In general there’s nothing but ham sandwiches getting passed around in here…
it’s like a beautiful picnic where deli meats get shuffled to and fro hot potato style amongst a circle of people but nobody actually stops to eat …
it defeats the purpose ya know ? if you wanna play games just bust out the Monopoly and be the thimble ….
how come Whitey Herzog is always riding Jack Clark about his hustle and effort but he doesn’t say nothin’ to Lonnie Smith and Keith Hernandez about them doing line after line of cocaine rails in the clubhouse ?
nary a word to those two buffoons but good ‘ol Jack gets a thousand word diatribe followed by a 400 syllable chiding for taking a big hack and coming up empty on the swing ?
makes no sense .
Go Go Gadget arm and grab that fair and balanced demeanor you say you have , cuz you dropped it way back there , and it’s way off in the distance Hans , ok booby , cuz I’m your white knight , and I’m also the only one with balls enough to tell you that right now I see your reflection in the mirror and it’s straight Gargamel yo ….
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall
In general there’s nothing but ham sandwiches getting passed around in here…
it’s like a beautiful picnic where deli meats get shuffled to and fro hot potato style amongst a circle of people but nobody actually stops to eat …
it defeats the purpose ya know ? if you wanna play games just bust out the Monopoly and be the thimble ….
how come Whitey Herzog is always riding Jack Clark about his hustle and effort but he doesn’t say nothin’ to Lonnie Smith and Keith Hernandez about them doing line after line of cocaine rails in the clubhouse ?
nary a word to those two buffoons but good ‘ol Jack gets a thousand word diatribe followed by a 400 syllable chiding for taking a big hack and coming up empty on the swing ?
makes no sense .
Go Go Gadget arm and grab that fair and balanced demeanor you say you have , cuz you dropped it way back there , and it’s way off in the distance Hans , ok booby , cuz I’m your white knight , and I’m also the only one with balls enough to tell you that right now I see your reflection in the mirror and it’s straight Gargamel yo ….
The short version. The warriors at the American consulate in Benghazi unlike the unwarrior like inhabitants inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave sent several requests for help to the CIA. Thet were summarily declined each time. Again. General Ham and Rear Admiral Gaoette patriotically declined their orders to stand down and were still willing to help American fighters in Benghazi. Ham and Gaoette were relieved of duty faster than one can say Barrack Hussein Obama! I am shocked and somewhat disappointed you don't know the 1st grade history of the American consulate in Benghazi under attack on September 11, 2012 while we had President Barrack Hussein Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. You do not know this history because Obama has been protected his whole life by the PTB and the MSM. More on Barrack Hussein Obama will follow inside this thread during the week. Please do not get your feelings hurt! Friendly, friendly reminder. Malik Obama is with the most important man in America named Tucker Carlson on 19 September. Do not be afraid!.
The short version. The warriors at the American consulate in Benghazi unlike the unwarrior like inhabitants inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave sent several requests for help to the CIA. Thet were summarily declined each time. Again. General Ham and Rear Admiral Gaoette patriotically declined their orders to stand down and were still willing to help American fighters in Benghazi. Ham and Gaoette were relieved of duty faster than one can say Barrack Hussein Obama! I am shocked and somewhat disappointed you don't know the 1st grade history of the American consulate in Benghazi under attack on September 11, 2012 while we had President Barrack Hussein Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. You do not know this history because Obama has been protected his whole life by the PTB and the MSM. More on Barrack Hussein Obama will follow inside this thread during the week. Please do not get your feelings hurt! Friendly, friendly reminder. Malik Obama is with the most important man in America named Tucker Carlson on 19 September. Do not be afraid!.
I am not in need of a cut and paste rehash of something over ten years ago, you keep refusing to answer a simple, direct, pertinent question. What motivation does Obama have for doing this as you suggest? What in the history of his life gives you any indication that Obama was in support of leaving military members in captivity if he had a chance to do otherwise? I could see Bush doing this as he was CIA first in all his actions for most of his entire life but Obama did not have that background or history of such as you suggest.
The reality is your "source" are seeking to smear and portray Obama as the blame all when as I mentioned, the dynamics of decision making are for sure not ONLY the POTUS, the decisions are made from MANY and he makes the call, so you or Capt Ham does not know what was going on and why this so-called decision was made, nobody knows unless you are in that circle and understand the decision making process.
