I figured she would go with Shapiro to be honest. I think Walz is a mistake for her to win. But he fits with her far left ideals, so it makes sense. What say you oh great politics forum.
I figured she would go with Shapiro to be honest. I think Walz is a mistake for her to win. But he fits with her far left ideals, so it makes sense. What say you oh great politics forum.
I figured she would go with Shapiro to be honest. I think Walz is a mistake for her to win. But he fits with her far left ideals, so it makes sense. What say you oh great politics forum.
It does not matter at all. It has been a very, very long time since a Vice-Presidential candidate really had the desired effect on an election.
Picking a candidate from a 'swing' state has very rarely worked out. Picking a female, like Ferraro or Palin, did not help draw votes for that demographic. Picking Pence did not help draw any more Evangelical votes. Harris running with Biden did not help with either demographic that it was supposed to.
It is an okay pick in the sense that he is very easily replaced as a Governor in his state. That way the Democrats have little chance of losing a Governor.
There is a decent book about this that breaks it down somewhat and, largely, comes to this conclusion. Although it does note that recently the role has been a little more involved during the administration than in years past.
But, overwhelmingly, people vote on the Presidential candidate and hardly consider their Vice-Presidential choice.
I think it would be more interesting if the top 1,2, or 3 candidates, from a side, could come to an agreement and run together. Like Biden/Sanders; Trump/Haley; Clinton/Sanders; Trump/Kasich or Cruz; etc. But the egos and other things will not allow that. But an argument can be made that it would draw more voters from a party instead of disenchanted voters staying home and not voting.
So, I think he was actually the safest pick for the party and, therefore, the best pick.
It does not matter at all. It has been a very, very long time since a Vice-Presidential candidate really had the desired effect on an election.
Picking a candidate from a 'swing' state has very rarely worked out. Picking a female, like Ferraro or Palin, did not help draw votes for that demographic. Picking Pence did not help draw any more Evangelical votes. Harris running with Biden did not help with either demographic that it was supposed to.
It is an okay pick in the sense that he is very easily replaced as a Governor in his state. That way the Democrats have little chance of losing a Governor.
There is a decent book about this that breaks it down somewhat and, largely, comes to this conclusion. Although it does note that recently the role has been a little more involved during the administration than in years past.
But, overwhelmingly, people vote on the Presidential candidate and hardly consider their Vice-Presidential choice.
I think it would be more interesting if the top 1,2, or 3 candidates, from a side, could come to an agreement and run together. Like Biden/Sanders; Trump/Haley; Clinton/Sanders; Trump/Kasich or Cruz; etc. But the egos and other things will not allow that. But an argument can be made that it would draw more voters from a party instead of disenchanted voters staying home and not voting.
So, I think he was actually the safest pick for the party and, therefore, the best pick.
Of course. I think the only reason she was picked as veep was it was placating the black community, even though she's identified as Indian. It was her or Abrhams if I recall and they went with Harris. But it's true, the veep doesn't add or take away, but this one was interesting to me. The honeymoon period is nearly over, even CNN has started saying so. She's got to eventually put out her policies and as I have said, I think she thinks Bidenomics has been great, but people and polling say different. Will she flip flop on that too?
Of course. I think the only reason she was picked as veep was it was placating the black community, even though she's identified as Indian. It was her or Abrhams if I recall and they went with Harris. But it's true, the veep doesn't add or take away, but this one was interesting to me. The honeymoon period is nearly over, even CNN has started saying so. She's got to eventually put out her policies and as I have said, I think she thinks Bidenomics has been great, but people and polling say different. Will she flip flop on that too?
Trump is talking about young thug being unfairly treated as if he even knows who TF he is
trying real hard to secure the black vote lol. Then saying kamala is the reason the stock market is crashing which economists said was patently ridiculous. Tim walz was a great pick as a army reservist of 24 years, a teacher, a congressman, and governor. Shapiro is a young and up and comer but was gonna garner alot of bad attention on israel and genocide. Vp harris will obviously talk about policy now but what has trump said about policy besides bs the last few months. All over the map with blabber
Trump is talking about young thug being unfairly treated as if he even knows who TF he is
trying real hard to secure the black vote lol. Then saying kamala is the reason the stock market is crashing which economists said was patently ridiculous. Tim walz was a great pick as a army reservist of 24 years, a teacher, a congressman, and governor. Shapiro is a young and up and comer but was gonna garner alot of bad attention on israel and genocide. Vp harris will obviously talk about policy now but what has trump said about policy besides bs the last few months. All over the map with blabber
thanks for stopping by with your thoughts. I wondered what happened to you the other day about the Kamala rally with lots leaving after Quavo and Megan Thee Stallion had left. Really wanted to hear your thoughts after it was proven not to be a lie. Have a great day
thanks for stopping by with your thoughts. I wondered what happened to you the other day about the Kamala rally with lots leaving after Quavo and Megan Thee Stallion had left. Really wanted to hear your thoughts after it was proven not to be a lie. Have a great day
All democrat finalists are impressive but only moderate Waltz combines experience in state office, congress and military. He has a successful record of winning over republican voters. On governing, Trump picked one of the least experienced (1.5 years) running mate in history. Whereas Harris picked one of the most experienced (17+ years). If anything happens to Harris or Trump, Waltz is far more qualified than Vance to be president.
