Music is worse sac, imo, the decline in quality has been constant over the decades, but 2010-2019 has to be the worse decade in recent history, quality wise, not that quality music isn't or hasn't been made in that period, it's just not mainstream any more, nor has the volume it used too. Nowadays mainstream consists of "music" that lacks depth, authenticity, creativity and downright talent, a constant display of mediocrity, repetitiveness, and shallowness.
Imo this decline can be correlated with the rise of social media, especially facebook, which brought this need for instant gratification through validation by likes, that is fed by a dopamine feedback loop. Facebook has to be the perfect example, of how unintended consequences can arise after a social experiment like this, because no one knew beforehand how this experiment will unfold. At the moment zuckerberg had to be one of the biggest pieces of $hit in the world, on this problem, because of his unwillingness to reform facebook and the man literally has blood on his hands, since he allowed his platform to be a driver of literal genocide, the Rohinga's in Myanmar through baseless conspiracies. People need to understand one thing, for facebook you are not a customer, you are a product they sell to advertises, the algorithm is built in such a manner to ensure it keeps you on the platform, regardless of the validity of the information. This lack of fact checking is what has made facebook, a safe heaven for all the crackpots and morons to spread the most ludicrous and baseless conspiracy theories. Now this wouldn't be a problem, if these people wouldn't go out in the real world and propagate those conspiracies, all because zuckerberg refuses to use fact checkers or even remove blatant lies. I never had facebook, for me all it represents is a cesspool of human misery and atm a real threat to democracy, in a lot of places. I highly recommend everybody sees a documentary: The Social Dilemma, it perfectly explains why social media has become so dangerous.
I already said it here, I am Romanian living in Romania, but I am pretty familiar with everything that is American, since I've watched a lot of movies, TV series and also read books. Besides those aspects I also like following sports, like baseball and the NFL. I agree with everything you said about trump and the whole situation, sadly the current situation was just a matter of time, given the path on which the gop has been for decades, but it's absolutely mind-boggling that such a large part of the population, can support that vile excuse of a human being. Take this pandemic, to make the use of the mask a political statement has been the worse thing anyone could've done. Can you imagine the number of people trump and the gop have killed, abided by facebook?! So much useless death and for what? The main problem with facebook is it's algorithm, which deeply taps in our tribalism, as a species, it identifies your interests based on what you click on and it keeps you in an echo chamber, without providing any information that would counter your position, this is basically the anthesis of critical thinking, the main reason you have large swats of absolute morons who live in a parallel reality, that has nothing to do with logic, reason, and science. The saddest part is trump is just a conman, he dosen't give a flying f#ck about anyone, but himself, and these people treat him like a god, while he fleeces them of money...