Quote Originally Posted by bluephinn:
Listen Miss no disrespect..With bases loaded and no outs, grounding into a double play and driving in ONE run is a failure for the 20 million dollar man Cabrera.
So you`re all about fact correct ???
"Also, if Cabrera sputtered, Inge, Santiago, Kelly, and Young shined brightly instead."
Show me which one these shined in game 4 or 5 ??.You`re all about having the facts behind a curtain of hindsight..Can show me your pick and analysis of the game... I missed it...Then you can talk and I MAY listen..`til then stick to your facts whilst not putting a pick behind them and I`ll stick to my delusions of grandeur and misconceptions
Yoy`re a wanker abroad givin` aussie a bad name...
You are definitely a VERY ANGRY individual.
In fact, you are so off your head about nothing at all, that you can't even
My comments on the Tigers' role-players were written about their performances
IN GAME THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE GAME FOUR AND FIVE HAD YET TO TAKE PLACE!!!! Why are you talking about Games 4 and 5 in your above post?
Austin Jackson SCORED A RUN with only ONE AB.
Delmon Young was 2-for-3 with ONE RUN SCORED, A HOME RUN, and a WALK.
Ramon Santiago was 2-for-4 with TWO RBIs.
Don Kelly was 1-for-2 with a RUN SCORED off a HUGE game-breaking bunt off Sabathia.
Brandon Inge was 2-for-4 with TWO RUNS SCORED.
I think that about makes the case for the strength of Detroit's support players and why just judging their strength on their top guns was faulty.
Also, judging a player's game performance BASED ON ONE AT-BAT is ridiculous in itself. Cabrera WALKED TWICE AND DROVE IN A RUN in Game Three, along with that strike-out that got you so negative about him. Two walks and an RBI is nowhere near a failure of a game. And it is damn-well good enough when you are surrounded by a whole team of support players that pick up the slack regularly.
Besides, do you really think the MAJOR LEAGUE'S 2011 BATTING CHAMPION, the BEST BATTER IN ALL OF BASEBALL FOR 162 GAMES, in all of a sudden going to fall into oblivion and become useless after one strike-out at-bat? 
And in Game Five, the defensive duel, Cabrera had two strike outs but Jackson, Kelly, and Young (all support players) came up with HALF OF DETROIT'S HITS FOR THAT GAME!
Dude, like I said, I wasn't bashing you, just laying down the facts to play devil's advocate......LIKE ANY GOOD DISCUSSING ABOUT WAGERING SHOULD PROVIDE.If you get all fired up about someone respectfully providing another angle on a game, then maybe posting one a betting forum isn't the right place for you.