woa woa woa,,hold on,,im not callin anybody names here,,,,,,all i was trying to illustrate is the point wall brought up that buying situation present themselves at times like these,,,if u want to be out of the market completely verm than thats ok ,thats your choice,,people have different time frames and different levels of risk tolerance that makes them more or less likely to be involved with this type of market,,, i used c as an example, take any company,,if u can get good solid names on the cheap it is MY belief u do it,,,i can withstand the short term pain,,,will some of these go lower ,then higher?,,yes,,,,but i m not smart enough to call out bottoms on some of these,,,,as for specific names,,i will post them by 2 morrow,,,i may have more of an agresssive style,, i think my money can be invested in all types of markets,,whether shorts, commodities,whatever, in all types of markets there is money to be made,,,,,,,,,,i did not mean to degrade anyones style of investing, but it is my belief that having 100% of money in any one place ,whether it is stocks, bonds cash etc...etc...is not the wway to go, that being said it is obvious u have no confidence in this market and choose to not be involved,, i respect that,,however i think even in this market i can make better than the 5% a mm would give me,,,,but maybe thats why i drink heavily and my hair has fallen out alredy and im only 36

No worries Boiler we are all just exchanging ideas here!!!
As for your (and my own) hair loss, I prefer the scientific reason for it::excessive testosterone!!!!