Joined: Oct, 2007
Posts: 8971
Posted: May. 20, 2009 - 4:55 AM ET
Hey everyone. Some of you need to read the rules before you post. I will not record you if you do not follow the rules. Thanks. GL!
08080808 1-2 -167
44Dimes 4-4 -56
Abnormality 0-1 -100
Airdownie 2-0 +213
Ajgtroops 2-2 -32
Alexwwrong 0-1 -120
AlwaysHigh 3-0 +300
Andrew730 1-1 -42
Andy88c 0-2 -229 Arsenal588 0-2 -200 Ashdogs 1-0 +100 Atxcojo 1-0 +100 Banger32 1-0 +100 Barracuda 2-1 +60 Baseball Capper 0-1-110 BegeBro 1-0 +100 BennyTheJet 3-2 +0 Betterthanyou 7-1 +602
Big Val85 0-1 -120 BigUnit 6-1 +494 Billyc201 0-1 -131 Birdman11 0-1 -132 Booshasta 1-1-1 -30 Bugzduzit -191 Byrd430 1-0 +100 Calicappin 1-0 +100 Canadaguy 25 0-1 -147 Canes86 0-1 -100 CatchNrun 3-1 +181
Chump 1-0 +100
Cubboy 0-1 -110
Damonte 2-0 +295 DannyMaster 5-2 +264
Daviz 0-2 -214 Doubleparring1 0-1-110 Dovjak 0-2 -274 Drifter44 2-1 +90 Dubbies 1-0 -100
Dubs03 0-1 -104 Edwardjohn70 0-1 -100 Elaine Valerio 2-2 -20 Elireniocs 0-1 -130 Estes1717 2-2 -20 Fathomable 4-3 +64
Fivenoetitalls 0-1 -110 Fritz7571 0-2 -238 GreenMachine22 0-1 -100 Grubb13 0-1 -142 Gwarner 0-1-1 -110 Havoc-22 2-0 +200 Hi Haters 0-1 -128 HoldenRg 2-3 -109
Hoopsct 0-2 -212 IamKing 1-1 -26 IgetMoney101 1-0 +100 Ilove2betcash 1-1 +0 Iwm888 1-1 +0
Jacksplat 2-2 -25 Jalayn2 0-1 -115 Jaysvdubwhat 1-3 -135 JCwhy83 1-1 -10
JeffCohen400 0-2 -210 JerryJones81 2-0 +200 Jesron1269 1-0 +100 JLzone 2-1 +113 JohnnyBroze 1-2 -165 Josec24 2-5 -313 Julius18 6-3 +270 Jumpman 4-5 -124 Jwarner1313 1-0 +100 Kansas24 1-1 +0
KasperNV 4-4 -52Kevin James 0-1 -100
Kshifrin 1-1 -10 Links24 2-1 +80
Lltb43 1-0 +100 Louis IV 0-1 -110
Macdek43 0-1 -110 Madashman 7-1 +670 Meatwhistle 1-0 +100 McGrumpy 3-1 +190 Mgilson15 0-1 -128 Mgutsman02 2-0 +200
Millermn03 0-1 -235 Mizzou 08 2-2 -79 MLBguru 0-1 -128 MoneyMaker702 4-1 +209 Mpnyc76 1-0 +122 Mrod 1-2 -128 Mrscotch 6-1 +491 MyBetMyMoney 1-1 -21 MyNameIsEarl 7-0 +723
NFL 1-0 +100 NGU 2-1 +69
NJS973 1-1 -91 NoWorries 0-2 -220 OdieBoy 3-3 -36
Oppsplayz 2-0 +200 Pai Gow Player 1-2 -121
Pasha-will-win 0-1 -110 Phillychamps34 2-2 -10 Pickenwinners 0-1 -120 Poboy54236 2-2 -10 PossumJenkins 0-1 -115 Prolucky1 1-2 -120
Proptraderbklyn 1-0 +100 Put-It-Here 1-0 +100 Rokisky 3-1 +190
Romell28 0-1 -114 Rustyboys 2-2 -74
Sam90 2-2 -10 Scottyb74 2-1 +87 Seriouspks 3-4 -240 ShadyGrady 2-3 -144 Shrivelhead 2-4 -243 Sirchacal 1-1 -13 Snowblind 1-7 -612 SolidCapper 1-0 +100 Sportsfreak69 1-0 +100 Superfigg 1-2-1 -104
Target 9 1-0 +100
T-Bone666 1-0 +100
TheBayAreaBeast 0-1 -100
TheShow24 2-2 -3
Time is Money 1-1 -15
TjSuperSports 1-0 +100
Tmak 4-2-1 +280
Tml4Ever 3-1 +185
ToneCold 1-0 +100
TonyAllDay3 4-2 +205
TorontoJoey 1-0 +100
Trackem 3-3 -27
TruProGambler 1-1 +0
Underdog11 0-1 -104
VegasMaxx 2-2 -46
Veronica27 1-1 -10
Vlud 0-2 -204
Vp81 4-3 +70
Wawakid 1-0 +180
Weeble5672 4-3 +70
Whitebear21 0-1 -100
Willbetanything 6-3 +143
Xmas 0-1 -121
Yankees2k6 1-1 -15
To remove first post, remove entire topic.
