Quote Heres a news flash for you spockgato i dont like you and dont give a rats ass what you think. Musk is a piece of crap immingrant and he should be deported like they are doing with all the criminal immigrants they are depoirting. Musk is one of the worst humans to walk on this planet, he doesnt care about people or this Country. So save your speeches for somebody that cares. Do it at your next maga meeting.
This post has been reported:
The content is abusive or harmful.
Quote Originally Posted by cd329:
Quote Heres a news flash for you spockgato i dont like you and dont give a rats ass what you think. Musk is a piece of crap immingrant and he should be deported like they are doing with all the criminal immigrants they are depoirting. Musk is one of the worst humans to walk on this planet, he doesnt care about people or this Country. So save your speeches for somebody that cares. Do it at your next maga meeting.
Quote Originally Posted by cd329: Quote Heres a news flash for you spockgato i dont like you and dont give a rats ass what you think. Musk is a piece of crap immingrant and he should be deported like they are doing with all the criminal immigrants they are depoirting. Musk is one of the worst humans to walk on this planet, he doesnt care about people or this Country. So save your speeches for somebody that cares. Do it at your next maga meeting. ’ This post has been reported: The content is abusive or harmful.
LMFAOOOO, nothing ever changes with you slimy. always trying to instigate. saying i idont like somebody and dont care what they think is abusive. maybe you need to look up the meaning of abusive.
Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:
Quote Originally Posted by cd329: Quote Heres a news flash for you spockgato i dont like you and dont give a rats ass what you think. Musk is a piece of crap immingrant and he should be deported like they are doing with all the criminal immigrants they are depoirting. Musk is one of the worst humans to walk on this planet, he doesnt care about people or this Country. So save your speeches for somebody that cares. Do it at your next maga meeting. ’ This post has been reported: The content is abusive or harmful.
LMFAOOOO, nothing ever changes with you slimy. always trying to instigate. saying i idont like somebody and dont care what they think is abusive. maybe you need to look up the meaning of abusive.
While the awful south african immigrant musk (if he wasnt rich, he would have had his citizenship revoked) is busy destroying our country. the other awful human being trump was attending a kennedy center board meeting and introduced a resolution where he will be in charge of giving out the honors, lollllllllllllllllllll welcome to nazi germany folks. With all thats happening in our country and around the world today, this criminal con artist is attending a kennedy center board meeting? You would think trumpy would be busy working all the things that he said he would do to help all of us. Its so funny how people got snowed by this guy once again, but truth is once you get snowed once in life by con artists, you usually have it done over and over again. Con artists across the country are so glad there are so many magas, cause they are the most easily group of people to get hustled. They are like gold bars to con artists,lolll.
Am sure the maga groupies wont have a problem with this and will defend their orange idol to the end. In the future, maga kids will be asked over and over again how their parents could defend such a criminal con artist?
While the awful south african immigrant musk (if he wasnt rich, he would have had his citizenship revoked) is busy destroying our country. the other awful human being trump was attending a kennedy center board meeting and introduced a resolution where he will be in charge of giving out the honors, lollllllllllllllllllll welcome to nazi germany folks. With all thats happening in our country and around the world today, this criminal con artist is attending a kennedy center board meeting? You would think trumpy would be busy working all the things that he said he would do to help all of us. Its so funny how people got snowed by this guy once again, but truth is once you get snowed once in life by con artists, you usually have it done over and over again. Con artists across the country are so glad there are so many magas, cause they are the most easily group of people to get hustled. They are like gold bars to con artists,lolll.
Am sure the maga groupies wont have a problem with this and will defend their orange idol to the end. In the future, maga kids will be asked over and over again how their parents could defend such a criminal con artist?
trumpy spending his time golfing, doing telsa tv commercials, running board meetings at the kennedy center,thinking about building tourist resorts in the gaza stip, writing posts on his social media website, etc etc. This is the person who is in charge of the greatest country in the world and is in control of the nuke button. AWESOME JOB MAGAS, YOU WILL ALL GO DOWN IN THE HISTORY BOOKS AS THE GROUP WHO TOOK DOWN THE COUNTRY
trumpy spending his time golfing, doing telsa tv commercials, running board meetings at the kennedy center,thinking about building tourist resorts in the gaza stip, writing posts on his social media website, etc etc. This is the person who is in charge of the greatest country in the world and is in control of the nuke button. AWESOME JOB MAGAS, YOU WILL ALL GO DOWN IN THE HISTORY BOOKS AS THE GROUP WHO TOOK DOWN THE COUNTRY
The report from a group of 52 scientist from 9 different colleges in the South East claim,,,, If a person runs in and out of burning buildings for an extended length of time ( say 15/20 years ) they will have sever mental damage..
