Quote Originally Posted by 165yds:
It wasn't just one seat it was what it represented. Why do you think the media is covering only this special election and not the other 3 the Republicans won? There was a reason why most elections spend 1.3 million on average and over 50 million was spent on this.
This was a district the Dems were hoping to get which is white, college educated and has money. Again they failed. Without these type of voters they can't win in 2018 and they know it. What about the all of the good eligible democrats who may run, if they would have won they could have said look at what we did here. Now those Democrats will go no where near a red district only securing existing Repub seats in Congress.
What about Ryan who is the real winner. Those in Congress can now relax and Ryan can say Trump won't hurt you in 2018 if you push Healthcare. Now Ryan can push whatever and sell Trump to those in Congress. Those Republicans could have said no to Trump and gone their own way and passed nothing through Congress because they were scared in 2018. Now they don't have to because of this important victory.
I could go on and on but this wasn't just one seat. It meant so much more politically and now they GOP can get back to work for the American people.

This entire thread exemplifies the difference between two parties and the way we "conduct ourselves."
OP starts with TRUMP BACKLASH in title, warns everyone that this is KEY battle to winning the war and why(oops how did that work out for ya') and attacks everyone who might have a different viewpoint. This is exactly what's wrong right now in this nation. Someone unbalanced, unhinged, enraged, and emotional about the POTUS and everything he does. All because he has an R not a D next to his name. I'm like TRUMP..Conservative on some things, very open minded on others.He is going to surprise everybody and I think he's smart enough to realize he MUST begin working with DEMS in the very near future (ie IMMIGRATION in 2018)
I suggest most of us should just sit back and see where all the cards fall. DJT is in a very tough position having to preside over a great nation that a community organizer successfully DIVIDED. That's the FACT! We are split by $$$, race, and now more than ever, AGES.. The world is changing so fast with technology, that luckily, IVANKA and Jarod (DJT's liberal youngon's)are all over it.Did you hear all the TECH CEO's praising their meeting with them Monday?? It was unreal.Silicon Valley actually praising Trump? WTF!! Thank God!!
THE GOP now has a mandate and hopefully, they don't do foolish things(again, this closed door healthplan reeks terribly but they're just doing same thing DEMS did with OBAMACARE)
MR SCAL, I thoroughly enjoy reading your BB and all your FB handicapping threads and your factual reasonings..but..here in this thread YOU COULD not be more wrong. Your reasonings were wrong, you encouraged everyone to get the best odds while lowest, and shamed others who you disagreed with. Especially those with valid supporting arguments. Then you come back in here and bash us. I didn't reply to your attacks. I just stated this election was being overblown by folks who I described above. And then you blame it on, among other excuses, "rain"

You should be ashamed

Hopefully, someday, folks like you will be tolerant, open minded, and learn from others. That's why I enjoy coming in this forum. Most of the left leaning posters I've learned that I have to be open and understand where they are coming from. I just disagree and won't even begin to debate with (like you). It's not worth it.I know some folks here feel the same way towards me but oh well.....they don't live my life, I do..

Look forward to your threads this fall and sincerely hope you don't have hard feelings cuz I don't... REmember, it's all about the $$.