Two words:
White people.
Say those words and 99.99% of this forum will go... ballistic.
Why's that?
Well you just turned the lens of race .... on them.
And this is very uncomfortable for them, because they are so busy going berserk about black gun violence in Chicago (almost every raging bigot in GD), and mocking the Freddy Gray death where a spine was severed in the "Baltimore In-game" thread (JeffMarketCap and cronies), or offering constant 'reverse race scenarios' of "I wonder if this were white on black crime" and gauging, in perhaps the most unscientific way possible, media reaction (Slovak), or telling blacks, yes, all blacks except maybe Morgan Freeman and DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, in no indirect terms to go back where they came from (many here including but not limited to Esplanade and someone who gets a good laugh about it in SearchWarrant), or basically inferring the entire black race is culturally defective (Centaur). Or BWS concerning just about anything black, per se.
I could go on for days with the names of posters here but I'll stop there. Consider yourself spared of shame.
Anyhow, when the racial lens is turned on them, they get VERY uncomfortable.
Why? Well this is the essence of their raging bigotry. At worst, their race is superior. At best, their race doesn't exist. So when you say MTV is making a doc. called White People, both the best and the worst are explored. This is bad. Very bad. Why?
If you are non-white and question anything about their race? You are a racist yourself.
If you are white and question anything about your own race? You are self-loathing or possibly insane.
Meanwhile, they will spend virtually every day of their lives doing the exact same thing in this forum and likely in their daily lives about every other non-white race and that is perfectly acceptable to them.
And this folks, is at its core, why I call them raging bigots (in addition to their daily racial defamations and derogatory inferences which are constant, because they defame/deride/degrade but are careful not to use a racial slur because 'the stats don't lie (again, it's always about violent crime ratios or teen pregnancy and this is all right after Dylan Roof walks into a church and blows 9 black people away for being big deal in the large scheme of things to them), and this makes it ok. A conversation about the Dylan Roof's of the world? Forget it...
Well now MTV has something to say about it.
I wonder if the thousands employed by MTV are all "Scal Sharptons" for making this documentary.
Gosh, even the title alone goes to far!
Ya see, when Caucasians themselves start to question their own internalized and deeply ingrained prejudices and how that affects others and themselvs, their entire social network of unseen (to them, not others) bigotry breaks down.
And this is very worrisome for the poster here and bigots in general.
I'm just a poster on Covers.
But a documentary...about them...on a major TV network, that explores what it is to white?
Well, Katie bar the door!
It's here though.
And you can bet your bottom dollar...they won't be watching...
And that folks is why some posters....never change. Never have and never will.
Anyhow, to those who watch it on 7/22, enjoy (and like clockwork, look at the youtube ratings for the video already. Gosh, I wonder who voted? ).