Do you guys finally realize how much love Vegas and the NFL have for Ravens? It is TOTALLY out of proportion. Please, i beg you all, to pick any of Ravens wins, sit down - watch the game. AND WATCH HOW MUCH RIGGING IS GOING ON. Today, it was so obvious that they wanted to Ravens to win that it hurts my eyes. I didnt lay any money on Ravens, because i felt that, Vegas/NFL have helped them so much this season, that it just had got to stop. But as i watched the game, in the 2nd quarter, it is scary that so large parts of the game is scripted. It was so scripted, that Calvin the megatron Johnson even decided to fix it INFRONT OF THE HOME CROWD, he is OK with letting this go. You see, 2nd quarter, easy catch and then on purpose decides not to catch the ball? At this point, EVERYONE, must realize that they want Ravens to cover and WIN. The fix in this game is so huge, that they even want the best playmaker in the entire game to drop the game on purpose, and that is a huge deal. Just watch the game, and you will know whats going on. It is scary, but its close to every single play that is scripted, and if someone doesnt do his job as the SCRIPT says, THEN COACHES GO CRAZY.
You think, a tiny thing as making this a 4th and 7 and not a 4th and 10 isnt scripted? It is. 64 yards and 61 yards is a huge difference. Lets say he had missed it, then its easy to call a penalty or something else, no problem, or fumble on the next play or something crazy.
ahahaha and CJ misses the easiest 2 pt. conversion he will ever get in his life. And now, you know what will happen? All people will say "CJ is friggin trash he is just a piece of useless garbage i hope he gets fired" - I wont even say that coz i know its just a fix, and i know how good CJ is. So watch the scrub betters fade Lions because of what happened tonight, and then you wanna know what will happen? Megatron will have a monster game next week and make up for his intentional throwing of this game.
NFL and Vegas have achieved their goal. The Bears-Ravens spot was so scary for them, so they really had to think this one through; how are we gonna come out of this? Ok they said, Bears win here, and Ravens win the next games and beat Lions: Both divisions are tight. So now? They wont give a friggin garbage about Ravens next week, they already fixed 4 games in a row, please watch all 4 of these games - THEY SHOULD HAVE LOST ALL OF THEM AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN 4-10 - INSTEAD THEY ARE 8-6 LOL.
You wanna know something funny? Ravens are winning as many games as they were with their Super Bowl team, this just goes to show that players dont matter brick garbage.
Next year, im gonna throw 7000-8000$ on Ravens under xx amount of wins, and i dont give a brick shiat about what the line is. They want Pittsburgh to shine, they want Bengals to shine, and they also want Browns to do a lot better + they have already fixed a super bowl and now they are likely fixing them a playoff spot here. ITS OVER. Vegas and NFL can no longer help Ravens as much as they have.
My prediction is now tho, that Patriots will beat Ravens next week and then bring even more action to this "playoff scenario" and Vegas/NFL have helped them enough this season so its OK that they give up a game here.
All these lame calls, all these intentional drops by CJ, its so pathetic idk whether to cry or to laugh, its just one big joke.

You need to see this rigging in a larger perspective. It is scary if you do that. Like Packers - Steelers next week, teams from same divisions as Lions - Ravens, these games have a correlation to each other.