To all the guys calling me a hater...
I have no problem with a 15-6 posted record, kudos.
I do have a problem with the 65-29 though. If any of you bothered to check what this boy is trying to sell you'd get something like 75-75 for January and February. Look through the posts and you'll see that he was quoting and answering every single question posted, except the ones that ask anything about lines. No history,no website, nothing at all to do with actual lines.
It's your money, do what you want with it, just have in mind reversion to the mean is near.
GL all.
^ Anyways.
Looks like 3 plays tonight with a potential of 5 depending on the closing lines.
Memphis -3.5
Houston - 3.5
Clippers - 3.
Miami and Atlanta are maybes and even Dallas. However I don't see these lines dopping tonight.