Sorry but thats complete bullshit. I would be willing to bet anybody here any amount that there is alot of family members who would want to see clear proof thats how their loved ones died. Dont you think all those family members havent read all the stuff about this and all the unanswered questions? You bet their ass they have read all the stuff out there and just like i have been saying, the govt can end all this conspiracy shit by showing 1 clear picture of a plane just flying towards the Pentagon, not even hitting, just coming towards it, but they cant because no airliner hit that building. Yes the people of flight 77 are all dead, but they didnt die flying into the Pentagon.
On top of that if you really believe that terrorists who had a hard time flying little single engine planes, could suddenly pilot an airliner straight into the building, your smoking some good shit.
Theres so much stuff out their that disputes the govts case, but the problem is we as a society dont want to believe that things like this could ever be done by our own govt to our own people. Well sorry to have to break this to some of you but power and money does alot of bad things.
We will never know the truth, because my guess is the majority of the people involved in this thing, have all been taken out themselves by hired guns who dont even know why theya re taking certain people out. Taking these type of actions is how things never get leaked out for all you guys who think well somebody by now would have spilled their guts. Nope not if they arent here anymore. And to you guys who dont think these type of hired people arent out there, your living in a dreamworld, because they are real.
Look it like this, the same way Deniro got rid of all his partners who robbed the airport for millions, so there would be nobody around to spill their guts, the people who pulled off this dark day in our countries history, basically did the same thing.
Some of you at least need to open up your minds and look at some of the other sides facts, because there is alot out there.
Sorry but thats complete bullshit. I would be willing to bet anybody here any amount that there is alot of family members who would want to see clear proof thats how their loved ones died. Dont you think all those family members havent read all the stuff about this and all the unanswered questions? You bet their ass they have read all the stuff out there and just like i have been saying, the govt can end all this conspiracy shit by showing 1 clear picture of a plane just flying towards the Pentagon, not even hitting, just coming towards it, but they cant because no airliner hit that building. Yes the people of flight 77 are all dead, but they didnt die flying into the Pentagon.
On top of that if you really believe that terrorists who had a hard time flying little single engine planes, could suddenly pilot an airliner straight into the building, your smoking some good shit.
Theres so much stuff out their that disputes the govts case, but the problem is we as a society dont want to believe that things like this could ever be done by our own govt to our own people. Well sorry to have to break this to some of you but power and money does alot of bad things.
We will never know the truth, because my guess is the majority of the people involved in this thing, have all been taken out themselves by hired guns who dont even know why theya re taking certain people out. Taking these type of actions is how things never get leaked out for all you guys who think well somebody by now would have spilled their guts. Nope not if they arent here anymore. And to you guys who dont think these type of hired people arent out there, your living in a dreamworld, because they are real.
Look it like this, the same way Deniro got rid of all his partners who robbed the airport for millions, so there would be nobody around to spill their guts, the people who pulled off this dark day in our countries history, basically did the same thing.
Some of you at least need to open up your minds and look at some of the other sides facts, because there is alot out there.
Sorry but thats complete bullshit. I would be willing to bet anybody here any amount that there is alot of family members who would want to see clear proof thats how their loved ones died. Dont you think all those family members havent read all the stuff about this and all the unanswered questions? You bet their ass they have read all the stuff out there and just like i have been saying, the govt can end all this conspiracy shit by showing 1 clear picture of a plane just flying towards the Pentagon, not even hitting, just coming towards it, but they cant because no airliner hit that building. Yes the people of flight 77 are all dead, but they didnt die flying into the Pentagon.
On top of that if you really believe that terrorists who had a hard time flying little single engine planes, could suddenly pilot an airliner straight into the building, your smoking some good shit.
Theres so much stuff out their that disputes the govts case, but the problem is we as a society dont want to believe that things like this could ever be done by our own govt to our own people. Well sorry to have to break this to some of you but power and money does alot of bad things.
We will never know the truth, because my guess is the majority of the people involved in this thing, have all been taken out themselves by hired guns who dont even know why theya re taking certain people out. Taking these type of actions is how things never get leaked out for all you guys who think well somebody by now would have spilled their guts. Nope not if they arent here anymore. And to you guys who dont think these type of hired people arent out there, your living in a dreamworld, because they are real.
Look it like this, the same way Deniro got rid of all his partners who robbed the airport for millions, so there would be nobody around to spill their guts, the people who pulled off this dark day in our countries history, basically did the same thing.
