We just live in a "pile on society". When a person, especially a person who has made as much money playing a kids game such as Vick has made. We get a little jealous and we like to keep our foot on there neck so we can feel better about our own sad pathetic lives. Does skin color have anything to do with? In my opinion yes it does. We've already had a n-bomb blast and another stereotype blast that all black athletes think there above the law and I'm sure some of you other guys are holding back in fear of being boxed of making similar comments. Public opinion bears my theory out, the majority of "fuck him, don't give Vick a second chance" have came from mainly non-blacks, and the "he served his time now give Vick a second chance" support have comes from mostly the black crowd. Subconciously we all are a little racist in my opinion, even myself. As a black man I have some of racist views about other people and cultures, who doesn't? But I try to get along with everyone that I encounter and show them the same respect in which I would like to be treated in turn. I had friends and other associates who fought dogs as I was growing up. But I never got involved personally in it cause I thought it was sickening. Now Vick has been dog fighting since age 8 and I do agree if he never got caught he would still be doing it today. He lied to the police, the team owner and to Goddell. He had no choice but to admit what he did when the other co-defendants copped plea deals to save there own asses. He was only sorry because he got caught, bottom line. Now he was sentenced and he's served his time. He should be given the opportunity to continue his NFL career. Vick is a qb, not a wide reciever, running back or a kick returner. Who will sign him? who knows? My satisfaction will be when he does step back on a NFL field in whomevers uniform. And if he only plays one play and blows out both his knees on that same play, It will be a victory for all Vick supporters and I will be happy for him that he got his chance to get back in the NFL and to give it to all the haters who want him banished for life. I hold crimes against humans 1000 times more than I do crimes against animals. Your pet passes away and you go down to the pound or pet store and replace them. You can't replace a human life, no amount of money or compensation can take the place of any of my family or close friends. Some of the same people who hold Vick"s feet to the fire about what he did to those dogs, justify hunting for live game, there reasoning is that its legal. Fucking hypocrites, tell that to PETA and the Humane Society (whom are on Vick's ass) do they think hunting animals in the wild are okay. This is where the hypocrisy comes in. Just like pit bulls don't know that there being groomed and trained to tear each other apart, in turn that deer, bear, moose or what ever you hunt doesn't know your allowed to shoot and kill them and mount there head on your wall in your trophy room. Total bullshit and a double standard. And the last time I checked Vick had a winning record as a starting NFL qb. What's Al Davis say? "Just win baby" Michael Vick will win and beat all the haters the day he steps back on the football field. And I'm going to love it!!!!
We just live in a "pile on society". When a person, especially a person who has made as much money playing a kids game such as Vick has made. We get a little jealous and we like to keep our foot on there neck so we can feel better about our own sad pathetic lives. Does skin color have anything to do with? In my opinion yes it does. We've already had a n-bomb blast and another stereotype blast that all black athletes think there above the law and I'm sure some of you other guys are holding back in fear of being boxed of making similar comments. Public opinion bears my theory out, the majority of "fuck him, don't give Vick a second chance" have came from mainly non-blacks, and the "he served his time now give Vick a second chance" support have comes from mostly the black crowd. Subconciously we all are a little racist in my opinion, even myself. As a black man I have some of racist views about other people and cultures, who doesn't? But I try to get along with everyone that I encounter and show them the same respect in which I would like to be treated in turn. I had friends and other associates who fought dogs as I was growing up. But I never got involved personally in it cause I thought it was sickening. Now Vick has been dog fighting since age 8 and I do agree if he never got caught he would still be doing it today. He lied to the police, the team owner and to Goddell. He had no choice but to admit what he did when the other co-defendants copped plea deals to save there own asses. He was only sorry because he got caught, bottom line. Now he was sentenced and he's served his time. He should be given the opportunity to continue his NFL career. Vick is a qb, not a wide reciever, running back or a kick returner. Who will sign him? who knows? My satisfaction will be when he does step back on a NFL field in whomevers uniform. And if he only plays one play and blows out both his knees on that same play, It will be a victory for all Vick supporters and I will be happy for him that he got his chance to get back in the NFL and to give it to all the haters who want him banished for life. I hold crimes against humans 1000 times more than I do crimes against animals. Your pet passes away and you go down to the pound or pet store and replace them. You can't replace a human life, no amount of money or compensation can take the place of any of my family or close friends. Some of the same people who hold Vick"s feet to the fire about what he did to those dogs, justify hunting for live game, there reasoning is that its legal. Fucking hypocrites, tell that to PETA and the Humane Society (whom are on Vick's ass) do they think hunting animals in the wild are okay. This is where the hypocrisy comes in. Just like pit bulls don't know that there being groomed and trained to tear each other apart, in turn that deer, bear, moose or what ever you hunt doesn't know your allowed to shoot and kill them and mount there head on your wall in your trophy room. Total bullshit and a double standard. And the last time I checked Vick had a winning record as a starting NFL qb. What's Al Davis say? "Just win baby" Michael Vick will win and beat all the haters the day he steps back on the football field. And I'm going to love it!!!!
