Actually the thread needs to just be halted.....Otherwise why don't we just talk about what Hitler did....
No reason to keep hashing out such a huge tragedy years later.....stop it already
Actually the thread needs to just be halted.....Otherwise why don't we just talk about what Hitler did....
No reason to keep hashing out such a huge tragedy years later.....stop it already
Actually the thread needs to just be halted.....Otherwise why don't we just talk about what Hitler did....
No reason to keep hashing out such a huge tragedy years later.....stop it already
Alexa Graf, AT&T spokesperson, said systems are not designed for calls from high altitudes, suggesting it was almost a fluke that the calls reached their destinations.
“On land, we have antenna sectors that point in three directions — say north, southwest, and southeast,” she explained. “Those signals are radiating across the land, and those signals do go up, too, due to leakage.”
From high altitudes, the call quality is not very good, and most callers will experience drops. Although calls are not reliable, callers can pick up and hold calls for a little while below a certain altitude, she added.
Brenda Raney, Verizon Wireless spokesperson, said that RF signals actually can broadcast fairly high. On Sept. 11, the planes were flying low when people started using their phones. And, each call lasted 60 seconds or less.
“They also were digital phones, and there's a little bit more leeway on those digital phones, so it worked,” she said.
It helped that the planes were flying in areas with plenty of cell sites, too. Even United Airlines flight 93, which crashed in rural Pennsylvania, was supported by several nearby cell sites, Raney added.
Conspiracy theorists aren't interested in facts.
I wish the jackass thermite person would post the opinion of ONE qualified structural or building engineer who would put their reputation on the line and say thermite was involved. JUST ONE.
Alexa Graf, AT&T spokesperson, said systems are not designed for calls from high altitudes, suggesting it was almost a fluke that the calls reached their destinations.
“On land, we have antenna sectors that point in three directions — say north, southwest, and southeast,” she explained. “Those signals are radiating across the land, and those signals do go up, too, due to leakage.”
From high altitudes, the call quality is not very good, and most callers will experience drops. Although calls are not reliable, callers can pick up and hold calls for a little while below a certain altitude, she added.
Brenda Raney, Verizon Wireless spokesperson, said that RF signals actually can broadcast fairly high. On Sept. 11, the planes were flying low when people started using their phones. And, each call lasted 60 seconds or less.
“They also were digital phones, and there's a little bit more leeway on those digital phones, so it worked,” she said.
It helped that the planes were flying in areas with plenty of cell sites, too. Even United Airlines flight 93, which crashed in rural Pennsylvania, was supported by several nearby cell sites, Raney added.
Conspiracy theorists aren't interested in facts.
I wish the jackass thermite person would post the opinion of ONE qualified structural or building engineer who would put their reputation on the line and say thermite was involved. JUST ONE.
Smdio, why do you think they signed the document in the first place?
Here's the deal fellas. The planes were flown by middle eastern terrorists. No one should be disputing that. Our defense department has been working around the globe since the end of WWII to build the current American Empire. When students research this period in history 200 hundred years from now, it will be referred to as the time of the American Empire.
I could spend hours on this topic but all you really need to know is how the US works with MAIN, US AID, and the World Bank create loans for countries that they know they will not be able to pay back. Defaulting on the loan results in US bases on their land as well as energy contracts going to western companies. This is how we build the empire and keep other countries mass populations poor. As awful as that may sound, and we are oppressing others, it has provided us the quality of life we enjoy today. In a way, you could say we're all guilty. Its pretty sickening really.
Anyways, the defense department relies on having an enemy to fight. Here is the uncomfortable truth. The US Gov't helped create Al Qaeda, and helps instigate their actions. Not overtly, but through other means. Now, this isn't all bad, as they setup targets to attract people who want to hurt the US. However, they help fan the flame so to speak and get them to commit to action. These kids are really just pawns, and they really think they are fighting against the US. Their actions provide our gov't the excuse to keep spending on defense, and continue the money flow to the war machine. The war machine is comprised of most MSM companies as well as a thousand others, the list is pretty staggering. This war machine also helps our economy, like it or not.
