 'perfect being'. From this, he concluded that god must exist, in the following way:
1. I exist (Axiom)
2. I have in my mind the notion of a perfect being (Axiom, partly based on 1)
3. An imperfect being, like myself, cannot think up the notion of a perfect being (Axiom)
4. Therefore the notion of a perfect being must have originated from the perfect being himself (from 2 & 3)
5. A perfect being would not be perfect if it did not exist (Axiom)
6. Therefore a perfect being must exist (from 4 & 5)
But is this valid reasoning? Should this argument convince us that there is a god? I will now point out the weak spots in his reasoning.
I think we can all agree that point 1 is a valid axiom. We can all be sure that we at least exist. No problem there.
The second axiom however is not so obviously true. Maybe Descartes had an idea of the perfect entity in his mind, but I certainly don't have such an idea. What am I to believe? That God failed to put that idea into my mind, or that Descartes' idea of this perfect being was not as innate as he thought? It is obvious that not all of us have this idea. In fact, many Christians have told me that mankind cannot conceive God. This is in direct contradiction with Descartes' belief that everybody has this idea of a perfect being from birth on.
The third axiom is weaker still. Descartes postulates that an imperfect being can never think up the notion of a perfect being. But can we accept this as truth? Why would this be impossible? The imperfect being does not have to understand or contain the perfect being, it only has to think up the notion 'perfect being'. If an imperfect being can have an idea of a perfect being, why couldn't he think it up? And if we say that an imperfect being can not think up the notion of a perfect being, can we be sure that an imperfect being could recognize the notion of a perfect being? Maybe the notion Descartes had was in fact of an imperfect being, but seemed perfect to the imperfect mind of the imperfect Descartes.
Not only that, but who or what can define the notion 'perfect'? Many philosophers have argued that good and evil do not exist objectively, but are in the mind of the beholder; since a perfect being must be ultimately good, the definition of a perfect being is also in the mind of the beholder. If the imagined God differs from person to person, must we then say that there are as many Gods as there are people? A counter-argument could be that the notions of Him God has placed on us are not perfect, and thus we can differ in opinion about evil, good and God. But in this case, we wouldn't have the idea of a perfect being, but of an almost perfect being, and Descartes entire argument breaks down.
Descartes examined himself further, and he found that he had in his mind the notion of a 'perfect being'. From this, he concluded that god must exist, in the following way:
1. I exist (Axiom)
2. I have in my mind the notion of a perfect being (Axiom, partly based on 1)
3. An imperfect being, like myself, cannot think up the notion of a perfect being (Axiom)
4. Therefore the notion of a perfect being must have originated from the perfect being himself (from 2 & 3)
5. A perfect being would not be perfect if it did not exist (Axiom)
6. Therefore a perfect being must exist (from 4 & 5)
But is this valid reasoning? Should this argument convince us that there is a god? I will now point out the weak spots in his reasoning.
I think we can all agree that point 1 is a valid axiom. We can all be sure that we at least exist. No problem there.
The second axiom however is not so obviously true. Maybe Descartes had an idea of the perfect entity in his mind, but I certainly don't have such an idea. What am I to believe? That God failed to put that idea into my mind, or that Descartes' idea of this perfect being was not as innate as he thought? It is obvious that not all of us have this idea. In fact, many Christians have told me that mankind cannot conceive God. This is in direct contradiction with Descartes' belief that everybody has this idea of a perfect being from birth on.
The third axiom is weaker still. Descartes postulates that an imperfect being can never think up the notion of a perfect being. But can we accept this as truth? Why would this be impossible? The imperfect being does not have to understand or contain the perfect being, it only has to think up the notion 'perfect being'. If an imperfect being can have an idea of a perfect being, why couldn't he think it up? And if we say that an imperfect being can not think up the notion of a perfect being, can we be sure that an imperfect being could recognize the notion of a perfect being? Maybe the notion Descartes had was in fact of an imperfect being, but seemed perfect to the imperfect mind of the imperfect Descartes.
Not only that, but who or what can define the notion 'perfect'? Many philosophers have argued that good and evil do not exist objectively, but are in the mind of the beholder; since a perfect being must be ultimately good, the definition of a perfect being is also in the mind of the beholder. If the imagined God differs from person to person, must we then say that there are as many Gods as there are people? A counter-argument could be that the notions of Him God has placed on us are not perfect, and thus we can differ in opinion about evil, good and God. But in this case, we wouldn't have the idea of a perfect being, but of an almost perfect being, and Descartes entire argument breaks down.
Another question to ponder: Let's say you believe in God. Are certain actions on your part (let's say volunteering at a food kitchen....or a nursing home....or mowing your neighbors lawn) considered pious because God loves them. Or does He love those actions because they are pious?
Another question to ponder: Let's say you believe in God. Are certain actions on your part (let's say volunteering at a food kitchen....or a nursing home....or mowing your neighbors lawn) considered pious because God loves them. Or does He love those actions because they are pious?
Another question to ponder: Let's say you believe in God. Are certain actions on your part (let's say volunteering at a food kitchen....or a nursing home....or mowing your neighbors lawn) considered pious because God loves them. Or does He love those actions because they are pious?
Another question to ponder: Let's say you believe in God. Are certain actions on your part (let's say volunteering at a food kitchen....or a nursing home....or mowing your neighbors lawn) considered pious because God loves them. Or does He love those actions because they are pious?
[Quote: Originally Posted by
question to ponder: Let's say you believe in God. Are certain
actions on your part (let's say volunteering at a food kitchen....or a
home....or mowing your neighbors lawn) considered pious because God
loves them.
Or does He love those actions because they are pious?
[Quote: Originally Posted by
question to ponder: Let's say you believe in God. Are certain
actions on your part (let's say volunteering at a food kitchen....or a
home....or mowing your neighbors lawn) considered pious because God
loves them.
Or does He love those actions because they are pious?
Interesting that you and MrGlue answered differently. Would be happy to discuss further if you can get your post to work. I don't claim to know what is what....I have a lot more questions then answers. But that's how you learn.
Then on what basis or criteria does God decide if He loves something?
Interesting that you and MrGlue answered differently. Would be happy to discuss further if you can get your post to work. I don't claim to know what is what....I have a lot more questions then answers. But that's how you learn.
Then on what basis or criteria does God decide if He loves something?
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