This is just pathetic. They have Trump trying to pronounce and read the names of the dead children while the NRA rings a bell. Disgusting. He's absolutely destroying the names.
The consistent theme from every speaker at the NRA convention was that Democrats want to confiscate all guns in America. They never mentioned assault weapons, AR-15s or other proposals. It’s just liberals want to take your guns and leave you defenseless against criminals.
NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson on gun restrictions: “It is not going to happen! It’s time for the law abiding patriots in this nation to stand up and say, hell no!’ We will not go, and you will not take them!”
At the NRA convention, Ted Cruz says the solution to school shootings is to fortify them by installing bulletproof doors and locking classroom doors in every school. This dope doesn't realize the door was locked & couldn't be opened until someone found the key. Ted went on to say the reasons for mass shootings are absent fathers, declining church attendance, social media, and video games.
Kristi Noem at the NRA convention says we shouldn’t have gun control because of dangerous leftist protesters: “Woke mobs are tearing down statues .. our Founding Fathers, Catholic missionaries. They even wanted to come after Mt. Rushmore. Not on my watch!”
Executive Director of NRA defiantly says they will continue to oppose all gun control measures: “We’re gonna take this message to Congress, the voters, and ballot boxes all across the country this November.”
Wayne LaPierre says the way to stop school shootings is to spend more money on law enforcement.
This is one of the reasons why we don't make progress on solving this national problem.