Bc: I am independent but lean democrat if anything.
SJD: I am an independent myself and I vote for the party that I believe has the best interests in mind that would be beneficial to all the American people and not cater to just one segment of the population.
Bc: Yes i am rooting for people of hate to lose.
SJD: I am rooting for the people who are ruining this country to lose at the ballot box, and at the moment it's clearly the dem party with their nonsensical woke agenda policies that are ruining this country.
Skyrocketing inflation causing everything to go up in costs putting a heavy burden on the middle class and those already in poverty who can't afford the steep rise in the cost of living.
The rise in crime particularly in blue states where the dems have defunded the police. The mutilation of children for the purpose of changing their gender without parental approval.
Unsecured open borders allowing millions of unvetted people into the country that poses a national security problem.
Lt. Colonel Army Reservist Tulsi Gabbard who quit the democrat party was quoted saying on the Sean Hannity Show recently:
"We know that iran has sleeper terrorists cells here in America and unlike al-qaida, these terrorists sleeper cells have the access and capability and may have already brought in nuclear material into this country waiting to be activated and if used could launch an attack here, right here at home, that would make 9/11 look small in comparison."
Then we have republican Governor Glenn Youngkin of the state of Virginia who was quoted saying on the Sean Hannity Show recently:
"Joe Biden's foreign policy has caused international chaos, and his border policy has caused a national security, a drug and a humanitarian chaos. And Bidenomics is causing an economic chaos. Families are living paycheck to paycheck.
For the average family in Virginia living in America they're spending $700 more a month to buy the exact same things that they bought 2 years ago at a much lower price, groceries and gas, clothes for their kids, this is what Bidenomics is delivering."
Then last but not least we have republican Senator Ted Cruz of the state of Texas who was quoted saying on the Sean Hannity Show recently:
"Look the world has gotten much much more dangerous under joe biden and the democrats. Israel is at its greater jeopardy much greater jeopardy because of joe biden and the democrats. America is at a greater jeopardy because of joe biden and the democrats and your family and my family are at a greater jeopardy because of joe biden and the democrats.
I'm going to suggest 2 simple principles that this president can't seem to figure out. Number 1, stop giving money to terrorists who want to murder us and number 2, stop letting into this country terrorist who want to murder us. He is doing both. You talked about illegal immigration the statistics are horrifying. Let's go back to 2017. You know how many people were apprehended on the terror watch list?...2 The next year 2018?...6 The next year 2019?...0 The next year 2020?...3
Then 2021, how many on the terror watch list?...15 What happened in 2021?...joe biden. How about 2022?...98 How about 2023?...169 This open border we have is an invitation for terrorist to come and I believe right now Sean we are at a greater risk of a major terrorist attack in the U.S. than at any point since Sep 11 and the biden administration keeps doubling down on the policies that put us at risk."
I can go on and on, on how the dems are ruining this country but I'm sure I've made my point adequately sufficient for now.