Part 2: continued, from Rachel Maddow...
** The Governor [a Democrat elected by the people] will no longer have the constitutional ability to appoint judges as he sees fit. Instead, in many cases, he will need the explicit approval of the state REPUBLICAN PARTY!!
** The state Attorney General, under this reworked bill, will not be allowed to oppose ANYTHING that is done by republicans in the state legislature - EVEN IF the AG believes it is against the laws of the state! 
** The bill would transfer the State Board of Elections authority over to the State AUDITOR.
The state Auditor?!?!?!?
WHY would republicans wants to change the NC state law so the AUDITOR is now suddenly in charge of elections?!?!?! [Maddow queries]
Because State Auditor [Dave Boliek] is the ONE race that republicans won this year. That's why.
During an NC trump speech, Dave Boliek shouted loudly "I'm ONLY in politics FOR YOU, sir!"
So the republican bill transfers elections authority to that one lone elected republican - even though the State Auditor office has nothing to do whatsoever with state elections.
Maddow accurately added: "It's like putting the dog catcher in charge of the Water Department....there's just no connection at all, but he is the ONE republican, and so now HE will be the elections guy. This is what they've done to the Dentistry Bill since the election...
North Carolinians have been showing up en masse at the state legislature to protest, filling the Gallery, shouting down the corrupt republicans while they have been forcing through this last minute - after the election - hijack the Dentistry Bill, to try to ensure they can stay in power even after THEY HAVE BEEN VOTED OUT! [sound familiar??
So they are trying to work around the people's votes, so they can [effectively] stay in power even without the people's consent.
THAT is fascism!
"Votes aren't everything!....there are other ways republicans can keep and expand their power"
On party lines only [because Democrats do not support such corruption], the bill passed both republican-controlled houses, but faces a likely veto by current Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper.
Republicans passed the lame-duck power grab just weeks before they will lose their veto-proof supermajority. Three House Republicans from Western North Carolina, which was ravaged by the hurricane, voted against the "sham hurricane relief” bill. If the legislation is vetoed and the three lawmakers don’t support a veto override, it wouldn’t become law.
All eyes are on North Carolina.
Democracy vs. POWER GRAB