It would be like saying Trump intentionally killed people and the habitat and destroyed the lives of innocent animals and wildlife in a summary and saying NOTHING else about the example is of course that he is involved in the design of golf courses and real connecting the silly dots as you are then you could surmise that Trump was directly responsible for all the items I listed, because using this silly putty logic that if any event happened in the course of said decision then it is Trump who is to blame. Sounds kind of stupid doesnt it?
So does your entire premise...think about it and quit sucking your life out by watching these conspiracy theory oddballs.
I am not in need of a cut and paste rehash of something over ten years ago, you keep refusing to answer a simple, direct, pertinent question. What motivation does Obama have for doing this as you suggest? What in the history of his life gives you any indication that Obama was in support of leaving military members in captivity if he had a chance to do otherwise? I could see Bush doing this as he was CIA first in all his actions for most of his entire life but Obama did not have that background or history of such as you suggest.
The reality is your "source" are seeking to smear and portray Obama as the blame all when as I mentioned, the dynamics of decision making are for sure not ONLY the POTUS, the decisions are made from MANY and he makes the call, so you or Capt Ham does not know what was going on and why this so-called decision was made, nobody knows unless you are in that circle and understand the decision making process.
It would be like saying Trump intentionally killed people and the habitat and destroyed the lives of innocent animals and wildlife in a summary and saying NOTHING else about the example is of course that he is involved in the design of golf courses and real connecting the silly dots as you are then you could surmise that Trump was directly responsible for all the items I listed, because using this silly putty logic that if any event happened in the course of said decision then it is Trump who is to blame. Sounds kind of stupid doesnt it?
So does your entire premise...think about it and quit sucking your life out by watching these conspiracy theory oddballs.
You know the right thing to do is to go “ All In “ at some others here like you just did to sundance for the greater good of this forum but for whatever reason you refuse to do so ……
there comes a time my friend when Vanity Smurf has to drop that fucking mirror and get himself a little dirty by putting in some work to appease the other little blue motherfuckers that be on that grind and who are always watching out for that cunning and evil pusssy Azrael ya dig ?
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall
You know the right thing to do is to go “ All In “ at some others here like you just did to sundance for the greater good of this forum but for whatever reason you refuse to do so ……
there comes a time my friend when Vanity Smurf has to drop that fucking mirror and get himself a little dirty by putting in some work to appease the other little blue motherfuckers that be on that grind and who are always watching out for that cunning and evil pusssy Azrael ya dig ?
Ok follow the chain of posts before you go off and try to smack me around, sundance introduced a topic about Obama which runs counter to the purpose of the Obama is awesome thread, which is totally fine. When you throw out the stuff he did, do you not think he is going to be questioned about it? Read what his original message was and how slanted and absurd it is. You form a narrative by using biased extremist sources and draw extreme conclusions then good odds you will get questioned about it and if he wants to post silly links and absurd generalizations then he can own it and respond.
Ok follow the chain of posts before you go off and try to smack me around, sundance introduced a topic about Obama which runs counter to the purpose of the Obama is awesome thread, which is totally fine. When you throw out the stuff he did, do you not think he is going to be questioned about it? Read what his original message was and how slanted and absurd it is. You form a narrative by using biased extremist sources and draw extreme conclusions then good odds you will get questioned about it and if he wants to post silly links and absurd generalizations then he can own it and respond.
I’ve followed the chain of posts of this entire forum for a long enough amount of time to fully understand that you will not go this far and this deep with other members as you have sundance …..
and they are fully deserving of your speed train locomotive destroy anything it hits word turret obliteration just as much as the next guy so don’t even go there with the “ they aren’t overly vulgar or extreme with their replies “ bullshit either …..
their sneaky undercover avoidance and baby tactics are equally as wrong and counterproductive to what this forum is supposed to be so bringing out your Big John Studd and slamming them to the mat every once and again is probably not a bad idea and most likely the right call too brother …..
that would be fair .
