Hi Vegas......

I have no problem with Jersey, but he obviously does with me.
I'm just sick of phillycapper's shit. He made fun and insulted my mother after she died, and now he did the same fucking thing with my GF when she died.
Covers doesn't seem to understand that this freak literally banked away most likely 50+ IDs to use later, knowing he was close to being banned.
I know for a
fact that he was the one that called my mother "helen keller" after she died, because about 6 months earlier, I had mentioned that she didn't drive, because she was legally blind.
Calling her "helen keller" then making fun of her dying, is the most fucked up thing I've ever seen to anyone. Well, it was me that got it from him.
Now he's keyed in on my GF that just passed.

Once again,
I know for a fact Jersey, and anyone else out there of what and who I'm talking about.

Jersey, I have no problem with you, but this snake needs his head cut off permanently, and for some reason, they let him just do his screwed up shit in here.
Jersey, I've seen so so many guys I liked that had a bad beat, lost a shitload of money, etc......vented and said the f#g word, c#nt word, andf most of all....wishing death on someome, and harm on various people in bad ways.
How is this ok in this case?
Oh yeah, because the alias he did it with them, is the one that's doing it now. Absurd!
I know they are all him...Fact, not speculation.
I know.
Jersey what would you do or act like towards this idiot and behave about it?

Vegas, its one thing to not like someone, but to not understand what makes a peron tick that after the shit with my Mother 3 years ago, is just too much to let go....Now he's doing it with my dead GF? Fuck that.
Jersey, if that makes me a dork, fine. Wonder how you'd be..

By the way, I'm not in a bad mood, despite all this . Vegas, need another thread bubba......I need a bevy any some fattening unhealthy muchies. Glad you dshowed up.
Sorry everyone about the long ass note. It was necessary.
Vegas, start something, I'll see you in a minute.