Very nicely put Chill. The only part I personally disagree with is everyone is a little racist. But Im so many nationonalitys If I were a little racist against anyone I would be hating my own kind. Im glad to see someone say what you said. Very Well Put..
Very nicely put Chill. The only part I personally disagree with is everyone is a little racist. But Im so many nationonalitys If I were a little racist against anyone I would be hating my own kind. Im glad to see someone say what you said. Very Well Put..
Cant wait for the day Vick is back on the field and I cant wait for the day to hear that Stallworth is suspended for the season. Very happy day for me.
Well done chill
Cant wait for the day Vick is back on the field and I cant wait for the day to hear that Stallworth is suspended for the season. Very happy day for me.
We just live in a "pile on society". When a person, especially a person who has made as much money playing a kids game such as Vick has made. We get a little jealous and we like to keep our foot on there neck so we can feel better about our own sad pathetic lives. Does skin color have anything to do with? In my opinion yes it does. We've already had a n-bomb blast and another stereotype blast that all black athletes think there above the law and I'm sure some of you other guys are holding back in fear of being boxed of making similar comments. Public opinion bears my theory out, the majority of "fuck him, don't give Vick a second chance" have came from mainly non-blacks, and the "he served his time now give Vick a second chance" support have comes from mostly the black crowd. Subconciously we all are a little racist in my opinion, even myself. As a black man I have some of racist views about other people and cultures, who doesn't? But I try to get along with everyone that I encounter and show them the same respect in which I would like to be treated in turn. I had friends and other associates who fought dogs as I was growing up. But I never got involved personally in it cause I thought it was sickening. Now Vick has been dog fighting since age 8 and I do agree if he never got caught he would still be doing it today. He lied to the police, the team owner and to Goddell. He had no choice but to admit what he did when the other co-defendants copped plea deals to save there own asses. He was only sorry because he got caught, bottom line. Now he was sentenced and he's served his time. He should be given the opportunity to continue his NFL career. Vick is a qb, not a wide reciever, running back or a kick returner. Who will sign him? who knows? My satisfaction will be when he does step back on a NFL field in whomevers uniform. And if he only plays one play and blows out both his knees on that same play, It will be a victory for all Vick supporters and I will be happy for him that he got his chance to get back in the NFL and to give it to all the haters who want him banished for life. I hold crimes against humans 1000 times more than I do crimes against animals. Your pet passes away and you go down to the pound or pet store and replace them. You can't replace a human life, no amount of money or compensation can take the place of any of my family or close friends. Some of the same people who hold Vick"s feet to the fire about what he did to those dogs, justify hunting for live game, there reasoning is that its legal. Fucking hypocrites, tell that to PETA and the Humane Society (whom are on Vick's ass) do they think hunting animals in the wild are okay. This is where the hypocrisy comes in. Just like pit bulls don't know that there being groomed and trained to tear each other apart, in turn that deer, bear, moose or what ever you hunt doesn't know your allowed to shoot and kill them and mount there head on your wall in your trophy room. Total bullshit and a double standard. And the last time I checked Vick had a winning record as a starting NFL qb. What's Al Davis say? "Just win baby" Michael Vick will win and beat all the haters the day he steps back on the football field. And I'm going to love it!!!!
