Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete21:
But, Vermeer, the view you just outlined is EXACTLY what every investment professional and his mother thinks! As I mentioned with WallStreeCappers, by no means do I disagree with you that the facts paint a bleak, bleak picture. I don't personally buy into all the green-sharts. But, come on, this shit never goes according to script.
I think you really see 3rd and 4th quarter positive GDP gains (which will no doubt be due to account gimmickery like net exports making massive contributions). And hell, maybe we'll get positive growth the first couple of quarters next year. This will have everyone feeling warm and fuzzy about the prospects of a recovery, that perhaps the Feds got this one right.
And then, the stagnation will come. You will get MASSIVE stagnation. 0.1% increase in GDP, -0.1% decrease. That will be the norm. People will get frustrated and that's when the rounds of stimulus talk will come back into the fray.
If you don't have the risk tolerance to buy this market, do yourself a favor and don't short it. I think shorting this market right now (or in the intermediate future) portends bad things for your portfolio.
I happen to agree with your diagnosis.I am not short the market (yet). I do think there will be a ginned up statistical mirage recovery, of a very,very limited sort.
I do
not think the stagnation will result in a second stimulus, especially as very little of the current one has been spent. (I also think that was very much by design:the Administration knows when elections are held, and it only needs the stimulus to really kick in
before the midterms:until then, everyone can jump up and down all they want, and it won't change the composition of Congress).
I think we will see stagflation. I think we will see a pseudo recovery. I do not fight the tape, nor, however, do I see any hope at all of a real recovery as the domestic consumer is done for, and knows it.
It is ironic to me that a person supposed to be a representative of Change is in fact a real reactionary.He seeks to resuscitate the old order, one built on wild American consumer spending on utter shit made in China, and flipping McMansions.Those days are over.And good riddance.
Perhaps if Obama were white, not just half white, his privileged background would make it easier to see just how his programs (economic and military) only seek to reestablish the status quo ante. No matter what, those old days are over. We will witness defeat of those reactionary aims in the next 24 to 36 months.