Out in a West Texas town called El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl.
Night time would find me in Rosa's cantina. The music would play and faleena would whirl.
Out in a West Texas town called El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl.
Night time would find me in Rosa's cantina. The music would play and faleena would whirl.
Out in a West Texas town called El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl.
Night time would find me in Rosa's cantina. The music would play and faleena would whirl.
Out in a West Texas town called El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl.
Night time would find me in Rosa's cantina. The music would play and faleena would whirl.
Does winning mean spend 100 dollars for 30 dollars of value? If so then yeah Trump is winning. Trump is all about debt until debt kills you, it is how he runs his business and how he is running this country.
Our robust economy is not strong in all and any metric, its like winter grass here in AZ...it looks nice and green but its mush and dies with ANY temps over 50. It looks decent but in reality its fake garbage.
I find it interesting how the GOP has completely abandoned fiscal responsibility with Trump, it used to be their loudest drum to pound that we need a balanced budget and being fiscally responsible. Trump could care less about spending and accumulating debt and the "cost" of this 3% growth is atrocious...we are recklessly spending, we gave away BILLIONS in corporate tax revenue and debt fueled tax breaks for corps and the elite and we have pretty much the same numbers we did before only with more debt, less real benefit to the middle and lower class.
Is this what you GOP apologists call a solid economy and fiscal responsibility? Funny how when your guy is in the chair all the crap you yapped about prior goes out the window.
This country isnt meant to be non-socialist and thus capitalist in nature...the extremes are what we want to avoid and try to protect and enrich the lives of all citizens, not just the elite and those who buy power to control our politicians.
Does winning mean spend 100 dollars for 30 dollars of value? If so then yeah Trump is winning. Trump is all about debt until debt kills you, it is how he runs his business and how he is running this country.
Our robust economy is not strong in all and any metric, its like winter grass here in AZ...it looks nice and green but its mush and dies with ANY temps over 50. It looks decent but in reality its fake garbage.
I find it interesting how the GOP has completely abandoned fiscal responsibility with Trump, it used to be their loudest drum to pound that we need a balanced budget and being fiscally responsible. Trump could care less about spending and accumulating debt and the "cost" of this 3% growth is atrocious...we are recklessly spending, we gave away BILLIONS in corporate tax revenue and debt fueled tax breaks for corps and the elite and we have pretty much the same numbers we did before only with more debt, less real benefit to the middle and lower class.
Is this what you GOP apologists call a solid economy and fiscal responsibility? Funny how when your guy is in the chair all the crap you yapped about prior goes out the window.
This country isnt meant to be non-socialist and thus capitalist in nature...the extremes are what we want to avoid and try to protect and enrich the lives of all citizens, not just the elite and those who buy power to control our politicians.
Yeah, but it gives your dogs somewhere to pee. That's not an analogy. I'm really talking about dogs having a place to go in the winter.
Yeah, but it gives your dogs somewhere to pee. That's not an analogy. I'm really talking about dogs having a place to go in the winter.
He gave a decent speech, Americans can get behind a lot of what he said but sadly he will not execute. He has his focus on all the wrong things.
He gave a decent speech, Americans can get behind a lot of what he said but sadly he will not execute. He has his focus on all the wrong things.
I dont know how you others have fared with financial matters over the last few years but here is a view on what has changed in my little square on the map.
I just finished my taxes with the new moronic code that Trump shoved down our throats and I consider myself solid middle class, not upper not lower (although I was raised very low income and had many years under median income) and this year my taxable income was about the same, maybe slightly higher due to some stock options which came in from 5 years of accrual and maturing. I did not pass the standard deduction this year so all my past deductions meant nothing (charitable contrib, mtg interest, prop tax, state tax etc etc) and my owed tax went up, my return went down and the net impact for me was negative. I think the intentional increase in the standard deduction was done to squash the marginal median income taxpayer and eliminate some deductions that the right side do not want in place. The people who gain the most out of the tax change are those who pass by the standard deduction level but do not jump into the higher brackets and those who are lower income never were touching the original standard deduction so their net impact is pretty much zero.
While we have gone about changing the tax code and wasting time on that (since it did not really address more serious underlying issues like high income loop holes) we have done zippo about the healthcare inflation that is killing the middle class. Every year our health insurance is modified and declines in value while increasing in copays and deductibles, lowering in net benefit. My healthcare this year went down more than previous years and the net impact I am forecasting with low to moderate usage to go up in net cost to me about 50%.
Wages are not rising for where I live and what we do, so the net effect is my earning power is declining and my taxation is increasing. Housing inflation never really happened here even though I purchased in the middle of the decline the increases did not happen here so I have not seen an increase in net wealth due to anything Trump has done, nor did I expect to. Trump caters to his pet projects and those lobbyists/firms that he owes just the same way that a DEM does.
