Its funny I actually thought you would go that way with regards to my comment...that I am a naysayer of a public speaker when it comes to financial markets. Then I thought of a list of people who do not fall under the definition and there are a few.
First thing, Stanley gets credit for something that MANY get credit for and that is the sub prime stuff, there are several who have rode that horse to fame for the last 15 years and he is one of them. Another is Kyle Bass and there are others. I lived through this whole thing and Ive followed Stanley enough to know what I am talking about.
He has investments and a business which he has to forward and protect, he is biased period and that is the truth. Nothing wrong with the guy being trotted out to make a partisan point, that network has been pulling that crap for 30 years plus. Liz Sonders is another one that fits that decript, she was the internet.com pin up model and since then that has faded but they still pull her out to pump something now and then.
Here are a few guys who I did respect at a time with some background...not that you care but just for fun-
1) Jim Cramer- I threw the shocker on the top just to make a point. Ive followed Cramerica before he was known in the media. I used to listen to him on the radio on my way into work while driving from the suburbs of Philly to downtown where I was a broker. That was before he was on tv, even before his pay service pumping.. He used to just have a radio show where he would talk the markets and give reccos. Well I liked him back then he was not biased just had his own little PE firm and seemed neutral but was entertaining. That is for sure gone now but back then in the .com era I liked him
2) Charles Biderman- he would be on CNBC talking about his prop software targeting dividend companies that paid dividends from cash flow, really sharp guy with no political agenda and no aspirations for fame and glory via the media
3) Rick Santelli- When he FIRST came on the scene he was just a CBOE guy that would talk technical details about the bond markets and commodities, he was straight to the point and gave insight that he had which was not public info at the time. Now the guy is a wack job because of the fame and media attention he got
4) Larry Kudlow- Another shocker, he has been on CNBC for over 25 years and when he first came on he was not a political tool he would discuss fundamental economic data and insight. The guy is a total train wreck now, the attention and media got to him, his political biases and partisan mind wrecked what he once was, now I cant stand to hear the conservative garbage he spews but back at the origin he was a decent listen
I think what the point I am making is that most guys you see trotted out to media outlets are selling their book their business their financial position. Kyle Bass is one of the worst, he got subprime right and has been wrong non-stop on China and they trot him out when the time is right. I do not trust people who have biases and agendas and are being used to forward a political position. Stanley is not someone I respect or admire because he is biased and has a strong agenda. I'd tell that to him if I were next to him on the golf course too...lol