I'm adding one more. I am on the over. My thinking is Chris Wallace could say it once or twice. HRC could say the word if challenged, and maybe DT uses it a few times. I'm not going to shy away from the price so I took a shot with the over.
Soros prop is still locked up but will be played if made available at a good price. BOL to all
How many times will "WikiLeaks" be said?
All wagers have action
I'm adding one more. I am on the over. My thinking is Chris Wallace could say it once or twice. HRC could say the word if challenged, and maybe DT uses it a few times. I'm not going to shy away from the price so I took a shot with the over.
Soros prop is still locked up but will be played if made available at a good price. BOL to all
Iv'e seen wallace ask some real doozy questions over the years....
Get ready for the toughest questions you have seen so far....
Hitlery was going to pass on tonight's festivities but relented...She WILL most likely regret going....Trump is down but not out.....He's looking for a knockout and will be so juiced up on caffiene He will tell the truth to the American public....Nobody ever wants to hear the truth....especially Hitlerlly...
Iv'e seen wallace ask some real doozy questions over the years....
Get ready for the toughest questions you have seen so far....
Hitlery was going to pass on tonight's festivities but relented...She WILL most likely regret going....Trump is down but not out.....He's looking for a knockout and will be so juiced up on caffiene He will tell the truth to the American public....Nobody ever wants to hear the truth....especially Hitlerlly...
I'm adding one more. I am on the over. My thinking is Chris Wallace could say it once or twice. HRC could say the word if challenged, and maybe DT uses it a few times. I'm not going to shy away from the price so I took a shot with the over.
Soros prop is still locked up but will be played if made available at a good price. BOL to all
How many times will "WikiLeaks" be said?
All wagers have action
I like this one but 3.5 seems like a high number. Although once trump starts to become unglued he might say any word like 4 or 5 times in the same sentence as he gets all emotional and bumbles through it.
Good luck on your wager, I guess I'm thinking that this has less of a chance because wikilinks appears to be having absolutely no effect on the actual election results. So for trump to try to bring up something from wikilinks knowing that it doesn't help him seems stupid. But I guess anything is possible once trump becomes flustered and pivots into an angry emotional attack mode
Quote Originally Posted by Inyourlife16:
I'm adding one more. I am on the over. My thinking is Chris Wallace could say it once or twice. HRC could say the word if challenged, and maybe DT uses it a few times. I'm not going to shy away from the price so I took a shot with the over.
Soros prop is still locked up but will be played if made available at a good price. BOL to all
How many times will "WikiLeaks" be said?
All wagers have action
I like this one but 3.5 seems like a high number. Although once trump starts to become unglued he might say any word like 4 or 5 times in the same sentence as he gets all emotional and bumbles through it.
Good luck on your wager, I guess I'm thinking that this has less of a chance because wikilinks appears to be having absolutely no effect on the actual election results. So for trump to try to bring up something from wikilinks knowing that it doesn't help him seems stupid. But I guess anything is possible once trump becomes flustered and pivots into an angry emotional attack mode
I like this one but 3.5 seems like a high number. Although once trump starts to become unglued he might say any word like 4 or 5 times in the same sentence as he gets all emotional and bumbles through it.
Good luck on your wager, I guess I'm thinking that this has less of a chance because wikilinks appears to be having absolutely no effect on the actual election results. So for trump to try to bring up something from wikilinks knowing that it doesn't help him seems stupid. But I guess anything is possible once trump becomes flustered and pivots into an angry emotional attack mode
I hear what you are saying DL.........But does Trump think that bringing up wiki is stupid???? The guy only has a few bullets in the chamber. Wiki is one of those bullets. Also consider that Trump has probably stopped watching anything but FNC. Because he lives in that bubble, he probably thinks that wiki is on par with Watergate.
Line went to -165 but came back to -150. 3.5 may be high, but there is potential for this prop to be won within the first 5 minutes of the event......If I get zero mentions within the first 75 minutes of the debate than I chose the wrong side.
