Quote Originally Posted by reillym32:
As for the cell phone crap he tries to use as another smoking gun. First he lies saying all 13 calls were made from cell phones because some were made from Air Phones, which are designed to work in flight (They are the phones on the back of chairs that you have to use your credit card to use.) As for the actual cell phone calls themselves here are what some industry experts say about them:
Alexa Graf, AT&T spokesperson, said systems are not designed for calls from high altitudes, suggesting it was almost a fluke that the calls reached their destinations.
“On land, we have antenna sectors that point in three directions — say north, southwest, and southeast,” she explained. “Those signals are radiating across the land, and those signals do go up, too, due to leakage.”
From high altitudes, the call quality is not very good, and most callers will experience drops. Although calls are not reliable, callers can pick up and hold calls for a little while below a certain altitude, she added.
Brenda Raney, Verizon Wireless spokesperson, said that RF signals actually can broadcast fairly high. On Sept. 11, the planes were flying low when people started using their phones. And, each call lasted 60 seconds or less.
“They also were digital phones, and there's a little bit more leeway on those digital phones, so it worked,” she said.
It helped that the planes were flying in areas with plenty of cell sites, too. Even United Airlines flight 93, which crashed in rural Pennsylvania, was supported by several nearby cell sites, Raney added.
This is the biggest bunch of crap you've said so far, and I'm dying to address it. This statement of yours, and where ever you got those quotes from, completely explain your lack of research and eagerness to prove me wrong, no matter how many facts you actually skipped along the way.
There were 28 total phone calls. 15 of them came from "air phones". I'm not denying that those calls took place. I want to talk about the 13 cell phone calls that were released. Since you never researched this fact, I'll say it once again: Thirteen cell phone calls were made from Flight 93.
The planes were flying low, huh? Negative. Every single one of the "cell phone calls" (NOTE: I'm NOT talking about the air-phone calls) were made above 20,000 feet altitude. A handful of calls, I think 3 or 4, were placed about 30,000 feet. 7 of the 13 calls lasted for over 60 seconds. I have no idea where the fuck you got those numbers but your simply WRONG, plain and simple. 3 of the 13 calls lasted over THREE MINUTES !!!! There is a .001 chance for any cell phone call to connect at an altitude above 20,000 feet. There is a .00001 chance for that call, once connect, to last for anything more than 3 seconds, based on the altitude and the constant speed at which the aircraft is moving.
Yet the calls were placed, connected, and lasted for 3 minutes? Yeah fucking right.
This attempt at debunking yet again shows how little you actually researched this subject. Your eagerness to prove me wrong is making you skip most of the steps that are needed to debunk a claim, or prove me wrong. You're actually making yourself look quite dumb and incredible.