Trump has spent the last 3+ years conducting himself in a manner unbecoming the Office of the President. He has used juvenile school yard taunts giving his base a false sense of self worth. He has peddled his lies while getting close to murderous dictators & verbally tearing down our national institutions. He has used these same institution as weapons for his own self preservation while others suffer because of his actions. He has tried to further divide our country with his racial and cultural resentments. Trump gave what the weak Republican Party needed but that slimmer of hope has dissipated faster than a Miami Marlins 9th inning lead. He attempts to shine a light on the failings of others while accepting no responsibility for his many faults. He's the guy who has always short-changed the little guy, who stole from a children' charity, who employed illegal workers, who makes his family products overseas and who has enhanced his pockets with scams while fondling the American flag like the sexual abuser that he is. American presidents come and go; some sooner than others. Most go on to do so much more for our society but this one is different. He is headed for a financial and criminal minefield. He will finally be held accountable for his actions and the outcome will be"perfect." You Can't Make This Stuff Up!
Good post that no rational citizen could disagree with! Unfortunately, its worse than that & another blue wave in 2020 is imperative. Will all depend on all Dems & a decent portion of indys/undecideds uniting behind Biden or whoever is the nominee & vote in much larger #s than '16. The vast majority of repubs wouldn't vote for anyone with a D beside their name no matter who the dem or repub candidate was. Sad times..