Soros still locked up...........so it looks like this is my lone play tonight. BOL to all
Quote Originally Posted by dl36:
I like this one but 3.5 seems like a high number. Although once trump starts to become unglued he might say any word like 4 or 5 times in the same sentence as he gets all emotional and bumbles through it.
Good luck on your wager, I guess I'm thinking that this has less of a chance because wikilinks appears to be having absolutely no effect on the actual election results. So for trump to try to bring up something from wikilinks knowing that it doesn't help him seems stupid. But I guess anything is possible once trump becomes flustered and pivots into an angry emotional attack mode
I hear what you are saying DL.........But does Trump think that bringing up wiki is stupid???? The guy only has a few bullets in the chamber. Wiki is one of those bullets. Also consider that Trump has probably stopped watching anything but FNC. Because he lives in that bubble, he probably thinks that wiki is on par with Watergate.
Line went to -165 but came back to -150. 3.5 may be high, but there is potential for this prop to be won within the first 5 minutes of the event......If I get zero mentions within the first 75 minutes of the debate than I chose the wrong side.
Soros still locked up...........so it looks like this is my lone play tonight. BOL to all
You're probably right. Trump is so out of touch at this point and because he is in a complete free fall has retreated to the safety of the. Biased media used to protect trump and his supporters from truth and reality.
Not only does trump and his supporters think that wikilinks is effective even tho reality is showing us something quite different, at this point it is probably all trump has left as nothing constructive or positive he has tried to sell has caught on with the sensible majority of normal middle class americans.
You're probably right. Trump is so out of touch at this point and because he is in a complete free fall has retreated to the safety of the. Biased media used to protect trump and his supporters from truth and reality.
Not only does trump and his supporters think that wikilinks is effective even tho reality is showing us something quite different, at this point it is probably all trump has left as nothing constructive or positive he has tried to sell has caught on with the sensible majority of normal middle class americans.
Looks like wikilinks cashed. The moderator actually quoted wikilinks and tried to get Hillary to defend it. But it seemed like Hillary prepped for the wikilinks issue.
She turned it into a Putin/Russia thing and pinned it to trump who lost his marbles interrupting yelling, "you're the puppet! You're the puppet". Yet he's standing there looking like the puppet.
In the end Hillary was laughing as trump got emotional yelling over the moderator.
Looks like wikilinks cashed. The moderator actually quoted wikilinks and tried to get Hillary to defend it. But it seemed like Hillary prepped for the wikilinks issue.
She turned it into a Putin/Russia thing and pinned it to trump who lost his marbles interrupting yelling, "you're the puppet! You're the puppet". Yet he's standing there looking like the puppet.
In the end Hillary was laughing as trump got emotional yelling over the moderator.
Trump is in full meltdown mode now. Interrupting both the moderator and Hillary midsetence and is just saying what she is saying is false and calling her a liar rather than debating her and explaining why she is wrong.
Now He's saying that "nobody has more respect for women then I do".
So trump is trying to sell me that he has more respect for women than I do. Like I get it that he get stressed and pivots into an angry emotional attack mode, but why attack and insult me saying that I and the rest of America respect women less than he does?
Trump is in full meltdown mode now. Interrupting both the moderator and Hillary midsetence and is just saying what she is saying is false and calling her a liar rather than debating her and explaining why she is wrong.
Now He's saying that "nobody has more respect for women then I do".
So trump is trying to sell me that he has more respect for women than I do. Like I get it that he get stressed and pivots into an angry emotional attack mode, but why attack and insult me saying that I and the rest of America respect women less than he does?
Trump is in full meltdown mode now. Interrupting both the moderator and Hillary midsetence and is just saying what she is saying is false and calling her a liar rather than debating her and explaining why she is wrong.
Now He's saying that "nobody has more respect for women then I do".
So trump is trying to sell me that he has more respect for women than I do. Like I get it that he get stressed and pivots into an angry emotional attack mode, but why attack and insult me saying that I and the rest of America respect women less than he does?
