I used to play online years ago, Pokerstars, ultimatebet, Full Tilt....
Then while I was running rooms we also had some poker apps. PokerBros, etc.....that we could take a small rake from and collect and distribute the money....
But personally I much prefer to play live.....the poker table is like a 2nd home to me. I imagine once I am retired I will spend most of my time there.
Here's a good story about why I don't play online....once I was playing at a table on Full Tilt with Phil Ivey. I have played live with a lot of the people that you see playing on TV, but this was the first time that I knew of that I was playing with a famous player online. Johnny Chan was at my 1st table in the 2004 World Series of Poker Main Event that I satellited into. I was table 85 seat 2, Chan showed up late, table 85 seat 7 I believe. Bobby Bonilla was at the table directly to our left lol. Prolly used that recurrent Mets contract money to pay the entry fee. Ivey owned a piece of FullTilt I just never played with him before.
I get in a hand with him, I have JJ. Started the hand with over $1200. Ivey had around $3k. He raised pre flop, I flat call. Flop comes J, 10, 2.....1 club. The 10 of clubs
I am in position. He checks, I bet, he raises. I tank a bit, and then I go all in. He fucking snap calls me. Pot is roughly $2500.
Turn is 3 of clubs, river A of clubs. So now the board is J....10c.....2.....3c.....Ac
This guy showed 5c/7c, and went runner runner for a flush. I could have thrown my computer. Snap call? How? WTF? I mean Phil at least make it believable and tank a little, maybe tell me you thought I was bluffing in the chat box, just a snap call eh? Nope. You cheated. If he had 8/9clubs, Q/K clubs, 9/Q clubs, basically ANYTHING but 5/7c, I would not feel this way. You also don't call a bluff catching hand unless you have at least Ace high.
That was, to this day, that last hand I played online. I refuse to believe a guy like Phil Ivey, in an online game, without much knowledge of me as a player, would call off that much of a stack with nothing at all, unless he knew what was coming. Now this was roughly 2007 or so....maybe 2008. They shut down in 2015/2016 I believe, due to being a Ponzi Scheme of some sort, but there was quite a bit of talk about the owners cheating, and there were apparently systems in place which allowed them to see your cards, and I think I was a victim of that. I am sure not all online poker games are rigged, but that hand still burns me, and I just don't trust them. So for me until a further change of heart, it is live poker or no poker at all, which is sad, because I am probably leaving money on the table.
For the record, I am not part of the "sports are rigged" crowd at all, this is a different animal entirely.