nicely put
but racism you put it is such a strong word. i am asian and i am not racist one bit but i can say that i am prejudice against certain races. annd that includes my own race. it DOES NOT MEAN i hate them by any means. in vicks case i dont believe it was a black or white issue but an issue of americans protecting there dogs more than humans. which is a sad thought in my opinion. to some people you cannot replace a dog it is part of the family. to some others just buy a new one and u r set. i hope michael gets back into it because he PAID the price more than he should have. if he would have never lied and just came straight out he would have been outta of this mess way sooner. but to lose everything is complete idiocracy. i do not agree with the system here but who does. yes crimes done by animals are done by nature and crimes done by humans is according to the justice system we live in.l a crime here is not necessarily a crime elsewhere. where you are applauded here you are looked down upon elsewhere.
i hope he signs because he will make the nfl more interesting. REMEMBER that run against the vikings to win the game. that still by far is the best run by a quarterback in the history of the league.
Quote Originally Posted by chillery:
We just live in a "pile on society". When a person, especially a person who has made as much money playing a kids game such as Vick has made. We get a little jealous and we like to keep our foot on there neck so we can feel better about our own sad pathetic lives. Does skin color have anything to do with? In my opinion yes it does. We've already had a n-bomb blast and another stereotype blast that all black athletes think there above the law and I'm sure some of you other guys are holding back in fear of being boxed of making similar comments. Public opinion bears my theory out, the majority of "fuck him, don't give Vick a second chance" have came from mainly non-blacks, and the "he served his time now give Vick a second chance" support have comes from mostly the black crowd. Subconciously we all are a little racist in my opinion, even myself. As a black man I have some of racist views about other people and cultures, who doesn't? But I try to get along with everyone that I encounter and show them the same respect in which I would like to be treated in turn. I had friends and other associates who fought dogs as I was growing up. But I never got involved personally in it cause I thought it was sickening. Now Vick has been dog fighting since age 8 and I do agree if he never got caught he would still be doing it today. He lied to the police, the team owner and to Goddell. He had no choice but to admit what he did when the other co-defendants copped plea deals to save there own asses. He was only sorry because he got caught, bottom line. Now he was sentenced and he's served his time. He should be given the opportunity to continue his NFL career. Vick is a qb, not a wide reciever, running back or a kick returner. Who will sign him? who knows? My satisfaction will be when he does step back on a NFL field in whomevers uniform. And if he only plays one play and blows out both his knees on that same play, It will be a victory for all Vick supporters and I will be happy for him that he got his chance to get back in the NFL and to give it to all the haters who want him banished for life. I hold crimes against humans 1000 times more than I do crimes against animals. Your pet passes away and you go down to the pound or pet store and replace them. You can't replace a human life, no amount of money or compensation can take the place of any of my family or close friends. Some of the same people who hold Vick"s feet to the fire about what he did to those dogs, justify hunting for live game, there reasoning is that its legal. Fucking hypocrites, tell that to PETA and the Humane Society (whom are on Vick's ass) do they think hunting animals in the wild are okay. This is where the hypocrisy comes in. Just like pit bulls don't know that there being groomed and trained to tear each other apart, in turn that deer, bear, moose or what ever you hunt doesn't know your allowed to shoot and kill them and mount there head on your wall in your trophy room. Total bullshit and a double standard. And the last time I checked Vick had a winning record as a starting NFL qb. What's Al Davis say? "Just win baby" Michael Vick will win and beat all the haters the day he steps back on the football field. And I'm going to love it!!!!
nicely put
but racism you put it is such a strong word. i am asian and i am not racist one bit but i can say that i am prejudice against certain races. annd that includes my own race. it DOES NOT MEAN i hate them by any means. in vicks case i dont believe it was a black or white issue but an issue of americans protecting there dogs more than humans. which is a sad thought in my opinion. to some people you cannot replace a dog it is part of the family. to some others just buy a new one and u r set. i hope michael gets back into it because he PAID the price more than he should have. if he would have never lied and just came straight out he would have been outta of this mess way sooner. but to lose everything is complete idiocracy. i do not agree with the system here but who does. yes crimes done by animals are done by nature and crimes done by humans is according to the justice system we live in.l a crime here is not necessarily a crime elsewhere. where you are applauded here you are looked down upon elsewhere.
i hope he signs because he will make the nfl more interesting. REMEMBER that run against the vikings to win the game. that still by far is the best run by a quarterback in the history of the league.