His last 2 debate performances have been broken records of the first... no new talking points other than defending the accusations against him and making the accusation of the Clinton campaign sending people to disrupt his events. She's winning on the jabs tonight too.
Quote Originally Posted by dl36:
Trump is in full meltdown mode now. Interrupting both the moderator and Hillary midsetence and is just saying what she is saying is false and calling her a liar rather than debating her and explaining why she is wrong.
Now He's saying that "nobody has more respect for women then I do".
So trump is trying to sell me that he has more respect for women than I do. Like I get it that he get stressed and pivots into an angry emotional attack mode, but why attack and insult me saying that I and the rest of America respect women less than he does?
His last 2 debate performances have been broken records of the first... no new talking points other than defending the accusations against him and making the accusation of the Clinton campaign sending people to disrupt his events. She's winning on the jabs tonight too.
You would think that Trump supporters would be claiming victory tonight but instead are reduced to arguing over this as trump went over the deep end because he refused to be a decent American and human being and not a sour grapes poor sport loser when he loses.
Quote Originally Posted by BWS77:
Any props on Trump's made up words? "Bigly"???
I've heard people say that he said "big league".
You would think that Trump supporters would be claiming victory tonight but instead are reduced to arguing over this as trump went over the deep end because he refused to be a decent American and human being and not a sour grapes poor sport loser when he loses.
You would think that Trump supporters would be claiming victory tonight but instead are reduced to arguing over this as trump went over the deep end because he refused to be a decent American and human being and not a sour grapes poor sport loser when he loses.
CNN says that Hillary won the debate. 52% to 39%.
That is a heart breaker...
Never Make A Winner A Loser. Never.
Quote Originally Posted by dl36:
I've heard people say that he said "big league".
You would think that Trump supporters would be claiming victory tonight but instead are reduced to arguing over this as trump went over the deep end because he refused to be a decent American and human being and not a sour grapes poor sport loser when he loses.
Soros cashed too, in guessing that bovada locked it up knowing trump would be reduced to trying attack Hillary's character rather than debating issues. I knew once Trump skirted around the first roe v wade like a slimy politician slithering along on such and easy issue, I knew it was over for him. Why can't trump simply say that he is against roe v wade and he is the prolife candidate and at least pretend he has some principles that are conservative in nature?
Quote Originally Posted by Inyourlife16:
I want to play this prop bet but it's currently Locked up.....
Soros cashed too, in guessing that bovada locked it up knowing trump would be reduced to trying attack Hillary's character rather than debating issues. I knew once Trump skirted around the first roe v wade like a slimy politician slithering along on such and easy issue, I knew it was over for him. Why can't trump simply say that he is against roe v wade and he is the prolife candidate and at least pretend he has some principles that are conservative in nature?
Soros cashed too, in guessing that bovada locked it up knowing trump would be reduced to trying attack Hillary's character rather than debating issues. I knew once Trump skirted around the first roe v wade like a slimy politician slithering along on such and easy issue, I knew it was over for him. Why can't trump simply say that he is against roe v wade and he is the prolife candidate and at least pretend he has some principles that are conservative in nature?
This Soros +500 feels like the "one that got away". They must have offered at +500 and received alarming action on the prop, locked it up and never reopened..........Just leaving it on the board as if to say "Look at what you missed"........Which leads one to ask the obvious question.......who would ever lay -1000 on "no"? The entire bet made no sense.
HRC bringing home the WikiLeaks prop tonight for me. She used the word 3 times in a minute...right before Chris W. used it. Only got it once out of DT though.
General Debate Observation: She had the luxury of mailing it in tonight.......She instead chose to mock and marginalize DT. DT just couldn't get out of his own way tonight. He looked OK early, but then became irritated. Did he gain any new voters tonight? Better question....what undecided voter listens to him say "he may not accept election results" and decides in his favor?