All democrat finalists are impressive but only moderate Waltz combines experience in state office, congress and military. He has a successful record of winning over republican voters. On governing, Trump picked one of the least experienced (1.5 years) running mate in history. Whereas Harris picked one of the most experienced (17+ years). If anything happens to Harris or Trump, Waltz is far more qualified than Vance to be president.
Some people left but not that many but trump had thousands of empty seats at georgia state though
Some people left but not that many but trump had thousands of empty seats at georgia state though
yeah Democrats have tried to make this claim before. They pack the floor with more people and therefore due to fire code the upper deck's are left empty. I guarantee you Trump outdraws Kamala on a regular basis. The only reason people attended this one was the free show.
yeah Democrats have tried to make this claim before. They pack the floor with more people and therefore due to fire code the upper deck's are left empty. I guarantee you Trump outdraws Kamala on a regular basis. The only reason people attended this one was the free show.
Show what little you know of Gov. Walz. He literally drove the great State of Minnesota into the ground. Only positive news to if we are subjected to the laughing hyena for four grueling years is Walz is finally and I mean finally OUT OF MINNESOTA! Holy shit in heaven that might be the best news for that state in decades.
Show what little you know of Gov. Walz. He literally drove the great State of Minnesota into the ground. Only positive news to if we are subjected to the laughing hyena for four grueling years is Walz is finally and I mean finally OUT OF MINNESOTA! Holy shit in heaven that might be the best news for that state in decades.
Got it every republican governor is amazing and every democrat is a piece
of crap. What else is new for you? The sky is blue. The grass is Green.
I am sorry if you think a man who gave 24 years to the army reserves,
was a teacher in school, served in congress, and Is a Governor is a piece
of crap.
Same crap you are spewing about Kamala who was a Deputy DA, DA,
Attorney General, senator, and Vp. But yet you think the low life loser
TRUMP who has accomplished zilch in his whole measly waste of a life
is something GREAT What does that say about you that you support
such a vile, uneducated, Selfish, Disgusting, Disgraceful, and worthless
low life. Proven to be a RAPIST, RACIST, CONMAN, THIEF, AND TRAITOR.
Attacking the military over and over cause he was 2 chicken to serve!
Got it every republican governor is amazing and every democrat is a piece
of crap. What else is new for you? The sky is blue. The grass is Green.
I am sorry if you think a man who gave 24 years to the army reserves,
was a teacher in school, served in congress, and Is a Governor is a piece
of crap.
Same crap you are spewing about Kamala who was a Deputy DA, DA,
Attorney General, senator, and Vp. But yet you think the low life loser
TRUMP who has accomplished zilch in his whole measly waste of a life
is something GREAT What does that say about you that you support
such a vile, uneducated, Selfish, Disgusting, Disgraceful, and worthless
low life. Proven to be a RAPIST, RACIST, CONMAN, THIEF, AND TRAITOR.
Attacking the military over and over cause he was 2 chicken to serve!
Kamala has barely done rallys as of yet and even if Trump outdraws
her who gives a crap hes not BEYONCE Pathetic racists come to here
trump spew racial epithets and babble about nothing for 2 hours
Kamala has barely done rallys as of yet and even if Trump outdraws
her who gives a crap hes not BEYONCE Pathetic racists come to here
trump spew racial epithets and babble about nothing for 2 hours
Do you live in that State ?? I'm always cautious when people give their opinions of various States due to so many opinions are given from people who do not live in said State. "Skin in the game" type of deal ya know
Life long Minnesotan resident, Michelle Tafoya, had this to say about her home State:
"I have lived in Minnesota since 1994. It has gone from being one of the safest, prettiest places in the US to — under Tim Walz.
— one of the saddest. Police morale has plummeted. More people have left than moved in. Walz is a an excellent liar. He let our cities burn, has lost over half a billion taxpayer dollars in the last four years to scandal, blamed the spread of Covid on youth sports, I could go on…. \
The country will clearly have a choice between leftism and freedom."
