Thank you key! You know I love bringing it up. Trump won nearly 99% of the land mass of the United States. Crazy number. Maybe more powerful than Brady's 6 Super Bowl titles!

Thank you key! You know I love bringing it up. Trump won nearly 99% of the land mass of the United States. Crazy number. Maybe more powerful than Brady's 6 Super Bowl titles!
Thank you key! You know I love bringing it up. Trump won nearly 99% of the land mass of the United States. Crazy number. Maybe more powerful than Brady's 6 Super Bowl titles!
I dont like threads like these, it brings out the contentious members who like to divert and nitpick.
One comment to make on the diversion which is this thread, not all left players are morons..notice a few are pushing a strong platform and are doing so most every day...griding away at the concept of the elite vs the rest of us.
Sanders has some too far left ideas but he also is smart enough to point out with great detail the flaws and dangers that most DEMS are not even talking about. He is sticking closer to platforms and less about the media and how abrasive Trump is in general.
As the population continues to age the platform of Medicare for All is going to hit home for a large number of people, also the tactical way he points out how the elite is gaining off the backs of the working class is being hammered with examples and detail.
Sanders is focused and knows how to bring voters to the polls, he also is capable of taking on the big yapper and putting him in his place...for how much a lifer Clinton was she did a very poor job of exposing Trump and his abuses, she seemed almost unwilling to spar with him and that is how you beat a thug like Trump, you stand in his face with facts, no need for insults but do not back down and give in to his little ego childish attacks.
I dont like threads like these, it brings out the contentious members who like to divert and nitpick.
One comment to make on the diversion which is this thread, not all left players are morons..notice a few are pushing a strong platform and are doing so most every day...griding away at the concept of the elite vs the rest of us.
Sanders has some too far left ideas but he also is smart enough to point out with great detail the flaws and dangers that most DEMS are not even talking about. He is sticking closer to platforms and less about the media and how abrasive Trump is in general.
As the population continues to age the platform of Medicare for All is going to hit home for a large number of people, also the tactical way he points out how the elite is gaining off the backs of the working class is being hammered with examples and detail.
Sanders is focused and knows how to bring voters to the polls, he also is capable of taking on the big yapper and putting him in his place...for how much a lifer Clinton was she did a very poor job of exposing Trump and his abuses, she seemed almost unwilling to spar with him and that is how you beat a thug like Trump, you stand in his face with facts, no need for insults but do not back down and give in to his little ego childish attacks.
I had a saying during the last election's primaries. I would say, "Hillary can't beat Trump. Sanders could beat Trump but Sanders can't beat Hillary so Trump is your next President." It would blow peoples minds but it came to be. And this was early on in the primaries when few thought Trump would even get the nod. It was plain as day. I'm not some clairvoyant. I'm just social. I go out. I talk to people. I have many friends from different walks of life. And I listened to what covers brothers had to say. I knew Trump would win based on how many hardcore liberals I knew who loved Bernie and hated Hillary. I've many times, on this site, recalled conversations with absentee ballot holders, in swing states, who said they refuse to vote for Hillary. If Bernie doesn't get the nod, they're not voting. I remembered thinking, "Millennials. So steadfast that they can't see the Forest for the Trees. They'll be the first to cry when Trump is elected." And they were. Black people, we're no better. We did not show up for Hillary like for Obama. Which is fine. Lord knows I didn't vote for her either but then we cry, "How did this racist get into office." With voting and ballots, ect. Same as any election.
And now the party is scrambling. "Let's put Kamala Harris out there. Let's put Beto out there. We need the cool factor." Just run on a platform and talk to the people. All of the people.
I had a saying during the last election's primaries. I would say, "Hillary can't beat Trump. Sanders could beat Trump but Sanders can't beat Hillary so Trump is your next President." It would blow peoples minds but it came to be. And this was early on in the primaries when few thought Trump would even get the nod. It was plain as day. I'm not some clairvoyant. I'm just social. I go out. I talk to people. I have many friends from different walks of life. And I listened to what covers brothers had to say. I knew Trump would win based on how many hardcore liberals I knew who loved Bernie and hated Hillary. I've many times, on this site, recalled conversations with absentee ballot holders, in swing states, who said they refuse to vote for Hillary. If Bernie doesn't get the nod, they're not voting. I remembered thinking, "Millennials. So steadfast that they can't see the Forest for the Trees. They'll be the first to cry when Trump is elected." And they were. Black people, we're no better. We did not show up for Hillary like for Obama. Which is fine. Lord knows I didn't vote for her either but then we cry, "How did this racist get into office." With voting and ballots, ect. Same as any election.
And now the party is scrambling. "Let's put Kamala Harris out there. Let's put Beto out there. We need the cool factor." Just run on a platform and talk to the people. All of the people.
Back to Bernie. His shtick is so 4 years ago. His time is passed. I don't think he can win now. And to your point about Hillary not being willing to fight back. Personally, I think it's all rigged. And maybe Trump wasn't even in on it but Hillary sure was. She never tried to win. Meanwhile an outsider like Bernie, poor naive Bernie, didn't know that he never even had a chance. The party never intended on him getting the nod. He could've actually won. The plan was for it to be Hillary and for her to lose. How else do you explain how poorly she campaigned?