Lastly, tonight was Not about appealing to the general electorate, as their minds won't be swayed. HRC saw it is an opportunity to recruit educated suburban republican women. I have zero idea who Trump was trying to recruit.
BOL as we see this through till the end........
Quote Originally Posted by dl36:
Soros cashed too, in guessing that bovada locked it up knowing trump would be reduced to trying attack Hillary's character rather than debating issues. I knew once Trump skirted around the first roe v wade like a slimy politician slithering along on such and easy issue, I knew it was over for him. Why can't trump simply say that he is against roe v wade and he is the prolife candidate and at least pretend he has some principles that are conservative in nature?
This Soros +500 feels like the "one that got away". They must have offered at +500 and received alarming action on the prop, locked it up and never reopened..........Just leaving it on the board as if to say "Look at what you missed"........Which leads one to ask the obvious question.......who would ever lay -1000 on "no"? The entire bet made no sense.
HRC bringing home the WikiLeaks prop tonight for me. She used the word 3 times in a minute...right before Chris W. used it. Only got it once out of DT though.
General Debate Observation: She had the luxury of mailing it in tonight.......She instead chose to mock and marginalize DT. DT just couldn't get out of his own way tonight. He looked OK early, but then became irritated. Did he gain any new voters tonight? Better question....what undecided voter listens to him say "he may not accept election results" and decides in his favor?
Lastly, tonight was Not about appealing to the general electorate, as their minds won't be swayed. HRC saw it is an opportunity to recruit educated suburban republican women. I have zero idea who Trump was trying to recruit.
Slim. Here is a poll from the same news organization and the sampling has 547 people. But your 21 person poll is probably more reliable. Hope can sometimes be a dangerous thing. Hedge if given the opportunity or make it back with state props. I'll help you
Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:
Trump schlonged Hillary in this 3rd debate ,and won over the undecided...
10 to 5 ....in favor of Donald Trump..CNN focus group declares Trump the winner..
Slim. Here is a poll from the same news organization and the sampling has 547 people. But your 21 person poll is probably more reliable. Hope can sometimes be a dangerous thing. Hedge if given the opportunity or make it back with state props. I'll help you
This Soros +500 feels like the "one that got away". They must have offered at +500 and received alarming action on the prop, locked it up and never reopened..........Just leaving it on the board as if to say "Look at what you missed"........Which leads one to ask the obvious question.......who would ever lay -1000 on "no"? The entire bet made no sense.
HRC bringing home the WikiLeaks prop tonight for me. She used the word 3 times in a minute...right before Chris W. used it. Only got it once out of DT though.
General Debate Observation: She had the luxury of mailing it in tonight.......She instead chose to mock and marginalize DT. DT just couldn't get out of his own way tonight. He looked OK early, but then became irritated. Did he gain any new voters tonight? Better question....what undecided voter listens to him say "he may not accept election results" and decides in his favor?
Lastly, tonight was Not about appealing to the general electorate, as their minds won't be swayed. HRC saw it is an opportunity to recruit educated suburban republican women. I have zero idea who Trump was trying to recruit.
BOL as we see this through till the end........
In looking at the odds on the board for the debate soros at +500 had far and away the best payout. I actually believe that Wallace said it first as one of his scripted questions. So considering the moderator set the table for wikilinks it was a great bet.
I agree that Hillary taunted and toyed with trump tonight. Her made of Chinese steel joke had the audience Laughing while trump rambled on his lame smear rhetoric.
Trump could have simply done two things in the debate that would have helped him big time. First was to say he was against abortion and take a solid stance as the prolife candidate with a definitive statement of i would like roe v wade repealed, like he says over and over that he would like to repeal Obamacare.
Second was to when asked he would accept the election results, all he had to say was "yes, because i am a good American" rather than looking likena world class douchebag floundering around with this cupcake question. He just needed to say yes and stfu
But Failed to do so.
