I feel a little drugged up right now but seaweeders i would just like to take this oppurtunity to thank you all for your support and kind words during my recovery and to update you all on or status. I will never go fishing or step close to water again, that is certain. I had bad expieriences in the past as a golf ball diver and my first return to water ended badly. Sad part is, i fractured my neck at the start before i even got to the fishing. The doctors did a bunch of tests last night and are planning another MRI tomorrow but they told me im lucy i wasn't paralyzed and that i'll be in a cervical collar for a while. The good news is the prognosis suggests im expected to make a full recovery in the next few months. So i guess i will never be able to fish for a long time. and I don't think i will be able to work any physical job for who knows how long, so this just renforces the importance of betting in my life. Everything happens for a reason. Laying here in bed the past week i've been doing a lot of thinking and this whole situation opened my eyes. At first i was angry and dissapointed at everything that occured and scared to come back on here and explain myself and how i let down my Nation by being absent the first week. But thinking about everything, it seems that betting is truly the occupation for my life. All the studying and dedication in the past seems to have been for a reason because fate directed me to this moment. The only way i will be able to make money and sustain a living once i get of the hospital will be through betting. I'm not going to let this injury get in the way of my dream and hopes of becoming a professsional sports capper. Just like Sarah J Philips got recognized by ESPN, my time will come as well But quitters never succeed in life. I remember a famous movie once, i think it was called Midnight Express, where it said, it's not how hard you can hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. I will not live my life like a vegetable and suffer with my money and bother grandma to bail me out every month. No. We are better than that. We will be back for week 2, neckbrace or no neckbrace, we will fulfill our dream and we will make the money through our system.
Our NFL record sits at 3 WINS and 1 LOSS.
Seaweed Nation get ready for a BIG week 2.
Thank you
Love Seaweed