Back to Bernie. His shtick is so 4 years ago. His time is passed. I don't think he can win now. And to your point about Hillary not being willing to fight back. Personally, I think it's all rigged. And maybe Trump wasn't even in on it but Hillary sure was. She never tried to win. Meanwhile an outsider like Bernie, poor naive Bernie, didn't know that he never even had a chance. The party never intended on him getting the nod. He could've actually won. The plan was for it to be Hillary and for her to lose. How else do you explain how poorly she campaigned?
Well said Stu. I did not vote for her either. They were both awful candidates but lower voter turnout always favors republicans. If the dems get their shit together, they will steamroll Repubs in 2020. No cheating, no collusion, just a straight up who do the people want vote. Let the games begin and let the best candidate win!
Well said Stu. I did not vote for her either. They were both awful candidates but lower voter turnout always favors republicans. If the dems get their shit together, they will steamroll Repubs in 2020. No cheating, no collusion, just a straight up who do the people want vote. Let the games begin and let the best candidate win!
Yeah so the Republicans will participate in the grandstanding as well bringing border patrol agents, armed forces spouses & political donors.
Do you recall Republican Joe Wilson yelling "You lie" to President O?
The shoe is on the other foot tonight.
Yeah so the Republicans will participate in the grandstanding as well bringing border patrol agents, armed forces spouses & political donors.
Do you recall Republican Joe Wilson yelling "You lie" to President O?
The shoe is on the other foot tonight.
Trump SOTU guests include: family of couple killed by unauthorized immigrant; human trafficking investigator; survivors of Pittsburgh massacre; Alice Johnson; recovering opioid addict; re-hired sawmill employee; child cancer survivor; kid bullied for being named Joshua Trump.
He could care less about any one of these people.
Trump SOTU guests include: family of couple killed by unauthorized immigrant; human trafficking investigator; survivors of Pittsburgh massacre; Alice Johnson; recovering opioid addict; re-hired sawmill employee; child cancer survivor; kid bullied for being named Joshua Trump.
He could care less about any one of these people.
....and Joe the plumber! And the one old black Sherriff.
I'm not echoing your post. I just thought this would be funny.
....and Joe the plumber! And the one old black Sherriff.
I'm not echoing your post. I just thought this would be funny.
Trump has no skill or power to persuade others to see his point of view. Instead he would rather incite people & play to his dwindling uneducated base.
He lacks the patience, integrity, finesse, intelligence, language skills or honesty to address the problems of our country. His hateful rhetoric & fear mongering did not & will not work.
Trump has no skill or power to persuade others to see his point of view. Instead he would rather incite people & play to his dwindling uneducated base.
He lacks the patience, integrity, finesse, intelligence, language skills or honesty to address the problems of our country. His hateful rhetoric & fear mongering did not & will not work.
You sound like Hillary. Tell me more about this basket of deplorables.
You sound like Hillary. Tell me more about this basket of deplorables.
And you are weak. You sit on the fence & fall which ever way the wind blows. The only thing I know you stand for is a wall & that tells me all I need to know about you.
So look in the mirror & you'll see a deplorable.
Now f#ck off
And you are weak. You sit on the fence & fall which ever way the wind blows. The only thing I know you stand for is a wall & that tells me all I need to know about you.
So look in the mirror & you'll see a deplorable.
Now f#ck off
Why should congress agree contention divisive disparage we vs them???? Keep it going cause good people might have a chance otherwise.... het back to a house divided..... or maybe us small people might have a bit of happiness and f u for making me hope again.....
Why should congress agree contention divisive disparage we vs them???? Keep it going cause good people might have a chance otherwise.... het back to a house divided..... or maybe us small people might have a bit of happiness and f u for making me hope again.....
It wasn't bad but wasn't great either. Trump was a good sport but he didn't really convince anyone across the aisle to see his point of view. The whole socialism schtick about Venezuela was lowbrow and disingenuous. America already has many socialist policies and the whole we love freedom schtick was absolute garbage.
It's going to be a long two years.
It wasn't bad but wasn't great either. Trump was a good sport but he didn't really convince anyone across the aisle to see his point of view. The whole socialism schtick about Venezuela was lowbrow and disingenuous. America already has many socialist policies and the whole we love freedom schtick was absolute garbage.
It's going to be a long two years.
