Here are some books and peer-reviewed, scholarly articles for any posters here that actually read (Not far right, biased pretenders), and are interested in learning more about the Proud Boys, and their extreme, racist, White-nationalist, misogynist members and views, and other White nationalist or supremacist groups and why they are a danger to the U.S.
These are reviewed scholarly sources, not unsubstantiated nonsense from right wing biased people, who share the misogynistic views of the Proud Boys with no other verifiable sources. Most of the blithering idiots on this site base everything they "know" on their own biased, clueless, experiences, even when they are likely to be the butt of a joke they do not even realize they are a part of.
I've listed each of these books and sources in APA format, so they are very easy to find. I realize that most are not academics in this forum, so it probably isn't necessary. Stay safe and enjoy.
Klein, A. (2019). From Twitter to Charlottesville: Analyzing the fighting words between the Alt-Right and Antifa. International Journal of Communication, 13, 297-318.
Kusz, W., K. (2019). Winning bigly: Sporting fantasies of white male omnipotence in the rise of Trump and alt-right white supremacy. Journal of Hate Studies, 14(1), 113.
Reid, E., S., & Valasick, M. (2020). Alt-right gangs: A hazy shade of white. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Stern, M,. A. (2019). Proud boys and the white ethno-state: How the alt-right is warping the American imagination. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.