9/11 provided the ultimate excuse to continue our policies, for the next few decades to come. Here's something to chew on, our Gov't said they did not have photos of the plane hitting the Pentagon for years. Only until the public outcry reached a fever pitch, did they release 4 photos. That right there is proof, the Gov't is lying to you. Also, Dick Cheney said he was not in the White House at the time of the attacks. Yet, the Head of the Department of Energy, testified under oath for the 9-11 Commission. saying he was with Dick Cheney in the command bunker underneath the White House. That is more proof Cheney and the Gov't lied. Whats even more interesting, was the guy's testimony. He states Cheney told an officer repeatedly, that the orders still stand, and to not shoot down the plane headed toward the Pentagon.
Here is the video,
See it for yourself folks. One last thing. ABC News reported days after the attacks, that a few groups of students, ranging from 6th to 8th grade were warning their teachers about upcoming attacks on 9-11-01. This is a FACT. So, how do different groups of kids know an attack is coming but our CIA and Gov't do not??? Come on people, wake up!!
Smdio, why do you think they signed the document in the first place?
Here's the deal fellas. The planes were flown by middle eastern terrorists. No one should be disputing that. Our defense department has been working around the globe since the end of WWII to build the current American Empire. When students research this period in history 200 hundred years from now, it will be referred to as the time of the American Empire.
I could spend hours on this topic but all you really need to know is how the US works with MAIN, US AID, and the World Bank create loans for countries that they know they will not be able to pay back. Defaulting on the loan results in US bases on their land as well as energy contracts going to western companies. This is how we build the empire and keep other countries mass populations poor. As awful as that may sound, and we are oppressing others, it has provided us the quality of life we enjoy today. In a way, you could say we're all guilty. Its pretty sickening really.
Anyways, the defense department relies on having an enemy to fight. Here is the uncomfortable truth. The US Gov't helped create Al Qaeda, and helps instigate their actions. Not overtly, but through other means. Now, this isn't all bad, as they setup targets to attract people who want to hurt the US. However, they help fan the flame so to speak and get them to commit to action. These kids are really just pawns, and they really think they are fighting against the US. Their actions provide our gov't the excuse to keep spending on defense, and continue the money flow to the war machine. The war machine is comprised of most MSM companies as well as a thousand others, the list is pretty staggering. This war machine also helps our economy, like it or not.
9/11 provided the ultimate excuse to continue our policies, for the next few decades to come. Here's something to chew on, our Gov't said they did not have photos of the plane hitting the Pentagon for years. Only until the public outcry reached a fever pitch, did they release 4 photos. That right there is proof, the Gov't is lying to you. Also, Dick Cheney said he was not in the White House at the time of the attacks. Yet, the Head of the Department of Energy, testified under oath for the 9-11 Commission. saying he was with Dick Cheney in the command bunker underneath the White House. That is more proof Cheney and the Gov't lied. Whats even more interesting, was the guy's testimony. He states Cheney told an officer repeatedly, that the orders still stand, and to not shoot down the plane headed toward the Pentagon.
Here is the video,
See it for yourself folks. One last thing. ABC News reported days after the attacks, that a few groups of students, ranging from 6th to 8th grade were warning their teachers about upcoming attacks on 9-11-01. This is a FACT. So, how do different groups of kids know an attack is coming but our CIA and Gov't do not??? Come on people, wake up!!
Conspiracy theorists aren't interested in facts.
I wish the jackass thermite person would post the opinion of ONE qualified structural or building engineer who would put their reputation on the line and say thermite was involved. JUST ONE.
Here you go, Hutch.
1,346 qualified structural engineers putting their reputations on the line, and counting.
Conspiracy theorists aren't interested in facts.