Do you live in that State ?? I'm always cautious when people give their opinions of various States due to so many opinions are given from people who do not live in said State. "Skin in the game" type of deal ya know
Life long Minnesotan resident, Michelle Tafoya, had this to say about her home State:
"I have lived in Minnesota since 1994. It has gone from being one of the safest, prettiest places in the US to — under Tim Walz.
— one of the saddest. Police morale has plummeted. More people have left than moved in. Walz is a an excellent liar. He let our cities burn, has lost over half a billion taxpayer dollars in the last four years to scandal, blamed the spread of Covid on youth sports, I could go on…. \
The country will clearly have a choice between leftism and freedom."
Love your assumptions. Certainly, didn't say one word that every Republican Govenor is amazing. As a matter of fact I can't stand the Republican Govenor from my own home state. Moreover, for literally the twenty time I never said anything about Trump. You know what I NEVER DO. NEVER. NEVER EVER. Get that through your head. Seriously just once GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. NOW BC Listen to me closely. STOP WITH YOUR ASSUMPTIONS. Stick to what I actually did say. You want to debate the merits of Gov. Waltz I am way out of your league. I know the man personally, intimately and professionally. I know people who actually worked in his cabinet and lobbyists who have opposed him. His record is clear and his failures are well documented. Also before you start touting his non-political record you might want to look into it a bit more. Get your information from place other than Occupy Democrats or any other liberal propaganda source. You are way out of your depth in this. Simply put he was one of the worst Governors in Minnesota history. He legit has an argument for the worst. He is probably a good match for the unhinged Kamala Harris whom I still cannot understand how she became a US Senator, let alone VP. This might actually shape up to be the two worst choices in the history of mankind and I thought Killary Klinton was bad. May God at least she is a smart woman. I don't trust her. I think she is evil. But for God sakes she is at least brilliant.
Love your assumptions. Certainly, didn't say one word that every Republican Govenor is amazing. As a matter of fact I can't stand the Republican Govenor from my own home state. Moreover, for literally the twenty time I never said anything about Trump. You know what I NEVER DO. NEVER. NEVER EVER. Get that through your head. Seriously just once GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. NOW BC Listen to me closely. STOP WITH YOUR ASSUMPTIONS. Stick to what I actually did say. You want to debate the merits of Gov. Waltz I am way out of your league. I know the man personally, intimately and professionally. I know people who actually worked in his cabinet and lobbyists who have opposed him. His record is clear and his failures are well documented. Also before you start touting his non-political record you might want to look into it a bit more. Get your information from place other than Occupy Democrats or any other liberal propaganda source. You are way out of your depth in this. Simply put he was one of the worst Governors in Minnesota history. He legit has an argument for the worst. He is probably a good match for the unhinged Kamala Harris whom I still cannot understand how she became a US Senator, let alone VP. This might actually shape up to be the two worst choices in the history of mankind and I thought Killary Klinton was bad. May God at least she is a smart woman. I don't trust her. I think she is evil. But for God sakes she is at least brilliant.
Love your assumptions. Certainly, didn't say one word that every Republican Govenor is amazing. As a matter of fact I can't stand the Republican Govenor from my own home state. Moreover, for literally the twenty time I never said anything about Trump. You know what I NEVER DO. NEVER. NEVER EVER. Get that through your head. Seriously just once GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. NOW BC Listen to me closely. STOP WITH YOUR ASSUMPTIONS. Stick to what I actually did say. You want to debate the merits of Gov. Waltz I am way out of your league. I know the man personally, intimately and professionally. I know people who actually worked in his cabinet and lobbyists who have opposed him. His record is clear and his failures are well documented. Also before you start touting his non-political record you might want to look into it a bit more. Get your information from place other than Occupy Democrats or any other liberal propaganda source. You are way out of your depth in this. Simply put he was one of the worst Governors in Minnesota history. He legit has an argument for the worst. He is probably a good match for the unhinged Kamala Harris whom I still cannot understand how she became a US Senator, let alone VP. This might actually shape up to be the two worst choices in the history of mankind and I thought Killary Klinton was bad. May God at least she is a smart woman. I don't trust her. I think she is evil. But for God sakes she is at least brilliant.