The only part I personally disagree with is everyone is a little racist.
RACIST not necessarily......more of a subconscious`"bias" ...that most all of us have....> preferring those most like ourselves > got no problem here rest assured though there are PLENTY of big time racists that actually believe another race to be genetically INFERIOR....have seen a few on this board.....most not aware of course as they have been raised to be this way (most likely)
The impediment to action advances action - what stands in the way becomes the way.
The only part I personally disagree with is everyone is a little racist.
RACIST not necessarily......more of a subconscious`"bias" ...that most all of us have....> preferring those most like ourselves > got no problem here rest assured though there are PLENTY of big time racists that actually believe another race to be genetically INFERIOR....have seen a few on this board.....most not aware of course as they have been raised to be this way (most likely)
1st off I am sure that PETA and humane societys are not for hunting animals in the wild
2nd, comparing crimes like everyone likes to do is assinine. Oh this guy did this bad thing but hey its not as bad as this bad thing so get a grip. How about we punish both disgusting behaviours.
I would argue the "more racist" side is the black side just excusing him because he is black and they dont like to see him kept down by "the man". If a white redneck piece of shit was fighting dogs (and thats the other demographic that does this shit) I would be just as vehement in my anger towards them
Vick is as reprehensible a person as you will ever come across. Do you realize how much of an evil fucking piece of shit you need to be to put dogs in a ring and have them tear each other to death? How awful a person you have to be to slam a dog against the ground hard enough to kill it. Or to hold it underwater until it drowns. Is this the type of person you feel like watching play games when it comes time for you to relax in front of your TV on the weekend?
Awful post Chillery
1st off I am sure that PETA and humane societys are not for hunting animals in the wild
2nd, comparing crimes like everyone likes to do is assinine. Oh this guy did this bad thing but hey its not as bad as this bad thing so get a grip. How about we punish both disgusting behaviours.
I would argue the "more racist" side is the black side just excusing him because he is black and they dont like to see him kept down by "the man". If a white redneck piece of shit was fighting dogs (and thats the other demographic that does this shit) I would be just as vehement in my anger towards them
Vick is as reprehensible a person as you will ever come across. Do you realize how much of an evil fucking piece of shit you need to be to put dogs in a ring and have them tear each other to death? How awful a person you have to be to slam a dog against the ground hard enough to kill it. Or to hold it underwater until it drowns. Is this the type of person you feel like watching play games when it comes time for you to relax in front of your TV on the weekend?
Also if you truly care about your pets you dont "just go to the pet store and replace them" I had dogs and my last dog died at 15 yrs of age back in January. I do not go a day without thinking about them and I cannot just go to a pet store and replace them or the love they showed me for the years they were around.
Also if you truly care about your pets you dont "just go to the pet store and replace them" I had dogs and my last dog died at 15 yrs of age back in January. I do not go a day without thinking about them and I cannot just go to a pet store and replace them or the love they showed me for the years they were around.
stallworth did not wake up everyday knowing this was going to happen. Vick did.
stallworth was drunk but the guy was crossing in a no cross zone. stallworth called the police and reported it. (why he only got manslaughter)
vick served most of his time because of the money involved not for the dogs. u cant push a criminal enterprise over state lines or u are doing minimum of 2 years.
these 2 cases are completely different. it is not illegal to drink and drive. its illegal to drink to much and drive. stallworth was barely over the limit.
both are crimes but that is why stallworth served 28 days and lost his drivers liscense for life and is under house arrest for 2 years and vick got 2 years.
stallworth's case is different than vicks:
stallworth did not wake up everyday knowing this was going to happen. Vick did.
stallworth was drunk but the guy was crossing in a no cross zone. stallworth called the police and reported it. (why he only got manslaughter)
vick served most of his time because of the money involved not for the dogs. u cant push a criminal enterprise over state lines or u are doing minimum of 2 years.
these 2 cases are completely different. it is not illegal to drink and drive. its illegal to drink to much and drive. stallworth was barely over the limit.
both are crimes but that is why stallworth served 28 days and lost his drivers liscense for life and is under house arrest for 2 years and vick got 2 years.
if it wasnt clear in my first post vick got in trouble because of money laundering and embezzlement for namesake. It was less about the dogs more about the paper. plus the govt tacked on the ole he didnt pay taxes on his money earned in this business.
vick and stallworth are both thugs. vick was okay at qb while in the nfl now he is just a niche player ate best.
if it wasnt clear in my first post vick got in trouble because of money laundering and embezzlement for namesake. It was less about the dogs more about the paper. plus the govt tacked on the ole he didnt pay taxes on his money earned in this business.
vick and stallworth are both thugs. vick was okay at qb while in the nfl now he is just a niche player ate best.