America is not better because of Trump, we are on a slow death march to Japan and the longer we outsource middle class jobs and load up on debt while our population ages the worse this decline will get.
Even the stock market has not benefited most, the elite can own stocks and are saving/investing, the little guy does not make enough to max out a 401k and IRA and invest...our median income/wage level does not support the average needs of working families AND invest, so if the middle class jobs are not available with benefits and investment advantages 95% of middle class America sees zero benefit from the phony stock market increase.
I dont know how you others have fared with financial matters over the last few years but here is a view on what has changed in my little square on the map.
I just finished my taxes with the new moronic code that Trump shoved down our throats and I consider myself solid middle class, not upper not lower (although I was raised very low income and had many years under median income) and this year my taxable income was about the same, maybe slightly higher due to some stock options which came in from 5 years of accrual and maturing. I did not pass the standard deduction this year so all my past deductions meant nothing (charitable contrib, mtg interest, prop tax, state tax etc etc) and my owed tax went up, my return went down and the net impact for me was negative. I think the intentional increase in the standard deduction was done to squash the marginal median income taxpayer and eliminate some deductions that the right side do not want in place. The people who gain the most out of the tax change are those who pass by the standard deduction level but do not jump into the higher brackets and those who are lower income never were touching the original standard deduction so their net impact is pretty much zero.
While we have gone about changing the tax code and wasting time on that (since it did not really address more serious underlying issues like high income loop holes) we have done zippo about the healthcare inflation that is killing the middle class. Every year our health insurance is modified and declines in value while increasing in copays and deductibles, lowering in net benefit. My healthcare this year went down more than previous years and the net impact I am forecasting with low to moderate usage to go up in net cost to me about 50%.
Wages are not rising for where I live and what we do, so the net effect is my earning power is declining and my taxation is increasing. Housing inflation never really happened here even though I purchased in the middle of the decline the increases did not happen here so I have not seen an increase in net wealth due to anything Trump has done, nor did I expect to. Trump caters to his pet projects and those lobbyists/firms that he owes just the same way that a DEM does.
America is not better because of Trump, we are on a slow death march to Japan and the longer we outsource middle class jobs and load up on debt while our population ages the worse this decline will get.
Even the stock market has not benefited most, the elite can own stocks and are saving/investing, the little guy does not make enough to max out a 401k and IRA and invest...our median income/wage level does not support the average needs of working families AND invest, so if the middle class jobs are not available with benefits and investment advantages 95% of middle class America sees zero benefit from the phony stock market increase.
You technically were suppose to get back more during the year due to the fed tax break. That might be offsetting your return a bit. I agree the new tax law is dumb as hell but it is what it is. My refund was not as big as it usually is and I'm solidly in the upper middle class.
You technically were suppose to get back more during the year due to the fed tax break. That might be offsetting your return a bit. I agree the new tax law is dumb as hell but it is what it is. My refund was not as big as it usually is and I'm solidly in the upper middle class.
Stop with the I'm a black man BS. Nobody gives a f#ck what color you are but you certainly have to bring it up over & over again. You bring up race as much as faceoff & I'm calling you out on it. You don't have to be black to know the world is & will be racist. We get it. Your black & I'm old. When you stand for anything, you stand for nothing. Remember that young man. That's your lesson for today. Now run along...
Stop with the I'm a black man BS. Nobody gives a f#ck what color you are but you certainly have to bring it up over & over again. You bring up race as much as faceoff & I'm calling you out on it. You don't have to be black to know the world is & will be racist. We get it. Your black & I'm old. When you stand for anything, you stand for nothing. Remember that young man. That's your lesson for today. Now run along...
Abrams owing taxes is laughable when compared to Trump not releasing his taxes, his number of bankruptcies & how many people he's screwed out of money over the years. Mother Teresa could have given the rebuttal & you knuckleheads would have found fault. If Trump isn't in jail or impeached, I hope he runs again
You continue to believe Trump's lies & that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
Dumb dumb dumb.
Abrams owing taxes is laughable when compared to Trump not releasing his taxes, his number of bankruptcies & how many people he's screwed out of money over the years. Mother Teresa could have given the rebuttal & you knuckleheads would have found fault. If Trump isn't in jail or impeached, I hope he runs again
You continue to believe Trump's lies & that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
Dumb dumb dumb.
Stacy Abrams "I still don't want him to fail. But we need him to tell the truth, and respect his duties and the extraordinary diversity that defines America."
Truth. Respect. Diversity.
The antithesis of Trump.
And you are hung up on her debt & not that of the self proclaimed King of Debt?
Stacy Abrams "I still don't want him to fail. But we need him to tell the truth, and respect his duties and the extraordinary diversity that defines America."
