Quote Originally Posted by lancer89074:
@StumpTownStu Throughout human history there has always been competition to the death for land and for the fruits of this world. The Earth is a warring planet. Many peoples besides the American Indians have been displaced and murdered and left for dead including white peoples. The human race is descended from cannibals...where did the Neanderthals go? We ate them all. Many modern day scientific studies are now claiming this is more than likely what happened to an entire human species. You don't have a corner on the blues. Time to outgrow the hate and anger from years gone by...nobody can change the past. Besides most native Americans are not upset by the term Washington Redskins...two years ago the lefty rag The Washington Post polled native Americans and it showed 9 out of 10 were NOT offended by the term. Not that YOU or DU would ever read articles...you prefer to live in your hate filled narrative pursuing revenge on the 'man'. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/a-survey-explores-how-native-americans-feel-about-the-name-washington-redskins-no-its-not-that-survey-this-one-is-new/2019/08/09/e38553bc-b581-11e9-8949-5f36ff92706e_story.html
Let's get one thing fucking straight. My kids are half white. My wife is white. Every woman I have ever loved, for that matter. The majority of my closest friends, guys I consider my brothers as if they were blood, along with their wives and kids to whom I am an uncle. I have studied my wife's lineage, her heritage, and I celebrate it as it is my own. Even her great great.....grandfather, who along with his brothers was a confederate soldier, and a slave owner, is celebrated. As I have said to you before, i guarantee there are more white people in this world whom I love, whom love me, than you because you are clearly a sad, lonely little man.
Furthermore, I have never blamed whitey for anything. My life's fantastic. Literally the American Dream. This country has many scars in it's history but it is still the greatest country in the world and I am proud to be from it.
Frankly, I rarely bring up race. You obsess over it and interject it at every chance you get. This was an innocent thread about naming suggestions into you turned it into something different. Again, it's always about race with you. That is plain to see to anyone reading this thread.
With that said, since you brought it up, Neanderthals being killed off, even the pursuits of barbaric tribes, are a far cry from relatively modern, supposedly civilized human beings coming to a country and essentially decimating it's population while at the same time using other human beings as cattle. Completely dehumanizing them. Slavery has always existed but never in the way of the Atlantic slave trade and no modern peoples have been essentially wiped out, with survivors being herded (again, like animals) in the way 1st Nations people have. This isn't 1,000... 10,000.... 100,000 years ago. This is current events. And guys like you, who complain about the name change of a team that you aren't even a fan of, are the same guys who have never even seen a native person outside of an Indian casino. It's easy to relegate a people into caricatures, mascots, when you can't even acknowledge their humanity. When you never run into them at a grocery store or sit next to one at a ball game. I mean, you're such an idiot that you said, "A owner should be able to call his team whatever he wants." while complaining about what said owner decides to call his team. I mean, how asinine is that? You're not even a Redskins fan. Why do you even care? It's because you are a sad, lonely loser, and for all the term is thrown around on this site, probably one of the few actual racists on covers.