I've friggin seen it all now. Pit bulls caused the killing of person and have oppressed black people. Buncha geniuses here.Well, I'm a caucasian pit bull owner...should I have him put down for reparations for you poor mistreated oppressed people living in this terrrible communist country of ours? Get a grip.How the hell does a pit bull conversation turn political. Maybe they should kill Vick as reparations for the cruelty to animals. Oh, and by the way..In todays society the white man is the minority. So stop playing the dam Racism card everytime you dont like something.Love it or leave it losers.
I've friggin seen it all now. Pit bulls caused the killing of person and have oppressed black people. Buncha geniuses here.Well, I'm a caucasian pit bull owner...should I have him put down for reparations for you poor mistreated oppressed people living in this terrrible communist country of ours? Get a grip.How the hell does a pit bull conversation turn political. Maybe they should kill Vick as reparations for the cruelty to animals. Oh, and by the way..In todays society the white man is the minority. So stop playing the dam Racism card everytime you dont like something.Love it or leave it losers.
1st off I am sure that PETA and humane societys are not for hunting animals in the wild
2nd, comparing crimes like everyone likes to do is assinine. Oh this guy did this bad thing but hey its not as bad as this bad thing so get a grip. How about we punish both disgusting behaviours.
I would argue the "more racist" side is the black side just excusing him because he is black and they dont like to see him kept down by "the man". If a white redneck piece of shit was fighting dogs (and thats the other demographic that does this shit) I would be just as vehement in my anger towards them
Vick is as reprehensible a person as you will ever come across. Do you realize how much of an evil fucking piece of shit you need to be to put dogs in a ring and have them tear each other to death? How awful a person you have to be to slam a dog against the ground hard enough to kill it. Or to hold it underwater until it drowns. Is this the type of person you feel like watching play games when it comes time for you to relax in front of your TV on the weekend?
The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the wolf doesn't perform in the circus.
Quote Originally Posted by NJDevils:
Awful post Chillery
1st off I am sure that PETA and humane societys are not for hunting animals in the wild
2nd, comparing crimes like everyone likes to do is assinine. Oh this guy did this bad thing but hey its not as bad as this bad thing so get a grip. How about we punish both disgusting behaviours.
I would argue the "more racist" side is the black side just excusing him because he is black and they dont like to see him kept down by "the man". If a white redneck piece of shit was fighting dogs (and thats the other demographic that does this shit) I would be just as vehement in my anger towards them
Vick is as reprehensible a person as you will ever come across. Do you realize how much of an evil fucking piece of shit you need to be to put dogs in a ring and have them tear each other to death? How awful a person you have to be to slam a dog against the ground hard enough to kill it. Or to hold it underwater until it drowns. Is this the type of person you feel like watching play games when it comes time for you to relax in front of your TV on the weekend?
1st off I am sure that PETA and humane societys are not for hunting animals in the wild
2nd, comparing crimes like everyone likes to do is assinine. Oh this guy did this bad thing but hey its not as bad as this bad thing so get a grip. How about we punish both disgusting behaviours.
I would argue the "more racist" side is the black side just excusing him because he is black and they dont like to see him kept down by "the man". If a white redneck piece of shit was fighting dogs (and thats the other demographic that does this shit) I would be just as vehement in my anger towards them
Vick is as reprehensible a person as you will ever come across. Do you realize how much of an evil fucking piece of shit you need to be to put dogs in a ring and have them tear each other to death? How awful a person you have to be to slam a dog against the ground hard enough to kill it. Or to hold it underwater until it drowns. Is this the type of person you feel like watching play games when it comes time for you to relax in front of your TV on the weekend?