Their conclusion : The brain damage will affect the person to the degree ,,that they can't tell when things are good ,,in their mind it's just the opposite....They will start to lose the ability to communicate in an understandable language,,sounding like a half_wit most of the time...
This condition is further enhanced by the fact the person already had a heavy dose of TDS
The report from a group of 52 scientist from 9 different colleges in the South East claim,,,, If a person runs in and out of burning buildings for an extended length of time ( say 15/20 years ) they will have sever mental damage..
Their conclusion : The brain damage will affect the person to the degree ,,that they can't tell when things are good ,,in their mind it's just the opposite....They will start to lose the ability to communicate in an understandable language,,sounding like a half_wit most of the time...
This condition is further enhanced by the fact the person already had a heavy dose of TDS
scientists have also concluded people that are mean, broke , hateful, racist and our mad at the world have a tendency to do nothing everyday but troll message boards looking to instigate and cause troubles with others as a way to get fellow troublemakers to like them. These people dont really give back anything to society and usually are just takers, unlike those brave and dedicated firefighters that have spent their whole lives trying to help people. Helping people isnt a gene that internet trolls have inside them.
I hope they start up a fund for those brave firefighters, cause i will donate.
On another note, i wonder why a certain poster posted about firefighters in a doge thread? Thought he wanted to stay on topic,lollll. Hopefully the mods will look into his abusive post about firefighters.
scientists have also concluded people that are mean, broke , hateful, racist and our mad at the world have a tendency to do nothing everyday but troll message boards looking to instigate and cause troubles with others as a way to get fellow troublemakers to like them. These people dont really give back anything to society and usually are just takers, unlike those brave and dedicated firefighters that have spent their whole lives trying to help people. Helping people isnt a gene that internet trolls have inside them.
I hope they start up a fund for those brave firefighters, cause i will donate.
On another note, i wonder why a certain poster posted about firefighters in a doge thread? Thought he wanted to stay on topic,lollll. Hopefully the mods will look into his abusive post about firefighters.
Almost forgot the scientists also concluded that certain lobes in their brains tend to be damaged and they have a tendency to be gullible and easily fall as prey to con artists. If there are any types of funds that provide help to these people, i would gladly donate to the fund
Almost forgot the scientists also concluded that certain lobes in their brains tend to be damaged and they have a tendency to be gullible and easily fall as prey to con artists. If there are any types of funds that provide help to these people, i would gladly donate to the fund
Well, it does go to the tread topic ,,Because DOGE is cuttung the waste..
President Donald Trump issued yet another executive order, this time calling for “large-scale reductions in force” at federal government agencies.At least 2,000 Forest Service staff were fired during the cull that followed – that’s the figure cited by the USDA, though the union representing the workers says it’s more like 3,400, according to Fire and Safety Journal Americas.
See firefighter info is related .................
Well, it does go to the tread topic ,,Because DOGE is cuttung the waste..
President Donald Trump issued yet another executive order, this time calling for “large-scale reductions in force” at federal government agencies.At least 2,000 Forest Service staff were fired during the cull that followed – that’s the figure cited by the USDA, though the union representing the workers says it’s more like 3,400, according to Fire and Safety Journal Americas.
bravo slim, your insanity and instigator personality got the thread sent to the box. Give yourself a gold star and dont forgot to check under your bed tonight, because obama, biden and hillary might be hiding under it.
bravo slim, your insanity and instigator personality got the thread sent to the box. Give yourself a gold star and dont forgot to check under your bed tonight, because obama, biden and hillary might be hiding under it.
bravo slim, your insanity and instigator personality got the thread sent to the box. Give yourself a gold star and dont forgot to check under your bed tonight, because obama, biden and hillary might be hiding under it.
Cd,if I find Hillary under by bed ...I would pull her out and do her real good ,,,,,I have always like big thighs.
As far as if Obama and Biden are hiding there..... they can play with each other for all I care..I'll be busy giving a Dirty Sanchez to Hillary.
Quote Originally Posted by cd329:
bravo slim, your insanity and instigator personality got the thread sent to the box. Give yourself a gold star and dont forgot to check under your bed tonight, because obama, biden and hillary might be hiding under it.
Cd,if I find Hillary under by bed ...I would pull her out and do her real good ,,,,,I have always like big thighs.
As far as if Obama and Biden are hiding there..... they can play with each other for all I care..I'll be busy giving a Dirty Sanchez to Hillary.
Be careful man cuz cd gonna try and get our good friend OL’ Dirty Sanchez deported because he thinks he’s an immigrant .