Some of you at least need to open up your minds and look at some of the other sides facts, because there is alot out there.
im pretty sure in this link there are 2 security camera videos of that plane hitting the pentagon
Sorry but thats complete bullshit. I would be willing to bet anybody here any amount that there is alot of family members who would want to see clear proof thats how their loved ones died. Dont you think all those family members havent read all the stuff about this and all the unanswered questions? You bet their ass they have read all the stuff out there and just like i have been saying, the govt can end all this conspiracy shit by showing 1 clear picture of a plane just flying towards the Pentagon, not even hitting, just coming towards it, but they cant because no airliner hit that building. Yes the people of flight 77 are all dead, but they didnt die flying into the Pentagon.
On top of that if you really believe that terrorists who had a hard time flying little single engine planes, could suddenly pilot an airliner straight into the building, your smoking some good shit.
Theres so much stuff out their that disputes the govts case, but the problem is we as a society dont want to believe that things like this could ever be done by our own govt to our own people. Well sorry to have to break this to some of you but power and money does alot of bad things.
We will never know the truth, because my guess is the majority of the people involved in this thing, have all been taken out themselves by hired guns who dont even know why theya re taking certain people out. Taking these type of actions is how things never get leaked out for all you guys who think well somebody by now would have spilled their guts. Nope not if they arent here anymore. And to you guys who dont think these type of hired people arent out there, your living in a dreamworld, because they are real.
Look it like this, the same way Deniro got rid of all his partners who robbed the airport for millions, so there would be nobody around to spill their guts, the people who pulled off this dark day in our countries history, basically did the same thing.
Some of you at least need to open up your minds and look at some of the other sides facts, because there is alot out there.
im pretty sure in this link there are 2 security camera videos of that plane hitting the pentagon
im pretty sure in this link there are 2 security camera videos of that plane hitting the pentagon
Can you point them out to me? I've intensely examined the link you just posted, and I don't see an airliner anywhere
im pretty sure in this link there are 2 security camera videos of that plane hitting the pentagon
Can you point them out to me? I've intensely examined the link you just posted, and I don't see an airliner anywhere
I lived in Pittsburgh for 2 years and if you think that place is the holy grail, as you're making it seem, you must have never lived anywhere else. It's a shit hole, plain and simple
To counter your statement, I have proved that Flight 77 could not have hit the Pentagon. Where are the people? That's something we still don't know or may never know. But 1 thing is for sure, I have satisfactorily proved to all of you that the Northern Approach taken by Flight 77 was totally inconsistant with the damage to the building itself, and also the outside damage of surrounding things, such as the downed light poles.
Any of you still arguing that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon did not watch this video. When you do, please come back here and we'll speak again
I lived in Pittsburgh for 2 years and if you think that place is the holy grail, as you're making it seem, you must have never lived anywhere else. It's a shit hole, plain and simple
To counter your statement, I have proved that Flight 77 could not have hit the Pentagon. Where are the people? That's something we still don't know or may never know. But 1 thing is for sure, I have satisfactorily proved to all of you that the Northern Approach taken by Flight 77 was totally inconsistant with the damage to the building itself, and also the outside damage of surrounding things, such as the downed light poles.
Any of you still arguing that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon did not watch this video. When you do, please come back here and we'll speak again
That picture is worth millions of dollars, which is exactly why you or your friend does not have it. Nice try though
That picture is worth millions of dollars, which is exactly why you or your friend does not have it. Nice try though
A multidisciplinary team of more than 50 forensic specialists, scientists and support personnel from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology played a major role in Operation Nobel Eagle investigations, officials said. AFIP is an executive agency of the Army surgeon general.
Many of the Pentagon casualties were badly burned and difficult to identify, an official said. Of the 189 killed, 125 worked at the Pentagon and 64 were passengers on American Airlines Flight 77. Only one of those who died made it to the hospital; the rest were killed on site. For some victims, only pieces of tissue could be found."
"DNA identifications for Flight 93 victims were sent to the Somerset County Coroner's Office for release. The Department of Defense released identification of Pentagon victims. All but four who worked in the Pentagon were identified. AFIP identified all but one of the passengers of Flight 77."
Just looked over some of the links you posted and wanted to go back to the DNA reference.
