Quote Originally Posted by THEMUGG:
@sicknesscity That's a possibility, but the libs are just indicting themselves with this procedure. Not to mention it does very little to expedite the removal of Biden ( I've the O/U @ 16 months). They're setting themselves up for future retribution.
My money is on the Under!
Didn't watch the proceedings, nothing I didn't already know happened or was going to happen. Just another distraction from the real destruction of the American economy by imbeciles.
So what's the next distraction? Round up those White Supremists? How about domestic terrioists plotting to hurt innocent americans?
Maybe travel restrictions for Florida!! Those fools!!!
--Since Nov. 3rd Florida has had 1 Million postive COVID's, 10,000 dead!!! Why can't they be like New York with heavy handed lockdowns in republican neighborhoods and mask mandates!! https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/florida/
We need more Florida bashing!! https://www.yahoo.com/news/florida-covid-nightmare-even-vaccinated-050951990.html
--Just look at how well New York is doing! Since that same Nov. 3rd, 1 million positive COVIDS and 12,000 dead. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/new-york/
Oh wait, delete those New York numbers, quick, keep them off the news!!!
"Hard Working" people are moving to Florida in droves! And leaving New York in droves! No amount of bullshit is gonna work.
Maybe they will put cardboard cutouts of people in downtown New York to replace those who left. After all, we have cardboard cutouts in our football, basketball, and soon to be baseball stands. Even cardboard cutouts of valentine hearts on the White House lawn(behind razor wire of course)

As far as Trump, he could sure be a bonehead at times, but can't help but think he was the only person in D.C. who actually cared about his country, the people in it, and the job he was doing. And I mean all people. And I believe he surrounded himself with competent people, not so many of this race, that race, gender, transgender, etc. He was a total outsider and it drove them mad, as we can see today.