He was put into office by dedicated communists. He supported the dissolution of the United States to create an ethnostate only for blacks. He’s been the biggest defender of the Muslim Brotherhood in Congress.
And, now, he’s poised to take over one of America’s two major political parties.
He’s Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota. And he’s one of “The Enemies Within” profiled in Trevor Loudon’s explosive new documentary of that name.
Loudon claims Ellison remained heavily involved with communists as he began his political career.
“In the 2000s, Ellison was very close to the old Communist Party USA (CPUSA),” Loudon told WND. “He held several fundraisers in the home of CPUSA Minnesota leader Erwin Marquit, and the CPUSA supplied nearly half of the phone-bankers used by Ellison in one election cycle.”
The late Erwin Marquit, a college professor who served on the Economics Commission and International Affairs Commissions of the Communist Party USA, recounted in his memoirs how he and his wife, also a CPUSA member, served as Democratic-Farmer-Labor delegates and “campaigned for Ellison before and at” the Democratic convention, helping to secure Ellison the DFL nomination.
Marquit also recounted how when campaigning for Ellison, he was often recognized as “the communist at the University of Minnesota” but “the fact that I was campaigning for Ellison did not seem to bother any of them.”
Ellison was praised during his congressional run by the People’s World, an online publication which, in its own words, is the “direct descendant of the [Communist] Daily Worker.”
“The websites enjoy a special relationship with the Communist Party USA, founded in 1919, and publish its news and views,” according to the group’s website.
The publication called Ellison “a fresh progressive voice in the tradition of Paul Wellstone” in August 2006 and boasted how “peace and justice activists have been volunteering in increasing numbers.”
As Loudon details in “The Enemies Within,” communists and other leftists often make themselves indispensable to “mainstream” Democrats by performing the grunt work of campaigns.
Ellison attended several house parties and meetings at the Marquits’ home and relied heavily on communists as campaign workers. In 2014, Ellison made the connection even more explicit by writing an article on “grassroots movements” for People’s World under his own name.
Philip Haney, a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security, Islamic terror expert and co-author of “See Something, Say Nothing,” says Ellison will be in an awkward position if the Muslim Brotherhood is officially labeled a terrorist organization by the new administration.
“If President Trump designates the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, and Keith Ellison becomes the DNC chairman, then the DNC will be in a terribly compromised position,” said Haney. “Ellison is affiliated with CAIR and the Islamic Society of North America, as well as the Muslim American Society (MAS). All of these groups are tied to extremists.
“CAIR are ISNA are unindicted co-conspirators in the federal Holy Land Foundation trial. CAIR has already been designated as a terrorist group by the United Arab Emirates, and the Muslim Brotherhood itself has been designated as a terrorist group by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Russia.”
Haney also argued Ellison is driven by a deep anti-Israel bias, referencing recently exposed comments Ellison made at a private fundraiser in which he accused the Jewish state of “governing” American foreign policy.
Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2017/01/an-enemy-within-keith-ellison-exposed/#1CXQFoqVyUBGo0cL.99
The true face of the democratic party. Do YOU really want to be a member of this?