These "DNA reports" are not valid evidence proving that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon because they were supplied by the same entity implicated by the independent, verifiable north side approach evidence and the independent, verifiable flyover/flyaway evidence. There is no independent chain of custody of these alleged DNA samples, which means that the scientists who allegedly analyzed the DNA and turned up matches -- if that did happen -- have no way of knowing whether or not it actually came from the Pentagon. Unverifiable, government-alleged evidence such as this cannot be accepted on pure faith as valid in light of the fact that it is contradicted by conclusive, independent, verifiable evidence indicating that the plane did not hit the building.
A multidisciplinary team of more than 50 forensic specialists, scientists and support personnel from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology played a major role in Operation Nobel Eagle investigations, officials said. AFIP is an executive agency of the Army surgeon general.
Many of the Pentagon casualties were badly burned and difficult to identify, an official said. Of the 189 killed, 125 worked at the Pentagon and 64 were passengers on American Airlines Flight 77. Only one of those who died made it to the hospital; the rest were killed on site. For some victims, only pieces of tissue could be found."
"DNA identifications for Flight 93 victims were sent to the Somerset County Coroner's Office for release. The Department of Defense released identification of Pentagon victims. All but four who worked in the Pentagon were identified. AFIP identified all but one of the passengers of Flight 77."
Just looked over some of the links you posted and wanted to go back to the DNA reference.
These "DNA reports" are not valid evidence proving that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon because they were supplied by the same entity implicated by the independent, verifiable north side approach evidence and the independent, verifiable flyover/flyaway evidence. There is no independent chain of custody of these alleged DNA samples, which means that the scientists who allegedly analyzed the DNA and turned up matches -- if that did happen -- have no way of knowing whether or not it actually came from the Pentagon. Unverifiable, government-alleged evidence such as this cannot be accepted on pure faith as valid in light of the fact that it is contradicted by conclusive, independent, verifiable evidence indicating that the plane did not hit the building.
That picture is worth millions of dollars, which is exactly why you or your friend does not have it. Nice try though
That picture is worth millions of dollars, which is exactly why you or your friend does not have it. Nice try though
Your a typical brain washed sheep who believes any bullshit the govt feeds you. The govt has got the best equiptment in the world and they cant show a clear picture of a plane heading toward the building, give me a friggin break. Listen you keep believing that type of bullshit, i dont.
As far as family members, like i already said i would bet the majority of them know all about this conspiracy stuff and they also would love to see clear proof, instead of just believing what the govt tells them to believe. Not everybody in this world is gullible like you.
Your a typical brain washed sheep who believes any bullshit the govt feeds you. The govt has got the best equiptment in the world and they cant show a clear picture of a plane heading toward the building, give me a friggin break. Listen you keep believing that type of bullshit, i dont.
As far as family members, like i already said i would bet the majority of them know all about this conspiracy stuff and they also would love to see clear proof, instead of just believing what the govt tells them to believe. Not everybody in this world is gullible like you.
im pretty sure in this link there are 2 security camera videos of that plane hitting the pentagon
no i dont want to see some grainy ass videos and pictures where you cant make out shit. Show me a clear picture of an airliner heading towards the building. They have the cameras that take probably the best pictures in the world.
Also why did no fighter jets get sent up to stop this plane? Wake up
im pretty sure in this link there are 2 security camera videos of that plane hitting the pentagon
no i dont want to see some grainy ass videos and pictures where you cant make out shit. Show me a clear picture of an airliner heading towards the building. They have the cameras that take probably the best pictures in the world.
Also why did no fighter jets get sent up to stop this plane? Wake up
And where does" common sense "come into play where you are told to believe that someone that could barely fly a 2 seater flew a huge plane that he has never been in before two feet off the ground at that speed and distance?
Virtualy impossible.
Still nobody can give a reasonable answer on why they just refuse to show a picture of a plane near the Pentagon.
And where does" common sense "come into play where you are told to believe that someone that could barely fly a 2 seater flew a huge plane that he has never been in before two feet off the ground at that speed and distance?
Virtualy impossible.
Still nobody can give a reasonable answer on why they just refuse to show a picture of a plane near the Pentagon.
69 posts.
All in this thread.
And you think joking about a tragic day is funny.
Stick with your pot and partying in Pittsburgh.
You have zero substance and zero answers.
69 posts.
All in this thread.
And you think joking about a tragic day is funny.
Stick with your pot and partying in Pittsburgh.
You have zero substance and zero answers.
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