Love your assumptions. Certainly, didn't say one word that every Republican Govenor is amazing. As a matter of fact I can't stand the Republican Govenor from my own home state. Moreover, for literally the twenty time I never said anything about Trump. You know what I NEVER DO. NEVER. NEVER EVER. Get that through your head. Seriously just once GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. NOW BC Listen to me closely. STOP WITH YOUR ASSUMPTIONS. Stick to what I actually did say. You want to debate the merits of Gov. Waltz I am way out of your league. I know the man personally, intimately and professionally. I know people who actually worked in his cabinet and lobbyists who have opposed him. His record is clear and his failures are well documented. Also before you start touting his non-political record you might want to look into it a bit more. Get your information from place other than Occupy Democrats or any other liberal propaganda source. You are way out of your depth in this. Simply put he was one of the worst Governors in Minnesota history. He legit has an argument for the worst. He is probably a good match for the unhinged Kamala Harris whom I still cannot understand how she became a US Senator, let alone VP. This might actually shape up to be the two worst choices in the history of mankind and I thought Killary Klinton was bad. May God at least she is a smart woman. I don't trust her. I think she is evil. But for God sakes she is at least brilliant.
yeah, I dunno where her white sheet was. We will make sure she has it next time.
yeah, I dunno where her white sheet was. We will make sure she has it next time.
Thats all you got? Really? How about watch "Fall of Minneapolis" for a different prospective on what actually happened. GF isn't a hero. No matter how much people want to pump him up as such. Obviously didn't deserve what happened to him and the officers responsible lost their jobs, some their families and even their freedom, etc. That doesn't right the wrong no question as a man's life was lost. But dude don't open your mouth when you have no idea what you are talking about. Don't spout off one side of the story without the full picture. STOP BEING SIMPLE MINDED PROPAGANA. Please I implore you THINK FOR YOURSELF. Maybe I give you too much credit it just seems you are smarter than this.
Thats all you got? Really? How about watch "Fall of Minneapolis" for a different prospective on what actually happened. GF isn't a hero. No matter how much people want to pump him up as such. Obviously didn't deserve what happened to him and the officers responsible lost their jobs, some their families and even their freedom, etc. That doesn't right the wrong no question as a man's life was lost. But dude don't open your mouth when you have no idea what you are talking about. Don't spout off one side of the story without the full picture. STOP BEING SIMPLE MINDED PROPAGANA. Please I implore you THINK FOR YOURSELF. Maybe I give you too much credit it just seems you are smarter than this.
Walz came under fire from Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty earlier this year for his comments on a police shooting case handled by her office.
Moriarty in June dropped the case against Minnesota State Trooper Ryan Londregan, who was accused in the fatal shooting of Black motorist Ricky Cobb II. In a press conference announcing her decision, she made remarks against Walz, saying he had been "very active in inserting himself into this case" and was conflicted since he controls the Minnesota State Patrol.
Have you ever seen this governor intervene in any case involving a defendant in his entire tenure?" Moriarty said on June 3. "Why is it appropriate for a governor, who has never picked up the phone to call me, who is not a lawyer, who does not understand the nuances of this case, to talk about it publicly? To center Mr. Londregan as being the victim in this case. Why has that been appropriate? Why hasn’t that been called out?"
Walz later told reporters that had Moriarty not dropped the charges against Londregan, he would have used his executive authority to remove her from the case.
Walz came under fire from Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty earlier this year for his comments on a police shooting case handled by her office.
Moriarty in June dropped the case against Minnesota State Trooper Ryan Londregan, who was accused in the fatal shooting of Black motorist Ricky Cobb II. In a press conference announcing her decision, she made remarks against Walz, saying he had been "very active in inserting himself into this case" and was conflicted since he controls the Minnesota State Patrol.
Have you ever seen this governor intervene in any case involving a defendant in his entire tenure?" Moriarty said on June 3. "Why is it appropriate for a governor, who has never picked up the phone to call me, who is not a lawyer, who does not understand the nuances of this case, to talk about it publicly? To center Mr. Londregan as being the victim in this case. Why has that been appropriate? Why hasn’t that been called out?"
Walz later told reporters that had Moriarty not dropped the charges against Londregan, he would have used his executive authority to remove her from the case.
You couldnt be more wrong. Kelly and sharpio would have taken it in a heartbeat. Keep trying mugg, one day you might actually get something right.
You couldnt be more wrong. Kelly and sharpio would have taken it in a heartbeat. Keep trying mugg, one day you might actually get something right.
OMG stop. All of you. The list on both sides were extensive. Not many are actually going to turn down the chance at history/legacy. It is possible unbeknownst to any of us someone said no. But my guess is both sides had the pick of whatever candidate they wanted. Only one that might have turned it down is RFK, Jr. given that he is running as an independent anyway. I know the Gov. of my home state (Krisitie Noem) was begging for the job. Plenty of people were.
OMG stop. All of you. The list on both sides were extensive. Not many are actually going to turn down the chance at history/legacy. It is possible unbeknownst to any of us someone said no. But my guess is both sides had the pick of whatever candidate they wanted. Only one that might have turned it down is RFK, Jr. given that he is running as an independent anyway. I know the Gov. of my home state (Krisitie Noem) was begging for the job. Plenty of people were.
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