Waddup bro Chung, congrats on the winning system and another money cashing season

. I've been following and tailing your picks for years too bro. Thank you for everything

. I dont bet like I use to anymore because of family and a good day time job now. Haha. When I read your story tonight, I thought about my years of betting on sports, particularly football. I would like to share my story too because I dont think anyone should alone expressing the emotions of what they had been through, mentally, and the physical changes that had taken a toll on their lives, financially, on this what we call "the life of living in an addiction to betting football" or "cuoc doi ghien cá d? football" in vietnamese. Lol.
I think the majority of asian/vietnamese people come from a gambling family, myself included bro. If its not the parents, uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, cousins, then its gonna the friends. Haha. Everyone of them has to make ends meet somewhere, somehow, or some way because the traditional job from dusk until dawn just wont do it for the family ya' know. And then there's an adrenaline rush and self-confidence that we oftentimes overlooked after we have won so much money. In other words, that is when we believe that we are unbreakable and unstoppable. Of course, there's also a saying, "you hot, you die" would come into play too. Moreover, such mentality is so vulnerable for us to lose it all back plus some more money. It also has taken away our hard work of researching and analyzing the games late at night and waking up early before game time. Sadly at that time, we start to doubt ourselves or trick ourselves into not believing in the system anymore because of the cold, losing streaks from week to week. Trust me bro, I've have been there too. Haha. I remembered one year when I was so carefully building up the bankroll to about 22k in 2 weeks, but then one dark, gloomy Sunday, I lost it all back in addition to the Monday game of about 5k-6k so around 27-28k in total. Based on the many experiences that I have come to witness, the basic theory of gambling is "We afraid to win more, but we not afraid to lose more" or in vietnamese "an thì không dám an thêm, còn thua thì dám thua thêm." Haha.
Whatever system Las Vegas decides to give out each year depends on the given trends Vegas is speculating. Just like last year or the year before when the majority of prime time games were cashing the "overs." And this year, most games were setup for the home team or the "unders" to cash like it were a money making machine. Haha. By the way, have you watched the movie "two for the money?" If not, you should because it tells the exact same story that everyone of us is going through or had seen it happened in the gambling, sport betting world. Anyways, thats my shared story and congratulations on another prosperous betting season bro. KEEP IT HOT BRO!!! KEEP BEING ON THE RIGHT SIDE!!!