I wish the jackass thermite person would post the opinion of ONE qualified structural or building engineer who would put their reputation on the line and say thermite was involved. JUST ONE.
Here you go, Hutch.
1,346 qualified structural engineers putting their reputations on the line, and counting.
No problem, Smdio. Its a topic most would rather ignore, because the more people dig, the more uncomfortable the truth becomes. It is hard for people to realize their country would do something like this to their own people. What they don't realize is, history repeats itself. The Russians have perfected this art.
And most people are right in their assumption, most would never even think of something like this. We live in a great country of great people, for the most part. Unfortunately, a few have other agendas.
To drive this point home, we should understand how the Bush Dynasty achieved their family fortune. Prescot Bush, G Dub's granddaddy, managed a bank in NYC. The President of the bank took Prescot over to Berlin and formed a new branch in Germany. Prescot was second in command at this new bank, and mostly ran the show while they president went back to NYC. The bank landed their first biggest client, United Steel Works. This immediately gave the bank credibility and stature in Germany at the time. The bank, along with USW, and a few other companies, created a team to go out and find the political party they thought had the best chance of winning the next election. At the time, the Nazi party was rising in popularity. They predicted this party would win the next election, so they decided to fund their party and actively seek a leader for the party. It has been reported from many sources, Prescot was in the room the night they told Hitler he was their man. Hitler then went on to win the Presidency. USW at the time was running out of steel to mine in the river on the border of Germany and Poland. So USW asked Poland if they could setup shop and mine steel across the border in Poland. Poland refused. Not long after, Poland was the first country invaded by the Nazis. USW then built a factory to mine steel on the river across the border in Poland. This factory was called Auschwitz. Prescot and his bank profited on all the cheap labor, being used at that concentration camp. That is a FACT people. As the war went on, the US Gov't called Prescot back to the States and told him he can no longer work for the bank in Germany. He continued. This pissed off our Gov't even more, and he was brought back to a hearing in D.C. During the hearing, President Truman stood up abruptly, obviously frustrated, and said "This is treason!"
And that is the start to the Bush Dynasty, all started with Blood Money. You really think this family and others like it have the US bests interests in mind?? Once people realize how the world works, it becomes a lot easier to see the clear picture.
No problem, Smdio. Its a topic most would rather ignore, because the more people dig, the more uncomfortable the truth becomes. It is hard for people to realize their country would do something like this to their own people. What they don't realize is, history repeats itself. The Russians have perfected this art.
And most people are right in their assumption, most would never even think of something like this. We live in a great country of great people, for the most part. Unfortunately, a few have other agendas.
To drive this point home, we should understand how the Bush Dynasty achieved their family fortune. Prescot Bush, G Dub's granddaddy, managed a bank in NYC. The President of the bank took Prescot over to Berlin and formed a new branch in Germany. Prescot was second in command at this new bank, and mostly ran the show while they president went back to NYC. The bank landed their first biggest client, United Steel Works. This immediately gave the bank credibility and stature in Germany at the time. The bank, along with USW, and a few other companies, created a team to go out and find the political party they thought had the best chance of winning the next election. At the time, the Nazi party was rising in popularity. They predicted this party would win the next election, so they decided to fund their party and actively seek a leader for the party. It has been reported from many sources, Prescot was in the room the night they told Hitler he was their man. Hitler then went on to win the Presidency. USW at the time was running out of steel to mine in the river on the border of Germany and Poland. So USW asked Poland if they could setup shop and mine steel across the border in Poland. Poland refused. Not long after, Poland was the first country invaded by the Nazis. USW then built a factory to mine steel on the river across the border in Poland. This factory was called Auschwitz. Prescot and his bank profited on all the cheap labor, being used at that concentration camp. That is a FACT people. As the war went on, the US Gov't called Prescot back to the States and told him he can no longer work for the bank in Germany. He continued. This pissed off our Gov't even more, and he was brought back to a hearing in D.C. During the hearing, President Truman stood up abruptly, obviously frustrated, and said "This is treason!"
