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Posted: #156

Before I vote for my Democratic Senator in November I am demanding he supply the people with a fresh FBI background check, high school yearbooks, calendars from high school and 10 female witnesses from high school that can attest to his character.
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Posted: #157

This is a very simple process. FBI won’t find a dang thing in a week even if it was a year. Kavanaugh will get his throne and that’s it. It will happen and he deserves it. He did not have to submit to the question of if he would give a green light to a FBI investigation because he already knew there was going to be one. He is a very very strong man protecting his character, life, family and his hard earned money!
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Posted: #158

Breaking News,

LA Times: FBI Already Seeking to Schedule Interview in Kavanaugh Investigation. 

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Posted: #159

McConnell said the full Senate will begin considering Kavanaugh’s confirmation today–“All 51 Republican Senators support the motion to proceed to the nomination,”
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Posted: #160

Quote Originally Posted by Europa:

Breaking News,

LA Times: FBI Already Seeking to Schedule Interview in Kavanaugh Investigation. 

As of Friday night, FBI is already seeking interviews of one of other two women, beyond Dr. Blasey Ford, who have made their own alleged sexual accusations against Kavanaugh back date to high school and Yale Univ.    
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Posted: #161

Whitehouse agreed to the FBI probe of the liar in question.delays the vote till the following Monday.

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Posted: #162

Maybe thy can win up Mark Judge and get his statement.

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Posted: #163

Quote Originally Posted by sundance:

I would dare say nature that Kavanaugh would end up with a pillow over his face like Scalia if he went hunting in W Texas.

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Posted: #164

Quote Originally Posted by Europa:

I am not sure how significant this is, 

The American Bar Association is calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to halt the consideration of President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh until an FBI investigation is completed into the sexual assault allegations that have roiled his nomination.--CNN breaking News

Europa,this happens to be very proves that President Trump's characterization of CNN being a fake news network is 100% correct.

The American Bar Association did not recommend,, that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh be halted until after an FBI investigation can be completed..this story is no true.

It turned out the recommendation only came from the ABA president, not as an approved recommendation for that organization as a whole.

..and to date.. I have not seen a correction from CNN or Manu Raju who published the story as" Beaking News."......

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Posted: #165

Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:

Quote Originally Posted by Europa:

I am not sure how significant this is, The American Bar Association is calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to halt the consideration of President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh until an FBI investigation is completed into the sexual assault allegations that have roiled his nomination.--CNN breaking News
Europa,this happens to be very proves that President Trump's characterization of CNN being a fake news network is 100% correct.The American Bar Association did not recommend,, that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh be halted until after an FBI investigation can be completed..this story is no true. It turned out the recommendation only came from the ABA president, not as an approved recommendation for that organization as a whole. ..and to date.. I have not seen a correction from CNN or Manu Raju who published the story as" Beaking News."......

CNN is TMZ for pretentious people.

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Posted: #166

Quote Originally Posted by bettingforfun:

Before I vote for my Democratic Senator in November I am demanding he supply the people with a fresh FBI background check, high school yearbooks, calendars from high school and 10 female witnesses from high school that can attest to his character.

Good one Bet... This is a joke. These people pointing their fingers at him over an accusation with no proof. If this were handled professionally by the dems when she handed in the letter, we'd never of heard about her as we never should've and he'd be a Supreme Court justice by now. "I'm sorry Mrs. Ford, without evidence your just not allowed to make accusations to a man that's passed 6 FBI investigations, please come back when you can remember when & where and who else was present... Hey lefties we're still a country of laws and due process. 
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Posted: #167

Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:

Europa,this happens to be very proves that President Trump's characterization of CNN being a fake news network is 100% correct.

The American Bar Association did not recommend,, that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh be halted until after an FBI investigation can be completed..this story is no true.

It turned out the recommendation only came from the ABA president, not as an approved recommendation for that organization as a whole.


That isn't proof that CNN is a fake news network.  Many other media sources such as Fox news also state American bar association recommends delay in confirmation until after FBI investigation.    ABA president letter may be construed as legitimate representative on behalf of american bar association.  Wallstreetcapper and others are right that Sarasotaslim often makes weak trivial arguments.

Most biased people are the most distrustful of traditional media and have extreme political views according to Gallup research.  For example, consumers of Fox news and infowars tend to be far more biased than consumers of trustworthy media such as PBS and wall street journal.
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Posted: #168

Most biased people are the most distrustful of traditional media and have extreme political views according to Gallup research.  For example, consumers of Fox news and infowars tend to be far more biased than consumers of trustworthy media such as PBS and wall street journal. 

If polls were even close to being accurate (fact based) Hillary would be our President.  The above is nothing more than opinion.  Anyone that doesn’t recognize the obvious bias in the mainstream media just doesn’t want to see it.  They even admit it for crying out loud.  We really don’t have straight news anymore, most of what is called “news” is opinion based, not straight news.  The definition has never been more blurry.
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Posted: #169

Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:

Europa,this happens to be very proves that President Trump's characterization of CNN being a fake news network is 100% correct.

The American Bar Association did not recommend,, that the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh be halted until after an FBI investigation can be completed..this story is no true.

It turned out the recommendation only came from the ABA president, not as an approved recommendation for that organization as a whole.

..and to date.. I have not seen a correction from CNN or Manu Raju who published the story as" Beaking News."......

SaratosaSlim, get this, 

American Bar Association calls for FBI investigation into Kavanaugh allegations

The American Bar Association has asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to suspend its consideration of Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court until an FBI investigation is completed into multiple sexual assault allegations.--CNBC

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Posted: #170

Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:

That isn't proof that CNN is a fake news network.  Many other media sources such as Fox news also state American bar association recommends delay in confirmation until after FBI investigation.    ABA president letter may be construed as legitimate representative on behalf of american bar association.  Wallstreetcapper and others are right that Sarasotaslim often makes weak trivial arguments.

Most biased people are the most distrustful of traditional media and have extreme political views according to Gallup research.  For example, consumers of Fox news and infowars tend to be far more biased than consumers of trustworthy media such as PBS and wall street journal.

Trump base might see CNN as a fake news but CNBC has the same news on the American Bar Association calling FBI to investigate Brett Kavanaugh's sexual assault allegation.   
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Posted: #171

Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:

That isn't proof that CNN is a fake news network.  Many other media sources such as Fox news also state American bar association recommends delay in confirmation until after FBI investigation.    ABA president letter may be construed as legitimate representative on behalf of american bar association.  Wallstreetcapper and others are right that Sarasotaslim often makes weak trivial arguments.

Most biased people are the most distrustful of traditional media and have extreme political views according to Gallup research.  For example, consumers of Fox news and infowars tend to be far more biased than consumers of trustworthy media such as PBS and wall street journal.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   The way you are defending fake news...I guess it's something you are use to in your country....but here in America that's not a good thing... by the are quite entertaining when you are not copying and pasting from  far left news sites....
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Posted: #172

 CNN broke the story as Breaking News and the lie spread to CNBC,NYTimes, WashPost and the rest of the fake news outlets. without any of them checking out the accuracy of the story.. because that's what they wanted to believe ..impartial journalism... is dead..mlsleading journalism rules..
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Posted: #173

Most journalism is shows reporting news based on behind the scenes agendas is whats in right face selfie...straight to social media...snap

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Posted: #174

I think the most telling thing in all of this is that the dumbocrats who all called for an FBI investigation have said they will still vote no regardless of what the FBI finds.

If that isn’t partisan politics I don’t know what is.  
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Posted: #175

Just curious. Did anyone catch SNL? Matt Damon was devastating.

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