What a hypocrite . It’s like the teapot calling the kettle black . Damn . Now he’s probably gonna spin that into I’m all racist . Or something . No sir . You’re wrong .
I’m “ ALL RACES . “
Have a Happy March 18th
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall
Be careful man cuz cd gonna try and get our good friend OL’ Dirty Sanchez deported because he thinks he’s an immigrant .
What a hypocrite . It’s like the teapot calling the kettle black . Damn . Now he’s probably gonna spin that into I’m all racist . Or something . No sir . You’re wrong .
Be careful man cuz cd gonna try and get our good friend OL’ Dirty Sanchez deported because he thinks he’s an immigrant . What a hypocrite . It’s like the teapot calling the kettle black . Damn . Now he’s probably gonna spin that into I’m all racist . Or something . No sir . You’re wrong . I’m “ ALL RACES . “ Have a Happy March 18th
You are basically all immigrants - how old is your country 300 years or something ?
Quote Originally Posted by spockgato:
Be careful man cuz cd gonna try and get our good friend OL’ Dirty Sanchez deported because he thinks he’s an immigrant . What a hypocrite . It’s like the teapot calling the kettle black . Damn . Now he’s probably gonna spin that into I’m all racist . Or something . No sir . You’re wrong . I’m “ ALL RACES . “ Have a Happy March 18th
You are basically all immigrants - how old is your country 300 years or something ?
.Be careful man cuz cd gonna try and get our good friend OL’ Dirty Sanchez deported because he thinks he’s an immigrant . What a hypocrite . It’s like the teapot calling the kettle black . Damn . Now he’s probably gonna spin that into I’m all racist . Or something . No sir . You’re wrong . I’m “ ALL RACES . “ Have a Happy March 18th
That's about it ............
Quote Originally Posted by spockgato:
.Be careful man cuz cd gonna try and get our good friend OL’ Dirty Sanchez deported because he thinks he’s an immigrant . What a hypocrite . It’s like the teapot calling the kettle black . Damn . Now he’s probably gonna spin that into I’m all racist . Or something . No sir . You’re wrong . I’m “ ALL RACES . “ Have a Happy March 18th
So there is a dialog that gets overrun by one seemingly unhappy dude who does not contribute anything to the thread besides negativity and the thread gets boxed and not the individual.
All the while at least 5+ middle to right leaning individuals have been boxed in this thread with Slim a two time "offender".
How does that make sense?
But wait for the "your sides two tiers of justice shtick is getting old" shtick.
So there is a dialog that gets overrun by one seemingly unhappy dude who does not contribute anything to the thread besides negativity and the thread gets boxed and not the individual.
All the while at least 5+ middle to right leaning individuals have been boxed in this thread with Slim a two time "offender".
How does that make sense?
But wait for the "your sides two tiers of justice shtick is getting old" shtick.
Speaking of bots pretty interesting election results of of Greenland.
Yeah who would have known they would prefer us over you guys ? - I was personally in shock But to be fair they would have chosen us no matter when in time US would have tried to intervene - so it isn’t entirely because US is in this shitty state
Quote Originally Posted by unplucked_gem:
Speaking of bots pretty interesting election results of of Greenland.
Yeah who would have known they would prefer us over you guys ? - I was personally in shock But to be fair they would have chosen us no matter when in time US would have tried to intervene - so it isn’t entirely because US is in this shitty state
No offense to you guys - but you are so “annoying” and political focused that any “normal” person would be terrified if they were even forced to spend two days with you guys - let alone become part of your continent - you basically never talk about anything else (no matter which side of the spectre you are on) - there is no country or continent like this anywhere else - and it gets old quick
No offense to you guys - but you are so “annoying” and political focused that any “normal” person would be terrified if they were even forced to spend two days with you guys - let alone become part of your continent - you basically never talk about anything else (no matter which side of the spectre you are on) - there is no country or continent like this anywhere else - and it gets old quick
The democratic side should just accept Trump is in charge and his followers are too stupid to change opinion (no matter how many facts you find)
and the other should just accept the demo. will never accept Trump (and be glad he is in office) and then let Trump disappoint you when you realise he didn’t deliver on anything he promised in 4 years
Like either of these sides are changing opinions anyway
and that is basically that discussion - ohh and if the Trump side could stop whining when they are put in the penalty box like some kind of box - that would also be appreciated
The democratic side should just accept Trump is in charge and his followers are too stupid to change opinion (no matter how many facts you find)
and the other should just accept the demo. will never accept Trump (and be glad he is in office) and then let Trump disappoint you when you realise he didn’t deliver on anything he promised in 4 years
Like either of these sides are changing opinions anyway
and that is basically that discussion - ohh and if the Trump side could stop whining when they are put in the penalty box like some kind of box - that would also be appreciated
@Covers team: you should for real make a penalty box specifically for Political stuff - because sports related penalty box posts are fucking hilarious to watch - where these are like - there is a reason why political forum is the least appealing for me by a country mile - I would rather join baseball forum and I freaking hate that shitshow of a sport - look at this thread for the love of god - it is two sides that can’t figure out who should fist fuck the other first
@Covers team: you should for real make a penalty box specifically for Political stuff - because sports related penalty box posts are fucking hilarious to watch - where these are like - there is a reason why political forum is the least appealing for me by a country mile - I would rather join baseball forum and I freaking hate that shitshow of a sport - look at this thread for the love of god - it is two sides that can’t figure out who should fist fuck the other first
Damn yo, what happened to this in the Box !?!? It was running quite nicely in the cesspool for weeks and weeks. I leave for a few days and BOXED. I came back in to thank my homie Raidahs (Chris Berman voice) for his in depth lesson on Volcker he gave last week. Thanks homie, appreciate the time to educate. On the pantheon of FED chairs though, he still gets the nod, mainly due to his "wallstreet lore" as you put it and the fact that the bar is not set high for that crowd.