And that is the start to the Bush Dynasty, all started with Blood Money. You really think this family and others like it have the US bests interests in mind?? Once people realize how the world works, it becomes a lot easier to see the clear picture.
I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
smdio its obvious youre making this shit up - why in this post didnt you tell us you had a kinship with a mother that had been duped by a fake phone call - someone posing as her son telling her he was onboard a hijacked plane knowing he was going to die putting her through living hell - only to be told it was an elaborate plan to help the us economy - and her sons alive she just cant ever see him again - and that she must sign zee papers to keep quiet
I was hoping for this question.
Right after I hit "submit" for the original post, I realized that I hadn't included where Flight 93 actually went.
Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at roughly 11:15 AM. At approximately 10:45 AM, all people inside the terminal and waiting areas of the airport were told they had to evacuate immediately. They were told they could not drive or take any of their vehicles. They were forced to WALK away from the airport, and not ask any questions.
Some people refused and tried to get back to gather their personal belongings. These people were told that if they did not comply and tried to gain access back to the airport, they would be shot on site.
At 11:15 AM, Flight 93 landed. At 11:45, it was evacuated and the passengers were taken to an inactive NASA hanger. What happened from there? It's anyone's guess. I highly doubt the government would have killed those passengers, but I absolutely believe that if they are capable of staging such attacks as the ones on the WTC, they are more than capable of sitting down 200 people, and giving them an ultimatum:
"You will not contact your famlies ever again. We will give you new lives with unlimited access to whatever you desire. We will place you in a very undisclosed location and give you new identities. We will watch every move you make and monitor every minute of your daily lives. Should you contact your family or speak of this to anyone, we will kill both them, and you."
Would you agree? I don't think you would have a choice..
smdio its obvious youre making this shit up - why in this post didnt you tell us you had a kinship with a mother that had been duped by a fake phone call - someone posing as her son telling her he was onboard a hijacked plane knowing he was going to die putting her through living hell - only to be told it was an elaborate plan to help the us economy - and her sons alive she just cant ever see him again - and that she must sign zee papers to keep quiet
smdio its obvious youre making this shit up - why in this post didnt you tell us you had a kinship with a mother that had been duped by a fake phone call - someone posing as her son telling her he was onboard a hijacked plane knowing he was going to die putting her through living hell - only to be told it was an elaborate plan to help the us economy - and her sons alive she just cant ever see him again - and that she must sign zee papers to keep quiet
She never told me she was duped by a fake phone call, nor did I say that. I have no proof of anyone actually ever telling me that. I simply have no reason to believe that cell phone calls can take place at above 20,000 foot altitude while traveling at the speed of an airliner
I simply have her reaction as stated above. Draw your own conclusions from there, as I already have
smdio its obvious youre making this shit up - why in this post didnt you tell us you had a kinship with a mother that had been duped by a fake phone call - someone posing as her son telling her he was onboard a hijacked plane knowing he was going to die putting her through living hell - only to be told it was an elaborate plan to help the us economy - and her sons alive she just cant ever see him again - and that she must sign zee papers to keep quiet
She never told me she was duped by a fake phone call, nor did I say that. I have no proof of anyone actually ever telling me that. I simply have no reason to believe that cell phone calls can take place at above 20,000 foot altitude while traveling at the speed of an airliner
I simply have her reaction as stated above. Draw your own conclusions from there, as I already have
No problem, Smdio. Its a topic most would rather ignore, because the more people dig, the more uncomfortable the truth becomes. It is hard for people to realize their country would do something like this to their own people. What they don't realize is, history repeats itself. The Russians have perfected this art.
And most people are right in their assumption, most would never even think of something like this. We live in a great country of great people, for the most part. Unfortunately, a few have other agendas.