so don’t pepper me with the fluffball cotton candy kaleidoscope dreams of blissful joy with empty speeches of how you are correct or please don’t crawl into that deep crevice and corner of the human mind where one attempts to safely get away from blame cuz my reach extends way further than what the normal person can achieve and I can simply get to you there in that spot rather easily and pat you on the head and rub your little tummy telling you everything’s gonna be alright in the process …..
if you want some real change in here and you want to set the example with some real leadership you should not ho hum your way through this and instead summon the power of your inner clarity like He-Man did with the power he got from Greyskull and transform yourself into the superhero that I know you are and ride this BattleCat to victory ……
I know cringe right ? God Bless
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall
I’ve followed the chain of posts of this entire forum for a long enough amount of time to fully understand that you will not go this far and this deep with other members as you have sundance …..
and they are fully deserving of your speed train locomotive destroy anything it hits word turret obliteration just as much as the next guy so don’t even go there with the “ they aren’t overly vulgar or extreme with their replies “ bullshit either …..
their sneaky undercover avoidance and baby tactics are equally as wrong and counterproductive to what this forum is supposed to be so bringing out your Big John Studd and slamming them to the mat every once and again is probably not a bad idea and most likely the right call too brother …..
that would be fair .
so don’t pepper me with the fluffball cotton candy kaleidoscope dreams of blissful joy with empty speeches of how you are correct or please don’t crawl into that deep crevice and corner of the human mind where one attempts to safely get away from blame cuz my reach extends way further than what the normal person can achieve and I can simply get to you there in that spot rather easily and pat you on the head and rub your little tummy telling you everything’s gonna be alright in the process …..
if you want some real change in here and you want to set the example with some real leadership you should not ho hum your way through this and instead summon the power of your inner clarity like He-Man did with the power he got from Greyskull and transform yourself into the superhero that I know you are and ride this BattleCat to victory ……
You claiming to be aware of context seems to be lacking substance, all you need to do is check the other Obama thread and see what low brow crap this member pulls and the number of times he has been in trouble for really poor disgusting content is plenty to deserve the attention he gets.
What you need to come to terms with is the others you complain about so often are not entering other threads and saying vile disgusting stuff like he does, I know their group hug approach bothers you but it does not break the rules and all that is of concern for me is that people keep the rules and respect each other and avoid conflict. This member does none of those things and is fortunate we have not banned him several times in the past for repeated never ending below the belt partisan sewage.
He-Man reference huh..good work super sleuth!
You claiming to be aware of context seems to be lacking substance, all you need to do is check the other Obama thread and see what low brow crap this member pulls and the number of times he has been in trouble for really poor disgusting content is plenty to deserve the attention he gets.
What you need to come to terms with is the others you complain about so often are not entering other threads and saying vile disgusting stuff like he does, I know their group hug approach bothers you but it does not break the rules and all that is of concern for me is that people keep the rules and respect each other and avoid conflict. This member does none of those things and is fortunate we have not banned him several times in the past for repeated never ending below the belt partisan sewage.
@spockgato What you need to come to terms with is the others you complain about so often are not entering other threads and saying vile disgusting stuff like he does. I know their group hug approach bothers you but it does not break the rules. all that is of concern for me is that people keep the rules and respect each other and avoid conflict.
Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:
@spockgato What you need to come to terms with is the others you complain about so often are not entering other threads and saying vile disgusting stuff like he does. I know their group hug approach bothers you but it does not break the rules. all that is of concern for me is that people keep the rules and respect each other and avoid conflict.
Group hugs , silence , and sneaky commentary designed to disrespect ….
who’s to judge what style is worthwhile in keeping with the guidelines written within and did you flex ….
on my demeanor which is that of a seeker of answers cuz I’m a rambler but a searcher ?
although they’d rather categorize me and ride me and then chide me for being a bastard and berserk turn ….
the other cheek so you can slap me fuckin’ twice …..
as I backfist and cackle at all the cancers and terrors circling in flight , that are lurking to turn off my lights , yearning for my demise , my shit isn’t perfect but I put in work to bring to the surface all the lies…..
that are sitting just underneath and bubbling in the brew , as motherfuckers judge cuz they’re the onions in my stew , that I’m cookin’ up so wonderful I thought you knew , that I’m the most humble but still troublesome cuz I love when there’s trust and that’s the truth …..
wall do you trust me ?
