For those with weak memories, here's a few more of Trump's finer moments...
Encouraged violence. Said that he’d like to punch a protester "in the face"; that his supporters should "knock the hell" out of protesters—“I promise you, I’ll pay the legal bills”; and that the police should not protect suspects' heads when loading them into squad cars. This moron throws rocks at babies not punches at grown men. He has no idea how it feels to hit someone in the face. It's not a great feeling hitting or getting hit. This leech doesn't even pay his own legal bills & he offers to pay the bill of others??? Good luck to Tulsa getting their recent security costs for his ego stroke ever getting paid.
Refused to release his tax returns for public inspection after having previously promised to do so. On other occasions, he falsely claimed he could not release them because he was under audit. When, in 2019, Congress subpoenaed Trump’s tax returns, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin refused to comply—kicking off cases that went to the Supreme Court. Take a pick as to why he doesn't want to release laundering, tax fraud, embezzlement etc.
Said Judge Gonzalo Curiel is unfit to rule on a lawsuit filed by Trump University students because :he's a Mexican" (in fact, the judge is an American citizen born in Indiana). Trump would later settle the lawsuit for 25 million. His organization committed outright fraud,
Called on Russia to hack and release presidential Hilly Clinton emails.
Broke with U.S. policy of supporting Ukraine over Russia’s invasion of Crimea, saying “The people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were.” From what he heard, really? Heard from whom? Vlad???
Denigrated the family of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed in 2004 while serving in Iraq, after Khan’s father delivered remarks at the Democratic National Convention. He even attacked the mother of the fallen soldier. His support of our troops is total bullshit.
Before Election Day, repeatedly hyped unfounded fears of a "rigged" election. Then, after Election Day, he stated, without any evidence, “I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” He's doing the same thing here in 2020.
As one of his first official acts as president, deployed White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to lie about the size of his inauguration crowd. Spicer's attempt to spread this lie made him look like a fool all around the world.
Blasted the news media and bragged about the size of his inauguration crowds—as well as his intellect—in front of the CIA's wall of stars memorializing agents who died in service to the country. He as no sense of there being a time and place for everything. Unless he's the focus of attention, he couldn't care less at these sites.
Enacted the “Muslim ban” that, through executive order, prevented foreign nationals from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States for 90 days; the order was quickly contested in the courts, and its enforcement was blocked. His racist order. which was later reversed, caused chaos in airports all over the world.
Created a federal commission to investigate voter fraud that failed to find any examples of voter fraud. Zilch! Nada!
Remained silent when security forces working for Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, attacked protested outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence in Washington, D.C. He allowed American citizens to be beaten on American soil by a dictator's security crew. Another example of his gutless lack of leadership.