Let's keep the thread on topic, particularly the discussion of tax cuts & Republicans ;
I'll help... here's a post that was never debated..
More recently, Trump's 2017 tax cuts were incredibly beneficial to lower & middle income , in fact they were "more" beneficial to lower & middle-income workers than upper-income workers.. And here is the data to prove the points.
* In 2018 & 2019, real median income in the U.S. rose by $5,000 - a bigger increase in only 2 years than in the entire 8 years of the preceding recovery "combined" (2010-2017) (and who was your president for a majority of those years ??).
* the average middle income earner paid between $1,500 and $3,000 less in taxes following the 2017 Tax cuts and jobs act
* Over the first 3 years of Trump's presidency, Blacks & Hispanics experienced record-low rates of unemployment & poverty, while wages for workers at the bottom of the income scale rose faster than they did for management (so much for you lefties who cry "it was a handout to the rich." )
* AND EVERY House & Senate Democrat voted against the 2017 tax cuts ! (just whose side are they on? Certainly, not hardworking people).
There is much more data that supports how the 2017 tax cuts benefit everyday, hardworking Americans, and is very good for the Economy. You folks on the left just refuse to believe it, but it is fact.... And this notion from you lefties (particularly you JoePockets) that incessantly talk about how rich people tells me that perhaps people are unhappy w/ their own affairs, and look to others w/ envy. (the media doesn't help. They push this "big lie" of the rich).
I will say that People that are doing well and are successful generally concentrate on their own affairs, and review how they can improve their own well-being. Comparing yourself to others tells me "you envy" others.... Not good. Again, your notion that rich people benefited more from the recent 2017 tax cuts is flat out wrong ! I will say it again,... wages for lower, middle-income Americans accelerated "at a higher rate" than rich people.
- Why would lefties have an issue w/ the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act when it benefited poor and middle income folks the most.