Hey everyone. Some of you need to read the rules before you post. I will not record you if you do not follow the rules. Thanks. GL!
08080808 1-2 -167
44Dimes 4-4 -56
Abnormality 0-1 -100
Airdownie 2-0 +213
Ajgtroops 2-2 -32
Alexwwrong 0-1 -120
AlwaysHigh 3-0 +300
Andrew730 1-1 -42
Andy88c 0-2 -229 Arsenal588 0-2 -200 Ashdogs 1-0 +100 Atxcojo 1-0 +100 Banger32 1-0 +100 Barracuda 2-1 +60 Baseball Capper 0-1-110 BegeBro 1-0 +100 BennyTheJet 3-2 +0 Betterthanyou 7-1 +602
Big Val85 0-1 -120 BigUnit 6-1 +494 Billyc201 0-1 -131 Birdman11 0-1 -132 Booshasta 1-1-1 -30 Bugzduzit -191 Byrd430 1-0 +100 Calicappin 1-0 +100 Canadaguy 25 0-1 -147 Canes86 0-1 -100 CatchNrun 3-1 +181
Chump 1-0 +100
Cubboy 0-1 -110
Damonte 2-0 +295 DannyMaster 5-2 +264
Daviz 0-2 -214 Doubleparring1 0-1-110 Dovjak 0-2 -274 Drifter44 2-1 +90 Dubbies 1-0 -100
Dubs03 0-1 -104 Edwardjohn70 0-1 -100 Elaine Valerio 2-2 -20 Elireniocs 0-1 -130 Estes1717 2-2 -20 Fathomable 4-3 +64
Fivenoetitalls 0-1 -110 Fritz7571 0-2 -238 GreenMachine22 0-1 -100 Grubb13 0-1 -142 Gwarner 0-1-1 -110 Havoc-22 2-0 +200 Hi Haters 0-1 -128 HoldenRg 2-3 -109
Hoopsct 0-2 -212 IamKing 1-1 -26 IgetMoney101 1-0 +100 Ilove2betcash 1-1 +0 Iwm888 1-1 +0
Jacksplat 2-2 -25 Jalayn2 0-1 -115 Jaysvdubwhat 1-3 -135 JCwhy83 1-1 -10
JeffCohen400 0-2 -210 JerryJones81 2-0 +200 Jesron1269 1-0 +100 JLzone 2-1 +113 JohnnyBroze 1-2 -165 Josec24 2-5 -313 Julius18 6-3 +270 Jumpman 4-5 -124 Jwarner1313 1-0 +100 Kansas24 1-1 +0
KasperNV 4-4 -52Kevin James 0-1 -100
Kshifrin 1-1 -10 Links24 2-1 +80
Lltb43 1-0 +100 Louis IV 0-1 -110
Macdek43 0-1 -110 Madashman 7-1 +670 Meatwhistle 1-0 +100 McGrumpy 3-1 +190 Mgilson15 0-1 -128 Mgutsman02 2-0 +200
Millermn03 0-1 -235 Mizzou 08 2-2 -79 MLBguru 0-1 -128 MoneyMaker702 4-1 +209 Mpnyc76 1-0 +122 Mrod 1-2 -128 Mrscotch 6-1 +491 MyBetMyMoney 1-1 -21 MyNameIsEarl 7-0 +723
NFL 1-0 +100 NGU 2-1 +69
NJS973 1-1 -91 NoWorries 0-2 -220 OdieBoy 3-3 -36
Oppsplayz 2-0 +200 Pai Gow Player 1-2 -121
Pasha-will-win 0-1 -110 Phillychamps34 2-2 -10 Pickenwinners 0-1 -120 Poboy54236 2-2 -10 PossumJenkins 0-1 -115 Prolucky1 1-2 -120
Proptraderbklyn 1-0 +100 Put-It-Here 1-0 +100 Rokisky 3-1 +190
Romell28 0-1 -114 Rustyboys 2-2 -74
Sam90 2-2 -10 Scottyb74 2-1 +87 Seriouspks 3-4 -240 ShadyGrady 2-3 -144 Shrivelhead 2-4 -243 Sirchacal 1-1 -13 Snowblind 1-7 -612 SolidCapper 1-0 +100 Sportsfreak69 1-0 +100 Superfigg 1-2-1 -104
Target 9 1-0 +100
T-Bone666 1-0 +100
TheBayAreaBeast 0-1 -100
TheShow24 2-2 -3
Time is Money 1-1 -15
TjSuperSports 1-0 +100
Tmak 4-2-1 +280
Tml4Ever 3-1 +185
ToneCold 1-0 +100
TonyAllDay3 4-2 +205
TorontoJoey 1-0 +100
Trackem 3-3 -27
TruProGambler 1-1 +0
Underdog11 0-1 -104
VegasMaxx 2-2 -46
Veronica27 1-1 -10
Vlud 0-2 -204
Vp81 4-3 +70
Wawakid 1-0 +180
Weeble5672 4-3 +70
Whitebear21 0-1 -100
Willbetanything 6-3 +143
Xmas 0-1 -121
Yankees2k6 1-1 -15