yes she said bet on the eagles for me 1 reason beacuse trump will be there another reason chiefs players supported him
so did other nfl players i scremed at her no way id rather give you $10 then through my money away i said it bfore i'll say it again eafles den fense was built up on scrubs of league all sub 500 teams ready 5 gam es won vs Giants and Cowboys another scrubb no cober at home Browns another huge chalk vs Jags no cover
s/o kmmaered worst game of year barkley hurts devone smith goodert slammed 33-13 b y Tampa bay s/u home loss to falcons as a big 6 point chalk @ cuncy as 2.5 dog pounded them 37-13 # nulti in jured rams -2.5 37 - 26 barely beat multi in jred ravebs as +3 dog 24 -19 ravens couldnt score final minute td
home -12.5 to carolina blew the mon ey out the window 22-16 they were losing 16-15
as alwys home vs steelers but then wtf at wash - 4 s/u loss 33=38 defense huh final 2 home games -7 vs cowboys 41-7 then -3 vs giants 20*13 i was concrend lower spread vs giants Eagles are fake news
adding this fact in no QB who wore or weras number 1 ever won a S B cam netwon 15=1 sesaon - 5 chalk s/u lost to top defnse in 10- 6 broncos
old boy warren moon never got to play in superbowl trubisky of bears tua t of dolphins n kyler murray of cardinals