Quote Originally Posted by Dsn150:
I'll answer this one...
I think there are 2 genders.
I think marriage is between a man and a woman.
I want to pay as little as possible in taxes, to fund the government as minimally as possible-
I believe in personal responsibility and accountability-
I don't care what you choose to do with your life- just don't send me the bill-
I'll take care of myself and my family- you do the same-
I need the federal government for very little beyond defense- I would prefer my taxes be on a local level...
You seem to want all the benefits of living in this society without any of the downside...which is impractical and selfish.
I share some of your opinions inside my house and there alone, I live in a society where there are other viewpoints, other sexual preferences for people and all these people live, breathe and exist here and they deserve the same rights and freedoms you do.
I dont care about same sex marriage, it has no bearing on me personally and I know many many people who are same sex partners and I view them the same as I view you or me or anyone...it means nothing to me so my view is if the union exists inside the law and they are living a more fulfilling life, what else matters?
Funding government on minimal taxes is impossible, you cannot live in a large society and want to stand on your little plot of land and not exist, you benefit from the government in many many ways and you cannot quantify that benefit and put a price on it...and the odds are HIGH that as you age you will start taking more proportionally than you do now and your narrow viewpoint will modify (exactly the same thinking my inlaws have and as they have become net takers on society their opinions have changed).
You cannot force a standard of living or course of action on someone else...so you taking care of your family is nice and congrats for that but you live in a society where you cannot force others to behave a certain way, yet you live amongst them and so you are connected to them and everyone in society shares this connection and responsibility. I am not thrilled with how some people take more than they give and take advantage...but I am for sure smart enough to understand the concept of living in a large society and the downsides of doing so.
You cannot pull the Texas viewpoint and this local schtick for the exact reason Texas cannot...you benefit from more than a LOCAL perspective by living in a large society...so unless you want to lose all the benefits of living in said society you will pay for that opportunity and it does not mean you can alienate yourself and yet take from the larger union. If you want to live as you are describing this for sure is not the country you should live in and it has never been that place. I do not think the place you want to live exists with the benefits and opportunities you receive with no downside or flaws..
We had this discussion a long while back and your logic is flawed, you are obviously not understanding that the standard and quality of life you have is because of this society...you earn what you do because of this society, you have interstate roads and transport, you have a national electric grid and telecommunications, you have a beautiful country with many freedoms because of the society you live...with all its flaws and shortcomings, your life is better because of all the states and federal government..you cant pick and choose like you want, it is implausible and flawed in logic and you already know all this.