Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1:
He told us his voters would stick with him even if he shot someone on 5th Avenue. Now we know, even worse, his voters stuck with him and acquitted him even after he incited murderous insurrection to overthrow an election that left seven dead and over 140 police officers injured. Gutless complicit cowards
Most of America is not stupid enough to believe "murderous insurrection" no matter how many times it's spewed. After a summer of hating police, "pigs in a blanket, fry like bacon", shooting them daily, we find it laughable you have soooo much concern for 140 police injured.
Just fits your hypocritical narative.
In 2011, at Wisconsin Capital the police stood back and let the mob proceed into the capital avoiding bloodshed. On Jan. 6th, the understaffed capital police lacking proper equipment were told to hold them back, prevent entry. They shoot an unarmed woman and kill her. Yet, no one else is shoot at? Just that one woman?? They claim an officer was "bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher". Fact is; he texted his brother that night and said he was fine, had been hit with pepper spray. Later he had blood clot in his brain that sent him to the hospital where he died. NO ONE knows/or is saying what caused that blood clot. Three people had medical episodes, and then there are the suicides. What the HELL is going on there???? Two cops just kill themselves because they fought with protesters??? I don't think so.
And then we have pipe bombs at the GOP and DC headquarters. Left the night before and discovered the next day. Just can't find the guy who did it???? Now what pyro is going to leave pipebombs that never go off?? Most deranged pyro's want to see the explosion. Something fishy here too!!
Here's my prediction for WHAT's NEXT.
Now that the regime has gained power the next thing to satisfy their lust is conquer. In 1939, Hitler ordered SS troops to dress as Polish nationals and attack a German radio station near the border of Poland. They killed the German radio operator and broadcast Polish radical propaganda. Then Hitler declared he must take control as the Polish govt. could not control their own people. This ruse was used to invade Poland and start WW2.
Flash foward to 2021. The Dem's have their power, those who speak against them lose their jobs, lively hoods. The need to conquer is burning deep. Who is the next Poland? Fox News Network. CNN will be attacked. Left behind will be the usual confederate flags, MAGA hats, and of course, pipe bombs. What would be a domestic terror attack without............pipe bombs. "Fox incited this vicious domestic attack" they will cry out!! And all of left wing media will follow.
Not hard to see coming if your eyes are open. This, or something very similar is next.