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall
Group hugs , silence , and sneaky commentary designed to disrespect ….
who’s to judge what style is worthwhile in keeping with the guidelines written within and did you flex ….
on my demeanor which is that of a seeker of answers cuz I’m a rambler but a searcher ?
although they’d rather categorize me and ride me and then chide me for being a bastard and berserk turn ….
the other cheek so you can slap me fuckin’ twice …..
as I backfist and cackle at all the cancers and terrors circling in flight , that are lurking to turn off my lights , yearning for my demise , my shit isn’t perfect but I put in work to bring to the surface all the lies…..
that are sitting just underneath and bubbling in the brew , as motherfuckers judge cuz they’re the onions in my stew , that I’m cookin’ up so wonderful I thought you knew , that I’m the most humble but still troublesome cuz I love when there’s trust and that’s the truth …..
I think your biases are obvious, some personalities and styles bother you and it is obvious which group that is. The way you make excuses for the group you are ok with when your tolerance for much lesser behavior is zero tells me plenty.
Who makes me the judge, well the judge is the rules of the site and that is the standard to which all of us interact- mods, admin, members, anyone who accepts the terms when you sign up are judged by the rules of the site and that is all there is.
So the fact you are annoyed with certain styles and groups doesnt really matter, what has been suggested is that you ignore it and do not seek it out just associate with what you agree with and leave the other groups and members to their circles and common interests. There are many posters in the main forums who are unique and odd and not my style at all and when I read some threads and posts I just think that the member has their style and I move to the next thread and try to find what is good and valuable and avoid that which is not.
In the game last night there was a member who posted some detailed stats about the rosters and what changes had been made year over year and made the point that Duke was a good value and might in the game outright, that was info I did not have and would never have found on my own and I went with it and it won easy. There were other members who posted generic biased homer type of threads and messages and while that is not really helpful it is also not breaking the rules and I did not go into those threads and post He-Man videos trying to be smug, I just went on my way and know that they are fully within their rights to post as they do. The only measure for mods is that the rules are kept and members interact respectfully and keep the rules.
Again I suggest that the one group who drives you nuts, just avoid those messages and stop yourself from replying and engaging. Its ok to ask questions and to try to interact but if they are not responding or wanting the interaction, you cant hound them and antagonize because that IS against the rules.
The fact you are ok with the one or more members who show repeated examples of disgusting crap and yet are annoyed with the style and exclusivity of others is the answer to this problem.
I think your biases are obvious, some personalities and styles bother you and it is obvious which group that is. The way you make excuses for the group you are ok with when your tolerance for much lesser behavior is zero tells me plenty.
Who makes me the judge, well the judge is the rules of the site and that is the standard to which all of us interact- mods, admin, members, anyone who accepts the terms when you sign up are judged by the rules of the site and that is all there is.
So the fact you are annoyed with certain styles and groups doesnt really matter, what has been suggested is that you ignore it and do not seek it out just associate with what you agree with and leave the other groups and members to their circles and common interests. There are many posters in the main forums who are unique and odd and not my style at all and when I read some threads and posts I just think that the member has their style and I move to the next thread and try to find what is good and valuable and avoid that which is not.
In the game last night there was a member who posted some detailed stats about the rosters and what changes had been made year over year and made the point that Duke was a good value and might in the game outright, that was info I did not have and would never have found on my own and I went with it and it won easy. There were other members who posted generic biased homer type of threads and messages and while that is not really helpful it is also not breaking the rules and I did not go into those threads and post He-Man videos trying to be smug, I just went on my way and know that they are fully within their rights to post as they do. The only measure for mods is that the rules are kept and members interact respectfully and keep the rules.
Again I suggest that the one group who drives you nuts, just avoid those messages and stop yourself from replying and engaging. Its ok to ask questions and to try to interact but if they are not responding or wanting the interaction, you cant hound them and antagonize because that IS against the rules.
The fact you are ok with the one or more members who show repeated examples of disgusting crap and yet are annoyed with the style and exclusivity of others is the answer to this problem.
My stance on assholes is substantial , and there’s ample examples of how I’ve smashed through every ill prepared pair of underoos whether it’s a woolly mammoth wearing them or just some ass too ….
nah , nope , ain’t gonna do it , no raps right now …..