To drive this point home, we should understand how the Bush Dynasty achieved their family fortune. Prescot Bush, G Dub's granddaddy, managed a bank in NYC. The President of the bank took Prescot over to Berlin and formed a new branch in Germany. Prescot was second in command at this new bank, and mostly ran the show while they president went back to NYC. The bank landed their first biggest client, United Steel Works. This immediately gave the bank credibility and stature in Germany at the time. The bank, along with USW, and a few other companies, created a team to go out and find the political party they thought had the best chance of winning the next election. At the time, the Nazi party was rising in popularity. They predicted this party would win the next election, so they decided to fund their party and actively seek a leader for the party. It has been reported from many sources, Prescot was in the room the night they told Hitler he was their man. Hitler then went on to win the Presidency. USW at the time was running out of steel to mine in the river on the border of Germany and Poland. So USW asked Poland if they could setup shop and mine steel across the border in Poland. Poland refused. Not long after, Poland was the first country invaded by the Nazis. USW then built a factory to mine steel on the river across the border in Poland. This factory was called Auschwitz. Prescot and his bank profited on all the cheap labor, being used at that concentration camp. That is a FACT people. As the war went on, the US Gov't called Prescot back to the States and told him he can no longer work for the bank in Germany. He continued. This pissed off our Gov't even more, and he was brought back to a hearing in D.C. During the hearing, President Truman stood up abruptly, obviously frustrated, and said "This is treason!"
And that is the start to the Bush Dynasty, all started with Blood Money. You really think this family and others like it have the US bests interests in mind?? Once people realize how the world works, it becomes a lot easier to see the clear picture.
This is a very disheartening story and I wish I didn't know it was true, now that you've told it. I've hated President Bush (the first and the second) before this, but now it really makes sense to me.
No problem, Smdio. Its a topic most would rather ignore, because the more people dig, the more uncomfortable the truth becomes. It is hard for people to realize their country would do something like this to their own people. What they don't realize is, history repeats itself. The Russians have perfected this art.
And most people are right in their assumption, most would never even think of something like this. We live in a great country of great people, for the most part. Unfortunately, a few have other agendas.
To drive this point home, we should understand how the Bush Dynasty achieved their family fortune. Prescot Bush, G Dub's granddaddy, managed a bank in NYC. The President of the bank took Prescot over to Berlin and formed a new branch in Germany. Prescot was second in command at this new bank, and mostly ran the show while they president went back to NYC. The bank landed their first biggest client, United Steel Works. This immediately gave the bank credibility and stature in Germany at the time. The bank, along with USW, and a few other companies, created a team to go out and find the political party they thought had the best chance of winning the next election. At the time, the Nazi party was rising in popularity. They predicted this party would win the next election, so they decided to fund their party and actively seek a leader for the party. It has been reported from many sources, Prescot was in the room the night they told Hitler he was their man. Hitler then went on to win the Presidency. USW at the time was running out of steel to mine in the river on the border of Germany and Poland. So USW asked Poland if they could setup shop and mine steel across the border in Poland. Poland refused. Not long after, Poland was the first country invaded by the Nazis. USW then built a factory to mine steel on the river across the border in Poland. This factory was called Auschwitz. Prescot and his bank profited on all the cheap labor, being used at that concentration camp. That is a FACT people. As the war went on, the US Gov't called Prescot back to the States and told him he can no longer work for the bank in Germany. He continued. This pissed off our Gov't even more, and he was brought back to a hearing in D.C. During the hearing, President Truman stood up abruptly, obviously frustrated, and said "This is treason!"
And that is the start to the Bush Dynasty, all started with Blood Money. You really think this family and others like it have the US bests interests in mind?? Once people realize how the world works, it becomes a lot easier to see the clear picture.
This is a very disheartening story and I wish I didn't know it was true, now that you've told it. I've hated President Bush (the first and the second) before this, but now it really makes sense to me.
This is a very disheartening story and I wish I didn't know it was true, now that you've told it. I've hated President Bush (the first and the second) before this, but now it really makes sense to me.