So we'll just agree to disagree. My opinion is mine and mine alone. I stand by everything I said. And yes Vick is a very sick fuck for what he did. I could never picture myself doing anything as terrible as that. Listen, If Vick never plays another down in the NFL, its his own fault. I wont lose one second of sleep over it. The NFL is bigger than any individual player. Nor will I come in here on covers and bitch about him not being allowed back in the league cause he did it to himself. But if he has truly changed his life around and can function as positive humane being in our society. Then he should be allowed to do so and his profession just happens to be in the sports/entertainment business that can generate him and his employer millions of dollars, the NFL. As long as Vick can help the team he signs with wins and revenue, then people will look the other way about his pass transgressions. Would I want Vick on my team the Cowboys? No cause we don't need him. But he can give a boost to a number of other teams with strong organizational leadership from the front office to the football field such as the Steelers, Pats, Ravens, or the Dolphins.
Quote Originally Posted by NJDevils:
Awful post Chillery
1st off I am sure that PETA and humane societys are not for hunting animals in the wild
2nd, comparing crimes like everyone likes to do is assinine. Oh this guy did this bad thing but hey its not as bad as this bad thing so get a grip. How about we punish both disgusting behaviours.
I would argue the "more racist" side is the black side just excusing him because he is black and they dont like to see him kept down by "the man". If a white redneck piece of shit was fighting dogs (and thats the other demographic that does this shit) I would be just as vehement in my anger towards them
Vick is as reprehensible a person as you will ever come across. Do you realize how much of an evil fucking piece of shit you need to be to put dogs in a ring and have them tear each other to death? How awful a person you have to be to slam a dog against the ground hard enough to kill it. Or to hold it underwater until it drowns. Is this the type of person you feel like watching play games when it comes time for you to relax in front of your TV on the weekend?
So we'll just agree to disagree. My opinion is mine and mine alone. I stand by everything I said. And yes Vick is a very sick fuck for what he did. I could never picture myself doing anything as terrible as that. Listen, If Vick never plays another down in the NFL, its his own fault. I wont lose one second of sleep over it. The NFL is bigger than any individual player. Nor will I come in here on covers and bitch about him not being allowed back in the league cause he did it to himself. But if he has truly changed his life around and can function as positive humane being in our society. Then he should be allowed to do so and his profession just happens to be in the sports/entertainment business that can generate him and his employer millions of dollars, the NFL. As long as Vick can help the team he signs with wins and revenue, then people will look the other way about his pass transgressions. Would I want Vick on my team the Cowboys? No cause we don't need him. But he can give a boost to a number of other teams with strong organizational leadership from the front office to the football field such as the Steelers, Pats, Ravens, or the Dolphins.
Yeah because I really thought he was gonna come in here and guarantee something that the clueless fans decide
You're completely off topic...you missed the joke as it had nothing to do with a guarantee, clueless fans, etc..
Some of the fellas were discussing Mike Vick and the topic of racism. Scalabrine salivates at these type of threads as he's able to enlighten everyone with his philosophy, some of which I agree with.....others, not so much.
Quote Originally Posted by samuelsosa:
Yeah because I really thought he was gonna come in here and guarantee something that the clueless fans decide
You're completely off topic...you missed the joke as it had nothing to do with a guarantee, clueless fans, etc..
Some of the fellas were discussing Mike Vick and the topic of racism. Scalabrine salivates at these type of threads as he's able to enlighten everyone with his philosophy, some of which I agree with.....others, not so much.
"Unfrogiven" is on the History channel tonight so I'm going to watch William Munny kill Little Bill then I'll head off into the L.A. nightlife. More Vick conversation later. And as always the Hall of Fame induction show was great and its wonderful to see men who engaged in NFL combat while playing against each other come together and praise and appreciate each other when there careers are over. "Stripes" is also on tonight. Arrrrrrmmmmyyyyy training sir!!
"Unfrogiven" is on the History channel tonight so I'm going to watch William Munny kill Little Bill then I'll head off into the L.A. nightlife. More Vick conversation later. And as always the Hall of Fame induction show was great and its wonderful to see men who engaged in NFL combat while playing against each other come together and praise and appreciate each other when there careers are over. "Stripes" is also on tonight. Arrrrrrmmmmyyyyy training sir!!
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