When people speak up you can see them for what they are . That’s why I at least can applaud some of the jerks in this world for spewing at the mouth even though you call it bias .
they reveal themselves and make themselves easy to see , and then you know who and what they are . And you can act accordingly .
hiding behind a veil of silence especially when it is clear that your opinions are strong and steadfast does nothing but promote bad communication and unresolved issues .
does that make any sense to you ?
for me it’s better to know the devil and make his acquaintance instead of waiting for his charred and flakey red poopy producer to burst into my general vicinity and unleash its hellish ejections upon my soul ….
God damn I have to explain that ?
I may have to rescind my offer of inviting you over for a Thanksgiving feast after this debacle ……
unless you state that you can at least comprehend just a little bit of what I’m attempting to explain ……
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall
My stance on assholes is substantial , and there’s ample examples of how I’ve smashed through every ill prepared pair of underoos whether it’s a woolly mammoth wearing them or just some ass too ….
nah , nope , ain’t gonna do it , no raps right now …..
When people speak up you can see them for what they are . That’s why I at least can applaud some of the jerks in this world for spewing at the mouth even though you call it bias .
they reveal themselves and make themselves easy to see , and then you know who and what they are . And you can act accordingly .
hiding behind a veil of silence especially when it is clear that your opinions are strong and steadfast does nothing but promote bad communication and unresolved issues .
does that make any sense to you ?
for me it’s better to know the devil and make his acquaintance instead of waiting for his charred and flakey red poopy producer to burst into my general vicinity and unleash its hellish ejections upon my soul ….
God damn I have to explain that ?
I may have to rescind my offer of inviting you over for a Thanksgiving feast after this debacle ……
unless you state that you can at least comprehend just a little bit of what I’m attempting to explain ……
All the beer drinking with GWB turned into the illusion of being wealthy powerful & arrogant with the Trump years ! The Biden administration again inherited another Republican mess and has righted the ship in spite of MAGA lies disinformation & sabotage! Watching this repeated cycle it restores my faith in good over evil…..There’s no doubt in my mind God is a democrat when he votes……
@joe pockets
It helps that Joe Biden had direct experience from the previous devastating mess a republican admin had left for America (GWB Great Recession) The disaster that trump left was by all indications the WORST EVER in US history.
Quote Originally Posted by joe pockets:
All the beer drinking with GWB turned into the illusion of being wealthy powerful & arrogant with the Trump years ! The Biden administration again inherited another Republican mess and has righted the ship in spite of MAGA lies disinformation & sabotage! Watching this repeated cycle it restores my faith in good over evil…..There’s no doubt in my mind God is a democrat when he votes……
@joe pockets
It helps that Joe Biden had direct experience from the previous devastating mess a republican admin had left for America (GWB Great Recession) The disaster that trump left was by all indications the WORST EVER in US history.
Yes wallstreet the repeatings of over and over again I’ve heard this befores , with the added sprinkle of continuously beating a dead horse till it turns into glue is much better than open communication …..what was I thinking ?
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall
Yes wallstreet the repeatings of over and over again I’ve heard this befores , with the added sprinkle of continuously beating a dead horse till it turns into glue is much better than open communication …..what was I thinking ?
Quote Originally Posted by joe pockets: All the beer drinking with GWB turned into the illusion of being wealthy powerful & arrogant with the Trump years ! The Biden administration again inherited another Republican mess and has righted the ship in spite of MAGA lies disinformation & sabotage!Watching this repeated cycle it restores my faith in good over evil…..There’s no doubt in my mind God is a democrat when he votes……
@joe pockets It helps that Joe Biden had direct experience from the previous devastating mess a republican admin had left for America (GWB Great Recession) The disaster that trump left was by all indications the WORST EVER in US history.
we r thankfull we have mostly recovered from the maga republican debacle of 2020
by the way how many times was obama indicted arrested and arraigned on criminal network racketeering charges compared to donnie chump ?
