Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:
You are making assumptions all over the place and are wanting the benefit of the society to YOU without any responsibility or cost.
I dont know what your profession is but I guarantee you if your local state whatever it is were to be its own island and not have any interaction, inter connectivity, no possible way for you to conduct commerce outside your local "country" your salary and standard of living would be dramatically different.
You do understand that the reason you live as you do, that you make money as you do, that you get to use your cell phone, tv, your car, your healthcare, your food sources etc etc etc are all because of this society that you do not want to contribute to?
The US as a society has many many flaws and many takers, no question about it....but even with all the flaws, the taxation, the squandering of money our country is still superior as to freedoms and standard of living especially for those outside the poverty zone.
If you are worried about education of your kids, how about YOU educate at home before they get any education at school? As a parent we have been educating from birth and being in front of what our kiddo sees at school and teaching that what we feel is important and what we value might not be what others do and that is OK...do not judge and think badly about others who are different. Our kiddo has MANY friends who have called themselves to be LGBT and the schools here discuss things with parent permission and I am not afraid of my kiddo learning about others who are different...I welcome it. If your kids know they can come to you and you wont judge them or make them feel awkward then you can tell them pretty much anything and they will learn and find out for themselves.
I do not fear that teaching about LGBT in schools has ANY impact on what my kiddo decides is best in their life, plus if that is the inclination I most positively do not want them to try and suppress it and live a miserable life trying to deny what their feelings are...but then again you do not get taught about feelings and what is in your mind and soul from some educator in school.
I'm not a "We are a village" kind of guy...
I think I'm on solid ground when I say I pay much more into the "system" than I receive...
It is a typical liberal argument to say that those who are successful only were able because of the structure already in place-
I could make as much, if not more by moving- so it isn't a static case- so, in my mind, not valid-
As far as school- all of my kids (thus far) are homeschooled- the younger ones still debating-
Two older ones- one is aerospace engineer at NASA- second grad from lib arts premed- med school next year..
So, I agree- educate at home- but why should anyone's kid be exposed to sexual deviancy?