Quote Originally Posted by fubah2:
Quote Originally Posted by mctrap: Dr. Tim O'Shea Tim O’Shea might not be among the most famous altmed practitioners in the US, but he is surely one of the most consistently delusionally wrong (and has been awarded with a substantial presence at whale.to for his efforts). O’Shea is into, well, pretty much everything and anything. He is for instance a germ theory denialist. That’s right. Bacteria and viruses don’t cause disease. O’Shea also claims that Pasteur recanted his theory on his deathbed, and that (supposedly) Deepak Chopra has, according to O’Shea, also shown that there is little association between germs and disease. Actually conducting research couldn’t fit worse with O’Shea’s agenda, so you get none of that, of course. Primarily, O’Shea is an anti-vaccinationist, Director of the World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE), and author of Vaccination is Not Immunization (praised by David Ayoub). As you’d expect O’Shea holds vaccines responsible for all sorts of ills, from autism to peanut allergy (as well as measles), and as you’d also expect, he doesn’t have much idea about how to find or use evidence or research. Primarily, his “evidence” is his own use of his good common sense (that sense that also led him to germ theory denial), and various appeals to perceived but undocumented correlations. The board of directors for WAVE – which is a significant player in the antivaxx movement – includes Boyd Haley, Sherri Tenpenny, HIV denialist Andrew Maniotis, Marc Girard (another whale.to mainstay), Dan N. Schultz, Eileen Nicole Simon, KP Stoller, and Mary Tocco (yet another whale.to hero). Diagnosis: Absolutely astonishing madman, who is fully unable to distinguish evidence from his own powers of intuition – which seem to be calibrated toward giving him idiotic results.
Germ theory is unproven. That makes fubah2 a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.
"Claude Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (millieu) is everything." Louis Pasteur on his deathbed.
The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr. Thomas Cowan
home.solari.com .Solari Report 6-12-20
Dr. Cowan easily debunks germ theory and compairs Pasteur as the modern day Faudci, because of his fraudulent research.
88 Simple Truths About Covid19 pandemic.
"Politicized or junk science by paid off scientists to find conclusions that benefit their paymasters is not true science."
"Disease is caused by deficiency, toxicity, stagnation, obstruction, congestion and environmental poisons accumulating to high levels in the body - ie -pesticides, floride, mercury, aluminum, microplastics, heavy metals, chemtrail residues, glyphosate, GMO's and pharmaceutical drugs masquerading as medicine."
"The presence of viruses in the body doesn't prove that they are the cause of disease."
"Viruses are a natural cellular response necessary for healing. Viruses exist to clean up the debris."
"The virus allegedly causing Covid19 (SARS-COV2) fails Koch's Postulates. Covid19 virus has never been isolated, purified and proven to exist."
"Covid19 death count is bogus (inflated) all over the world because governments have changed their counting system. If someone dies with the virus but not from the virus, they are still counting this as Covid19 death."
"The main trick of the pandemic propaganda is to fool you into thinking that for Covid19 there has to be 1 virus, 1 cause and 1 disease."
"PCR tests for genetic sequence cannot prove causation. The test is unreliable as the results can be manipulated based upon what choice of amplification cycles the tester choses."
toolsforfreedom.com .The Freedom Articles. Makia Freeman
Relax. I'm unvaxxed!