Sorry, but once you know the truth, you only have two choices. Stay quiet and be an accomplice, or be part of the solution. There are millions, yes millions of Americans fighting the good fight, we are certainly not alone. If more people really knew where the Bush fortune came from, then maybe we wouldn't be in some of the messes we are in now. The fact MSM never even touched this story, should be all you need to know about who controls our media. So it is my duty to spread the truth, its the least I can do to help.
This is a very disheartening story and I wish I didn't know it was true, now that you've told it. I've hated President Bush (the first and the second) before this, but now it really makes sense to me.
Sorry, but once you know the truth, you only have two choices. Stay quiet and be an accomplice, or be part of the solution. There are millions, yes millions of Americans fighting the good fight, we are certainly not alone. If more people really knew where the Bush fortune came from, then maybe we wouldn't be in some of the messes we are in now. The fact MSM never even touched this story, should be all you need to know about who controls our media. So it is my duty to spread the truth, its the least I can do to help.
No problem, Smdio. Its a topic most would rather ignore, because the more people dig, the more uncomfortable the truth becomes. It is hard for people to realize their country would do something like this to their own people. What they don't realize is, history repeats itself. The Russians have perfected this art.
And most people are right in their assumption, most would never even think of something like this. We live in a great country of great people, for the most part. Unfortunately, a few have other agendas.
To drive this point home, we should understand how the Bush Dynasty achieved their family fortune. Prescot Bush, G Dub's granddaddy, managed a bank in NYC. The President of the bank took Prescot over to Berlin and formed a new branch in Germany. Prescot was second in command at this new bank, and mostly ran the show while they president went back to NYC. The bank landed their first biggest client, United Steel Works. This immediately gave the bank credibility and stature in Germany at the time. The bank, along with USW, and a few other companies, created a team to go out and find the political party they thought had the best chance of winning the next election. At the time, the Nazi party was rising in popularity. They predicted this party would win the next election, so they decided to fund their party and actively seek a leader for the party. It has been reported from many sources, Prescot was in the room the night they told Hitler he was their man. Hitler then went on to win the Presidency. USW at the time was running out of steel to mine in the river on the border of Germany and Poland. So USW asked Poland if they could setup shop and mine steel across the border in Poland. Poland refused. Not long after, Poland was the first country invaded by the Nazis. USW then built a factory to mine steel on the river across the border in Poland. This factory was called Auschwitz. Prescot and his bank profited on all the cheap labor, being used at that concentration camp. That is a FACT people. As the war went on, the US Gov't called Prescot back to the States and told him he can no longer work for the bank in Germany. He continued. This pissed off our Gov't even more, and he was brought back to a hearing in D.C. During the hearing, President Truman stood up abruptly, obviously frustrated, and said "This is treason!"
And that is the start to the Bush Dynasty, all started with Blood Money. You really think this family and others like it have the US bests interests in mind?? Once people realize how the world works, it becomes a lot easier to see the clear picture.
No problem, Smdio. Its a topic most would rather ignore, because the more people dig, the more uncomfortable the truth becomes. It is hard for people to realize their country would do something like this to their own people. What they don't realize is, history repeats itself. The Russians have perfected this art.
And most people are right in their assumption, most would never even think of something like this. We live in a great country of great people, for the most part. Unfortunately, a few have other agendas.
