Quote Originally Posted by darkhorse12:
He's not a capitalist, he's a shyster! He's lied cheated and stolen to get where he is. He will resign in disgrace like nixon. As for the uranium deal just how many agencies were involved in it? What were the terms of the deal? hint: no uranium was allowed to leave the country. Do yourself a favor and educated yourself. If I was one of your teachers I'd shoot myself.
1. The deal was signed with the premise that the Russian owned company would not be private. The company broke its promise. It is private.
2. The company is not controlled by the US. The Hillary Russian Company is a privately controlled.
3. Expect evidence that the Hillary Russian uranium has landed in the hands of the Obama pals, the Iranians is going to come out very soon.
Here are the facts:
Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian bank tied to the Kremlin before Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped decide whether to approve the sale to the Russian government of a company that held one-fifth of America’s uranium capacity.
The Clintons received the $145 million in donations from uranium investors before Russia’s energy agency secured the purchase of Uranium One.
The Russian government now owns 20 percent of U.S. uranium assets, thanks to Hillary.
Some of the donations were kept secret, even though the Clintons promised to disclose all donations.
The acquisition made Russia one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.
The origin of the Clinton Russia deal goes back as far as 2005.
It does not matter that most of the donations occurred before Hillary was named secretary of state. She was running for president at the time. Being president would’ve helped her Russian pals even more.
And before you say the deal had to be approved other agencies. The idea that a bunch of liberals are going to deny the queen of the liberals anything is a joke.
There’s simply too much proof of quid pro quo.
Hillary is the ultimate traitor. She has taken bribes from Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Oman, Qatar, and Russia. She’s broken well over 16 federal laws. It’s amazing she’s not in prison.