"I'm the MOST HONEST HUMAN BEING that God has EVER created!!" - Donald Trump
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2:
Quote Originally Posted by joe pockets: All the beer drinking with GWB turned into the illusion of being wealthy powerful & arrogant with the Trump years ! The Biden administration again inherited another Republican mess and has righted the ship in spite of MAGA lies disinformation & sabotage!Watching this repeated cycle it restores my faith in good over evil…..There’s no doubt in my mind God is a democrat when he votes……
@joe pockets It helps that Joe Biden had direct experience from the previous devastating mess a republican admin had left for America (GWB Great Recession) The disaster that trump left was by all indications the WORST EVER in US history.
we r thankfull we have mostly recovered from the maga republican debacle of 2020
by the way how many times was obama indicted arrested and arraigned on criminal network racketeering charges compared to donnie chump ?
@spockgato I think your biases are obvious, some personalities and styles bother you and it is obvious which group that is. The way you make excuses for the group you are ok with when your tolerance for much lesser behavior is zero tells me plenty. Who makes me the judge, well the judge is the rules of the site and that is the standard to which all of us interact- mods, admin, members, anyone who accepts the terms when you sign up are judged by the rules of the site and that is all there is. So the fact you are annoyed with certain styles and groups doesnt really matter, what has been suggested is that you ignore it and do not seek it out just associate with what you agree with and leave the other groups and members to their circles and common interests. There are many posters in the main forums who are unique and odd and not my style at all and when I read some threads and posts I just think that the member has their style and I move to the next thread and try to find what is good and valuable and avoid that which is not. In the game last night there was a member who posted some detailed stats about the rosters and what changes had been made year over year and made the point that Duke was a good value and might in the game outright, that was info I did not have and would never have found on my own and I went with it and it won easy. There were other members who posted generic biased homer type of threads and messages and while that is not really helpful it is also not breaking the rules and I did not go into those threads and post He-Man videos trying to be smug, I just went on my way and know that they are fully within their rights to post as they do. The only measure for mods is that the rules are kept and members interact respectfully and keep the rules. Again I suggest that the one group who drives you nuts, just avoid those messages and stop yourself from replying and engaging. Its ok to ask questions and to try to interact but if they are not responding or wanting the interaction, you cant hound them and antagonize because that IS against the rules. The fact you are ok with the one or more members who show repeated examples of disgusting crap and yet are annoyed with the style and exclusivity of others is the answer to this problem.
Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:
@spockgato I think your biases are obvious, some personalities and styles bother you and it is obvious which group that is. The way you make excuses for the group you are ok with when your tolerance for much lesser behavior is zero tells me plenty. Who makes me the judge, well the judge is the rules of the site and that is the standard to which all of us interact- mods, admin, members, anyone who accepts the terms when you sign up are judged by the rules of the site and that is all there is. So the fact you are annoyed with certain styles and groups doesnt really matter, what has been suggested is that you ignore it and do not seek it out just associate with what you agree with and leave the other groups and members to their circles and common interests. There are many posters in the main forums who are unique and odd and not my style at all and when I read some threads and posts I just think that the member has their style and I move to the next thread and try to find what is good and valuable and avoid that which is not. In the game last night there was a member who posted some detailed stats about the rosters and what changes had been made year over year and made the point that Duke was a good value and might in the game outright, that was info I did not have and would never have found on my own and I went with it and it won easy. There were other members who posted generic biased homer type of threads and messages and while that is not really helpful it is also not breaking the rules and I did not go into those threads and post He-Man videos trying to be smug, I just went on my way and know that they are fully within their rights to post as they do. The only measure for mods is that the rules are kept and members interact respectfully and keep the rules. Again I suggest that the one group who drives you nuts, just avoid those messages and stop yourself from replying and engaging. Its ok to ask questions and to try to interact but if they are not responding or wanting the interaction, you cant hound them and antagonize because that IS against the rules. The fact you are ok with the one or more members who show repeated examples of disgusting crap and yet are annoyed with the style and exclusivity of others is the answer to this problem.