To drive this point home, we should understand how the Bush Dynasty achieved their family fortune. Prescot Bush, G Dub's granddaddy, managed a bank in NYC. The President of the bank took Prescot over to Berlin and formed a new branch in Germany. Prescot was second in command at this new bank, and mostly ran the show while they president went back to NYC. The bank landed their first biggest client, United Steel Works. This immediately gave the bank credibility and stature in Germany at the time. The bank, along with USW, and a few other companies, created a team to go out and find the political party they thought had the best chance of winning the next election. At the time, the Nazi party was rising in popularity. They predicted this party would win the next election, so they decided to fund their party and actively seek a leader for the party. It has been reported from many sources, Prescot was in the room the night they told Hitler he was their man. Hitler then went on to win the Presidency. USW at the time was running out of steel to mine in the river on the border of Germany and Poland. So USW asked Poland if they could setup shop and mine steel across the border in Poland. Poland refused. Not long after, Poland was the first country invaded by the Nazis. USW then built a factory to mine steel on the river across the border in Poland. This factory was called Auschwitz. Prescot and his bank profited on all the cheap labor, being used at that concentration camp. That is a FACT people. As the war went on, the US Gov't called Prescot back to the States and told him he can no longer work for the bank in Germany. He continued. This pissed off our Gov't even more, and he was brought back to a hearing in D.C. During the hearing, President Truman stood up abruptly, obviously frustrated, and said "This is treason!"
And that is the start to the Bush Dynasty, all started with Blood Money. You really think this family and others like it have the US bests interests in mind?? Once people realize how the world works, it becomes a lot easier to see the clear picture.
A simple Google search will point you in the right direction. I just pulled up one link,
FTA: His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.
A simple Google search will point you in the right direction. I just pulled up one link,
FTA: His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.
So let me get this straight. The Bush family is evil because Prescot Bush decided to do business with Hitler and Germany. Since when does that make someone bad? I mean you don't have to like it, but there is certainly nothing wrong with that. Business is business.
So should I stop doing business with China? Should I stop letting contractors go over to Iraq to work and make a living?
I just don't see how doing business and profiting off of something is wrong. If you knew where virtually every political powers money came from you would bomb our country yourself. What I see here is an oportunist. If their family is that wealthy for doing business with the Germans then good for them. Is it moraly or ethicaly right? Don't know, that's for each individual to decide.
I guess the same could be said about the Rockefellers money. Or John Kerry's money who is supported by Heinz, which in return is also German based money. We going to execute the ketchup industry for supplying the dirty German enforces for a littel ketchup on the collar. This is a whole nother topic itself, but take a look deeper into the Heinz family when you get a chance and see what you dig up.
Point is, this country and every other country is what is because of our past. Doing business, even with an enemy, is still business. The governments griefs and disbeliefs shouldn't stop any one from trying to make a living. Should we blame the Rockefellers for the current banking crisis because they started banking. Heck if you are smart you go where the money is being sent. That's how one becomes filty rich back in the day. I think it's genius to start a steel company during war time back then knowing that you would be banking on the fact that the demand was there and that you could supply it. No different than the US supplying middle eastern countries with weapons so they can go kill each other and even possibly Americans.
So let me get this straight. The Bush family is evil because Prescot Bush decided to do business with Hitler and Germany. Since when does that make someone bad? I mean you don't have to like it, but there is certainly nothing wrong with that. Business is business.
So should I stop doing business with China? Should I stop letting contractors go over to Iraq to work and make a living?
I just don't see how doing business and profiting off of something is wrong. If you knew where virtually every political powers money came from you would bomb our country yourself. What I see here is an oportunist. If their family is that wealthy for doing business with the Germans then good for them. Is it moraly or ethicaly right? Don't know, that's for each individual to decide.
I guess the same could be said about the Rockefellers money. Or John Kerry's money who is supported by Heinz, which in return is also German based money. We going to execute the ketchup industry for supplying the dirty German enforces for a littel ketchup on the collar. This is a whole nother topic itself, but take a look deeper into the Heinz family when you get a chance and see what you dig up.
Point is, this country and every other country is what is because of our past. Doing business, even with an enemy, is still business. The governments griefs and disbeliefs shouldn't stop any one from trying to make a living. Should we blame the Rockefellers for the current banking crisis because they started banking. Heck if you are smart you go where the money is being sent. That's how one becomes filty rich back in the day. I think it's genius to start a steel company during war time back then knowing that you would be banking on the fact that the demand was there and that you could supply it. No different than the US supplying middle eastern countries with weapons so they can go kill each other and even possibly Americans.