Truth. Respect. Diversity.
The antithesis of Trump.
And you are hung up on her debt & not that of the self proclaimed King of Debt?
That during the year stuff is a hoax, its a fraud and a hoax...in the end if you get a bit more during the year UNLESS the net owed changes you just end up getting less or paying more come tax time. And as you know being middle class, thats the last spot in the income range that gets anything..so the few bucks "more" per check didnt come close to the higher end number nor the 100% wipeout of all previous itemized deductions.
And yeah I'd say any repub that makes a claim about a DEM's taxes owed when your leader is hiding decades of his FAKE returns probably should not be speaking about the topic.
That during the year stuff is a hoax, its a fraud and a hoax...in the end if you get a bit more during the year UNLESS the net owed changes you just end up getting less or paying more come tax time. And as you know being middle class, thats the last spot in the income range that gets anything..so the few bucks "more" per check didnt come close to the higher end number nor the 100% wipeout of all previous itemized deductions.
And yeah I'd say any repub that makes a claim about a DEM's taxes owed when your leader is hiding decades of his FAKE returns probably should not be speaking about the topic.
Got it. Thanks for the warning.
Got it. Thanks for the warning.
For one, I actually don't bring up race that much. Two, it's my prerogative to bring it up since there isn't much of a black perspective on this site. I brought it up here to illustrate the point that it was/is mostly white people who take on the role of chicken little. "Trump is President and the sky is falling! The world is ending! ...but he's a racist!" Whereas most black people, maybe more in tune to the realities of this country, we realize that shyt doesn't change that much more you regardless of who is President. That is your lesson for the day, junior.
For one, I actually don't bring up race that much. Two, it's my prerogative to bring it up since there isn't much of a black perspective on this site. I brought it up here to illustrate the point that it was/is mostly white people who take on the role of chicken little. "Trump is President and the sky is falling! The world is ending! ...but he's a racist!" Whereas most black people, maybe more in tune to the realities of this country, we realize that shyt doesn't change that much more you regardless of who is President. That is your lesson for the day, junior.
Like i've said, i'm not Trump guy. I hated watching him pass his tax plan. And while I was outraged by it while it was on the table, I watched the liberal media be outraged by....Stormy Daniels. Or whatever scandal du jour. Is it Charlottesville? Is it Russia?
I hate that one of the first thing he started working on is banking deregulation. I hate his stance on environmental issues. You never hear about any of this though. These are issues democrats could be raising but they don't. It's all tabloid fodder. It's a joke. Politics have become a joke. That party has definitely become a joke. And unless they wake up, Trump will be a two term President. It is what it is. All i'm saying is this all isn't a horror movie to me. And here, in NorCal, I see plenty of older white people, mostly well to do, who think it is. They think the world is ending while most black people, and white people who are just getting by are doing just that. Getting by. Living their lives. And not much has changed for them. I've gone from a benefit of the doubt stance with Trump to a stance of, "Ok, he's pretty darn bad." but the difference is I think most politicians are pretty darn bad. And I just believe we need to stop fighting over party lines and start holding these guys accountable as a whole. That's it. I'm not looking for beef so you can stop with your little, "kiddo, run along.." style comments. This is a free country, a free forum, and short of Wally boxing us, we are all entitled to our opinions. Isn't that what the forum is for? Debate? Or would you rather name call like a child. That's all i've got to say. Peace.
Like i've said, i'm not Trump guy. I hated watching him pass his tax plan. And while I was outraged by it while it was on the table, I watched the liberal media be outraged by....Stormy Daniels. Or whatever scandal du jour. Is it Charlottesville? Is it Russia?
I hate that one of the first thing he started working on is banking deregulation. I hate his stance on environmental issues. You never hear about any of this though. These are issues democrats could be raising but they don't. It's all tabloid fodder. It's a joke. Politics have become a joke. That party has definitely become a joke. And unless they wake up, Trump will be a two term President. It is what it is. All i'm saying is this all isn't a horror movie to me. And here, in NorCal, I see plenty of older white people, mostly well to do, who think it is. They think the world is ending while most black people, and white people who are just getting by are doing just that. Getting by. Living their lives. And not much has changed for them. I've gone from a benefit of the doubt stance with Trump to a stance of, "Ok, he's pretty darn bad." but the difference is I think most politicians are pretty darn bad. And I just believe we need to stop fighting over party lines and start holding these guys accountable as a whole. That's it. I'm not looking for beef so you can stop with your little, "kiddo, run along.." style comments. This is a free country, a free forum, and short of Wally boxing us, we are all entitled to our opinions. Isn't that what the forum is for? Debate? Or would you rather name call like a child. That's all i've got to say. Peace.
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