Just like this planet and this country you guys in this forum have made your bed and now you’re gonna have to roll over into the wet spot and lie in it …..
status quo flow up in here with a bunch of sucker MC’s on the microphone …..the only thing that’s gonna change is your underwear……next week
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall
Just like this planet and this country you guys in this forum have made your bed and now you’re gonna have to roll over into the wet spot and lie in it …..
status quo flow up in here with a bunch of sucker MC’s on the microphone …..the only thing that’s gonna change is your underwear……next week
The problem is you are not discussing it, you are speaking riddles and youtube clips and trying to poke the other side...and it is not working, it wont work so you are doing so in vain while coming off as partisan and biased in the process. You were defending someone who has/had posted some really lousy crap and then reply with you know the devil and understand him...well that is not how you go about engaging with people. The other group is not inclined to discuss things with you and partly that has to do with how you slight them and antagonize and annoy them, let alone they dont really engage with others most all of the time. Its like the example I gave above and the dead horse you call it thata you cannot force people to post how you like or see your perspective or even engage with you and especially for them to seek change or modification. You are beating your own dead horse by continuing to peck at them as you do, it is not going to bring a result and so at some point you have to just move along and let them be to themselves.
If they break the rules please report it...that means the rules of the site not the rules of 80s cartoons or what you feel is right and it might remotely help your case (I dont think it really would butttt) if you were not partisan and accepting of garbage insulting messages, be the way you are with that group with everyone..not just with them. If you are riding a high horse then do it all the time with anyone who is acting badly.
As for what I do its only about the rules, I wont take action on exclusive clique groups unless they break the rules and all mods tolerate tons of flack and noise in trying to explain reality here.
The problem is you are not discussing it, you are speaking riddles and youtube clips and trying to poke the other side...and it is not working, it wont work so you are doing so in vain while coming off as partisan and biased in the process. You were defending someone who has/had posted some really lousy crap and then reply with you know the devil and understand him...well that is not how you go about engaging with people. The other group is not inclined to discuss things with you and partly that has to do with how you slight them and antagonize and annoy them, let alone they dont really engage with others most all of the time. Its like the example I gave above and the dead horse you call it thata you cannot force people to post how you like or see your perspective or even engage with you and especially for them to seek change or modification. You are beating your own dead horse by continuing to peck at them as you do, it is not going to bring a result and so at some point you have to just move along and let them be to themselves.
If they break the rules please report it...that means the rules of the site not the rules of 80s cartoons or what you feel is right and it might remotely help your case (I dont think it really would butttt) if you were not partisan and accepting of garbage insulting messages, be the way you are with that group with everyone..not just with them. If you are riding a high horse then do it all the time with anyone who is acting badly.
As for what I do its only about the rules, I wont take action on exclusive clique groups unless they break the rules and all mods tolerate tons of flack and noise in trying to explain reality here.
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2: Quote Originally Posted by joe pockets: All the beer drinking with GWB turned into the illusion of being wealthy powerful & arrogant with the Trump years ! The Biden administration again inherited another Republican mess and has righted the ship in spite of MAGA lies disinformation & sabotage! Watching this repeated cycle it restores my faith in good over evil…..There’s no doubt in my mind God is a democrat when he votes…… @joe pockets It helps that Joe Biden had direct experience from the previous devastating mess a republican admin had left for America (GWB Great Recession) The disaster that trump left was by all indications the WORST EVER in US history.
@fubah2 we r thankfull we have mostly recovered from the maga republican debacle of 2020
Mostly, yes. Not complete yet.
It did take awhile for Obama to repair the damage left by the prior republican admin but it was achieved long before he handed the ball over to trump - who is now indicted on multiple criminal charges in four different jurisdictions.
Quote Originally Posted by KellyM_1964:
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2: Quote Originally Posted by joe pockets: All the beer drinking with GWB turned into the illusion of being wealthy powerful & arrogant with the Trump years ! The Biden administration again inherited another Republican mess and has righted the ship in spite of MAGA lies disinformation & sabotage! Watching this repeated cycle it restores my faith in good over evil…..There’s no doubt in my mind God is a democrat when he votes…… @joe pockets It helps that Joe Biden had direct experience from the previous devastating mess a republican admin had left for America (GWB Great Recession) The disaster that trump left was by all indications the WORST EVER in US history.
@fubah2 we r thankfull we have mostly recovered from the maga republican debacle of 2020
Mostly, yes. Not complete yet.
It did take awhile for Obama to repair the damage left by the prior republican admin but it was achieved long before he handed the ball over to trump - who is now indicted on multiple criminal charges in four different jurisdictions.
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