Abooksnightmare, you're absolutely correct. It is just business. My family comes from Oil, so I totally understand where you are coming from.
However, profiting off of labor from concentration camps crosses the line for me. Some of my posts earlier were to point out how complicated some of this is. We all enjoy our quality of life right now, no? It is what it is. Also, and as bad as this may seem, it is true... If it weren't the US, it would be another country trying to control the world. That is the nature of man. Its a dirty world, no doubt.
I guess the point was, man is greedy, and it is totally within reason to suspect an inside job with 9-11. Others play by different rules and in a way, live in a different world than you or I. Trying to understand motives is difficult unless you walk in their shoes.
Abooksnightmare, you're absolutely correct. It is just business. My family comes from Oil, so I totally understand where you are coming from.
However, profiting off of labor from concentration camps crosses the line for me. Some of my posts earlier were to point out how complicated some of this is. We all enjoy our quality of life right now, no? It is what it is. Also, and as bad as this may seem, it is true... If it weren't the US, it would be another country trying to control the world. That is the nature of man. Its a dirty world, no doubt.
I guess the point was, man is greedy, and it is totally within reason to suspect an inside job with 9-11. Others play by different rules and in a way, live in a different world than you or I. Trying to understand motives is difficult unless you walk in their shoes.
No doubt a hidden agenda with 911....As I mentioned before in this thread you can look at the debt owed to China as well.....Did they call a portion of it....Don't know for sure.....It wasn't a coincidence that the buildings hit had to do with finacial securities....
I know the events of 911 didn't directly affect the market crashing or people to lose all of their retirement savings, but it certainly contributed....and where did that moeny go......hmmmmmmmm....when all this stuff gets revealed or opened up years from now I wouldn't be surprised if something like that doesn't come about....
This whole thing will go down as one of the biggest internal stings ever to be known and allowed to happen on ones own soil.....
But on the bright side the market has rebounded nicely ....any chance all those people can get their money back now
.....straight up sucker if you invest in the market after all that....and retirement....fuggetaboutit....
No doubt a hidden agenda with 911....As I mentioned before in this thread you can look at the debt owed to China as well.....Did they call a portion of it....Don't know for sure.....It wasn't a coincidence that the buildings hit had to do with finacial securities....
I know the events of 911 didn't directly affect the market crashing or people to lose all of their retirement savings, but it certainly contributed....and where did that moeny go......hmmmmmmmm....when all this stuff gets revealed or opened up years from now I wouldn't be surprised if something like that doesn't come about....
This whole thing will go down as one of the biggest internal stings ever to be known and allowed to happen on ones own soil.....
But on the bright side the market has rebounded nicely ....any chance all those people can get their money back now
.....straight up sucker if you invest in the market after all that....and retirement....fuggetaboutit....
It's not about pulling it off.....It's about letting know what is going to happen, happen, while doing nothing.....A number of intelligance reports were brought to officials attention that terrorist members were receiving flying lessons at a number of different instructor schools around the nation....this intelligance would normally never have been this case it's a matter of letting something happen and let the public perception be that we were attacked which then propogated a whole string of events....actually quite brilliant and yet you can wash your hands clean of it...this wouldn't be hard to pull off and no one would need to be's as simple as turning the other cheek on the intel coming in....not hard to fathom...been done plenty times before and is currently done in businesses around the world....
It's not about pulling it off.....It's about letting know what is going to happen, happen, while doing nothing.....A number of intelligance reports were brought to officials attention that terrorist members were receiving flying lessons at a number of different instructor schools around the nation....this intelligance would normally never have been this case it's a matter of letting something happen and let the public perception be that we were attacked which then propogated a whole string of events....actually quite brilliant and yet you can wash your hands clean of it...this wouldn't be hard to pull off and no one would need to be's as simple as turning the other cheek on the intel coming in....not hard to fathom...been done plenty times before and is currently done in businesses around the world....
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