I did notice Hillary kinda go the feminist route. I am not sure if republican feminist haters would bite on this. But educated republican women just might. Trump never seems to be recruiting. Only trying to sway people away from Hillary, but never sells himself on why you should vote for him. Weird how someone that is supposed to be such a great business man looks so incompetent in marketing
Quote Originally Posted by Inyourlife16:
This Soros +500 feels like the "one that got away". They must have offered at +500 and received alarming action on the prop, locked it up and never reopened..........Just leaving it on the board as if to say "Look at what you missed"........Which leads one to ask the obvious question.......who would ever lay -1000 on "no"? The entire bet made no sense.
HRC bringing home the WikiLeaks prop tonight for me. She used the word 3 times in a minute...right before Chris W. used it. Only got it once out of DT though.
General Debate Observation: She had the luxury of mailing it in tonight.......She instead chose to mock and marginalize DT. DT just couldn't get out of his own way tonight. He looked OK early, but then became irritated. Did he gain any new voters tonight? Better question....what undecided voter listens to him say "he may not accept election results" and decides in his favor?
Lastly, tonight was Not about appealing to the general electorate, as their minds won't be swayed. HRC saw it is an opportunity to recruit educated suburban republican women. I have zero idea who Trump was trying to recruit.
BOL as we see this through till the end........
In looking at the odds on the board for the debate soros at +500 had far and away the best payout. I actually believe that Wallace said it first as one of his scripted questions. So considering the moderator set the table for wikilinks it was a great bet.
I agree that Hillary taunted and toyed with trump tonight. Her made of Chinese steel joke had the audience Laughing while trump rambled on his lame smear rhetoric.
Trump could have simply done two things in the debate that would have helped him big time. First was to say he was against abortion and take a solid stance as the prolife candidate with a definitive statement of i would like roe v wade repealed, like he says over and over that he would like to repeal Obamacare.
Second was to when asked he would accept the election results, all he had to say was "yes, because i am a good American" rather than looking likena world class douchebag floundering around with this cupcake question. He just needed to say yes and stfu
But Failed to do so.
I did notice Hillary kinda go the feminist route. I am not sure if republican feminist haters would bite on this. But educated republican women just might. Trump never seems to be recruiting. Only trying to sway people away from Hillary, but never sells himself on why you should vote for him. Weird how someone that is supposed to be such a great business man looks so incompetent in marketing
Slim. Here is a poll from the same news organization and the sampling has 547 people. But your 21 person poll is probably more reliable. Hope can sometimes be a dangerous thing. Hedge if given the opportunity or make it back with state props. I'll help you
...not my poll CNN's hand picked focus group..CNN probably didn't want to coach the group on what to say ... after getting caught doing it after the last debate...
Slim. Here is a poll from the same news organization and the sampling has 547 people. But your 21 person poll is probably more reliable. Hope can sometimes be a dangerous thing. Hedge if given the opportunity or make it back with state props. I'll help you
...not my poll CNN's hand picked focus group..CNN probably didn't want to coach the group on what to say ... after getting caught doing it after the last debate...
Here's the main thing I got out of the debate...Hillary Clinton recklessly divulged our Nations Top Secret nuclear security intelligence to a worldwide television audience ...proving again that she is unfit to be commander-in-chief...
Hillary Clinton disregarded safeguards and protocols for accessing and discussing highly classified and Top Secret intelligence..just to score points in the debate..
It's bad enough that she mishandling national security secrets via email during her years as Secretary of State,but given out specific details of the country’s nuclear response time...is a breach of America's security ... ,,and she should arrested..
Here's the main thing I got out of the debate...Hillary Clinton recklessly divulged our Nations Top Secret nuclear security intelligence to a worldwide television audience ...proving again that she is unfit to be commander-in-chief...
Hillary Clinton disregarded safeguards and protocols for accessing and discussing highly classified and Top Secret intelligence..just to score points in the debate..
It's bad enough that she mishandling national security secrets via email during her years as Secretary of State,but given out specific details of the country’s nuclear response time...is a breach of America's security ... ,,and she should arrested..
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