I will now go back and see where this sweetness ran off the rails.....too bad, last I saw there was a nice discussion going on. Let us eat cake!
America First
Damn yo, what happened to this in the Box !?!? It was running quite nicely in the cesspool for weeks and weeks. I leave for a few days and BOXED. I came back in to thank my homie Raidahs (Chris Berman voice) for his in depth lesson on Volcker he gave last week. Thanks homie, appreciate the time to educate. On the pantheon of FED chairs though, he still gets the nod, mainly due to his "wallstreet lore" as you put it and the fact that the bar is not set high for that crowd.
I will now go back and see where this sweetness ran off the rails.....too bad, last I saw there was a nice discussion going on. Let us eat cake!
So there is a dialog that gets overrun by one seemingly unhappy dude who does not contribute anything to the thread besides negativity and the thread gets boxed and not the individual. All the while at least 5+ middle to right leaning individuals have been boxed in this thread with Slim a two time "offender". How does that make sense? But wait for the "your sides two tiers of justice shtick is getting old" shtick.
Ah hah....found it. Didn't take long. Why am I not surprised.....
America First
Quote Originally Posted by unplucked_gem:
So there is a dialog that gets overrun by one seemingly unhappy dude who does not contribute anything to the thread besides negativity and the thread gets boxed and not the individual. All the while at least 5+ middle to right leaning individuals have been boxed in this thread with Slim a two time "offender". How does that make sense? But wait for the "your sides two tiers of justice shtick is getting old" shtick.
Ah hah....found it. Didn't take long. Why am I not surprised.....
No offense to you guys - but you are so “annoying” and political focused that any “normal” person would be terrified if they were even forced to spend two days with you guys - let alone become part of your continent - you basically never talk about anything else (no matter which side of the spectre you are on) - there is no country or continent like this anywhere else - and it gets old quick
How dare you. From September - January we occasionally talk BOTH NFL and College Football.
I'd caution you as this is a highly specialized forum, so obviously it's going to be narrowly discussed content.
I can't speak for anyone else here, but I write this from Tulum and have spent also extensive time in Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand.
I have been afforded a great working understanding of USA's strengths and areas of opportunity. Seeing how other "third world" countries (not Japan) operate and function definitely showcases the need for major change back home, which no one seems to want to admit is needed.
I'll close with this, I have an appreciation for the upfront nature of corruption here in Mexico. They don't hide it, it's just the way it goes which both sucks and is refreshing.
Carry on friend.
Quote Originally Posted by Calde13:
No offense to you guys - but you are so “annoying” and political focused that any “normal” person would be terrified if they were even forced to spend two days with you guys - let alone become part of your continent - you basically never talk about anything else (no matter which side of the spectre you are on) - there is no country or continent like this anywhere else - and it gets old quick
How dare you. From September - January we occasionally talk BOTH NFL and College Football.
I'd caution you as this is a highly specialized forum, so obviously it's going to be narrowly discussed content.
I can't speak for anyone else here, but I write this from Tulum and have spent also extensive time in Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand.
I have been afforded a great working understanding of USA's strengths and areas of opportunity. Seeing how other "third world" countries (not Japan) operate and function definitely showcases the need for major change back home, which no one seems to want to admit is needed.
I'll close with this, I have an appreciation for the upfront nature of corruption here in Mexico. They don't hide it, it's just the way it goes which both sucks and is refreshing.
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