@joe pockets
My problem is right now is that people with access to wealth are having an outsized impact on government.
Quantify this for me. What is the amount of impact they should have? Compared to what, and why? What are your examples? This sounds like you are just posting vague rhetoric the Left has as talking points.
Whether they should have that wealth is another argument entirely, but I don’t think it should be controversial to say that a billionaire shouldn’t have more influence on government than a blue-collar worker living paycheck to paycheck.
Why not? I am not even disagreeing but would I am interested if you can articulate this? Why should the folks that have an interest in starting businesses that employ 10s, 100, or 1000s of people not have more say about some things? For sure they have more of an idea of how to create jobs and help the economy than the average guy that cuts people's grass.
If everyone had the same amount of interest and concern and influence, we might all still be small-time farmers. You have to cater to folks that are advancing and growing the country a bit -- for sure it has to be fair and legal. But these are the guys that are going to try to get sites zoned for a business and lobby to get business-friendly laws passed, etc. What is the average guy going to do -- nothing but the same thing he has done for the last 30 years. Usually go to work for the highly-motivated guy's business.
Both are citizens of the same government and both should be expected to contribute their share to the common welfare of all.
This is another Leftist talking point. Look at simply the money these people and their businesses pay in taxes compared to the average guy. Then include the fact that a lot of folks do not pay any taxes. Then factor in how much they provide in the way of jobs and services. You can make a very, very good argument the average guy is scamming, in a sense, nd the rich guy is being overly penalized. This is propaganda by the Left -- do not fall for this.
Instead, the rich are pushing policies that negatively impact everyone else, to the point that a breakdown of social order doesn’t seem unlikely.
For example?
I personally believe that Democrats are more willing to correct this problem…
Of course you do. Because you, like all Democrats, think this is a problem; and a problem that only government can fix.
Trump is the poster boy of the rich skating there responsible to pay there fare share!
For example, exactly?
There is doubt in my mind every single person on the list of Forbes 400 and 10,000 below are screwing the country on a remarkable amount of money each and every year….
That is nonsense and a completely jaded way of looking at things. This shows you have not studied the issue yourself and are simply repeating talking points to stir your side into a frenzy.
And I’m not speaking about deducting a extra pair of work shoes..I’m saying millions!
They are cracking down on folks all of the time and you just hear about it more nowadays because of the 24-hour newscycle. For the ones that are doing this, there are FAR more that are NOT doing it. There are many average people that are scamming as well and percentage-wise a larger amount of their 'fair' share.
If the far right wants to scream bloody murder over the deficit they should start with there largest campaign contributor's
What do you even mean by this?