"95% of California’s wildfires are caused by people, whether purposeful, reckless or simply careless behavior."
I am simply saying they need to address the things that they can address and have failed to address.
Storing the water was a reference to the empty reservoirs and empty fire hydrants.
Mitigation is not even being done at all is my point.
They have to take some responsibility and be proactive.
Same with states that have hurricanes and tornadoes.
Everyone realizes the issues they have with drought and vegetation. Many other places have done things that have worked. California has not done any of those things.
The disaster relief has been shown to be much more effective when done at the state level. The Federal agencies are nearly inept at it.
So, I was just addressing the point he Brough up about why give them more money if they are not even going to attempt to be more prepared and preventive.
Everything from infrastructure to preparedness needs to be addressed.
We have always, always had the dry winds that explode these fires. They knew these were predicted and still acted as if they were caught off guard.
Same with Florida and the hurricanes. They keep wanting federal help. Why give it to them if they are not going to try to fix the problem.
You cannot just give folks money with no expectation of them not doing better, or they keep wanting more money each time it happens.
Then the states are surprised when they cannot even get insurance now that the companies are leaving the states.
Stop building in hurricane-prone areas and expecting federal money to repair.
It is not fair to the individual in Iowa, or wherever, that has his home destroyed by a major wind storm. His house will not be declared a federal disaster. Yet, hi taxes still subsidize bad behavior in fire/hurricane states.
If these folks know they are always getting bailed out -- they will continue to build there.
If the states do not enact better measures but keep getting federal bailouts -- they will continue to not be proactive.
You are right that the system got overwhelmed -- but did it need to happen and did they learn from it this time and decide to do something different?
Instead of just letting the Fire Chief go because she basically out the mayor on blast -- how about addressing the things you can address?