Look you little b*tch. I'm maybe one of the few people on this site that stands for anything. One of the few who thinks for themselves. Everyone else follows a party line. And you don't even debate political issues. It's just, "Trump bad!" "No Trump good!" To that, I would look like i'm on the fence, because I take every individual issue and form my own opinions about each. I don't let a political party decide how I feel for me. You forget though. I'm from California. I know plenty of old white people like you. You think your way is unequivocally right. And if you disagree, it's because you're uneducated. You're the people who thought Hillary couldn't lose whoss heads exploded when she did. Look at how you blew up on me. Did I disrespect you? All I said was you sound like Hillary. And you do. The mistake you both make is assuming that only the uneducated support Trump. Or the racists. You marginalize an entire segment lf the population. And news flash: that doesn't work in an election. That coupled with how gawd awfully unlikable she is are the reasons she lost. Not Russians. Thems the facts, boy. So you can insult me if it helps you sleep at night. It matters not to me because you're old and I know when Trumps reelected, you're gonna have a heart attack. And i'm gonna have a Macallan's and a rail.
p.s. This is a free country, a free site, and nature's thread. You have no cause to tell me to f*ck off. Just think. A grown man having an internet tantrum. And i'm a deplorable.
Look you little b*tch. I'm maybe one of the few people on this site that stands for anything. One of the few who thinks for themselves. Everyone else follows a party line. And you don't even debate political issues. It's just, "Trump bad!" "No Trump good!" To that, I would look like i'm on the fence, because I take every individual issue and form my own opinions about each. I don't let a political party decide how I feel for me. You forget though. I'm from California. I know plenty of old white people like you. You think your way is unequivocally right. And if you disagree, it's because you're uneducated. You're the people who thought Hillary couldn't lose whoss heads exploded when she did. Look at how you blew up on me. Did I disrespect you? All I said was you sound like Hillary. And you do. The mistake you both make is assuming that only the uneducated support Trump. Or the racists. You marginalize an entire segment lf the population. And news flash: that doesn't work in an election. That coupled with how gawd awfully unlikable she is are the reasons she lost. Not Russians. Thems the facts, boy. So you can insult me if it helps you sleep at night. It matters not to me because you're old and I know when Trumps reelected, you're gonna have a heart attack. And i'm gonna have a Macallan's and a rail.
p.s. This is a free country, a free site, and nature's thread. You have no cause to tell me to f*ck off. Just think. A grown man having an internet tantrum. And i'm a deplorable.
And the funny thing is, i'm not even a Trump guy. He's done a bunch I don't agree with. He's done some things I do agree with. That's what it feels like to think for yourself. As far as the reality show bullshyt. "He's sexist! He's racist!" For one, it's pure conjecture. Two, it doesn't rock my world. And it only bothers you because he's a republican. What I know, as a black man, is the world is racist. Bill Clinton, who the media had the nerve to knight the first black president because he could play a f*cking saxophone, was probably as racist as Trump is accused to be. He is from Arkansas. We know for fact he's a womanizer. I don't let a political party, or the media, think for me. Or get me gas'd up over some bullsh*t. So Trump is so shady and terrible? Show me a f*cking politician who isn't.
And the funny thing is, i'm not even a Trump guy. He's done a bunch I don't agree with. He's done some things I do agree with. That's what it feels like to think for yourself. As far as the reality show bullshyt. "He's sexist! He's racist!" For one, it's pure conjecture. Two, it doesn't rock my world. And it only bothers you because he's a republican. What I know, as a black man, is the world is racist. Bill Clinton, who the media had the nerve to knight the first black president because he could play a f*cking saxophone, was probably as racist as Trump is accused to be. He is from Arkansas. We know for fact he's a womanizer. I don't let a political party, or the media, think for me. Or get me gas'd up over some bullsh*t. So Trump is so shady and terrible? Show me a f*cking politician who isn't.
Slim no matter how the media spins this we saw Trump embrace the men who destroyed the Aryans we saw Trump rail against socialism and we watched Pelosi checking her notes in her white jackets platoon embrace dixiexrats.... I am so proud of you for leaving the plantation owners who want you on your knees begging for food stamps I'm crying now..... god bless America and the capilists willing to gamble to make this country the greatest nation on earth....
Slim no matter how the media spins this we saw Trump embrace the men who destroyed the Aryans we saw Trump rail against socialism and we watched Pelosi checking her notes in her white jackets platoon embrace dixiexrats.... I am so proud of you for leaving the plantation owners who want you on your knees begging for food stamps I'm crying now..... god bless America and the capilists willing to gamble to make this country the greatest nation on earth....
To me.... the best part of The Presidents' address was when he said :
"Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt
socialism in our country," ..... "America was founded on liberty and
independence -- not government coercion, domination and control.
We are born free, and we will stay free."
Then,,President Trump vowed that "America will never be a socialist country,"
To me.... the best part of The Presidents' address was when he said :
"Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt
socialism in our country," ..... "America was founded on liberty and
independence -- not government coercion, domination and control.
We are born free, and we will stay free."
Then,,President Trump vowed that "America will never be a socialist country,"
To me.... the best part of The Presidents' address was when he said :
"Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt
socialism in our country," ..... "America was founded on liberty and
independence -- not government coercion, domination and control.
We are born free, and we will stay free."
Then,,President Trump vowed that "America will never be a socialist country,"
To me.... the best part of The Presidents' address was when he said :
"Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt
socialism in our country," ..... "America was founded on liberty and
independence -- not government coercion, domination and control.
We are born free, and we will stay free."
Then,,President Trump vowed that "America will never be a socialist country,"
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